There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 593: Godfather, are you going to lead the battlefield?

"It's no problem to lead it out, but how to lead it out?"

"Those humans are very cunning and will not be easily fooled."

They lured the human race out to kill everyone, and everyone was willing to do so, so there was basically no loss.

Caught off guard, even if the ninth level is difficult to kill, there will be no exceptions.

"We spent a lot of effort to lure one out, but what about the second one?"

If you kill one, the second one will definitely be alert, and then this trick will no longer work.

"There are actually quite a few ninth realms in the human race, and everyone has seen the succession of personalities. I think it's better to do this."

The Golden Horns thought of a way: "If the human race wants to expand, the territory within their own territory will definitely not be enough. They will definitely go out to explore for resources."

"We directly increase our efforts to surround the human race. Although we cannot jointly attack, there is nothing wrong with defending our own territory, right?"


Lu Gu clapped his hands: "As long as they dare to expand, it won't be us fighting in groups, but the human race itself provoking them. Then we will have reason to fight back."

"As a result, the human race has changed from a thorn in our eyes and a thorn in our flesh to a turtle in a urn, a trapped beast."

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!"

He admired the Golden Horn Clan very much: "We still need to move around more in the future."

The venerable Golden Horn Clan was overjoyed. He was now on the line with the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan.

Even though they are all in the ninth realm now, when they reach the upper limit of their realm, they may only be the lower limit of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan.

He is now in the ninth realm, and Lu Gu is also in the ninth realm. But if there were no restrictions from heaven, they would have no chance to stand together.

The leader of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan was someone he needed to look up to.

"Thank you, patriarch!"

He was very excited: "I will go back and send someone to take care of the human settlement."

The other tribes also bowed their hands and said goodbye. Behind Lu Gu, Lu Jingzhe slowly walked up.

"A group of small tribesmen, just a few promises are enough for them to beg for mercy."

He looked down upon these races at all: "Father, I want to go into seclusion."

"Are you... going to do it?"

Lu Gu was pleasantly surprised: "I knew that the good boy Fu Chong is no weaker than others."

"I just want to polish it a little more finely, plus I was cheated on it some time ago, damn it!"

He clenched his fists: "Don't let me find out what race they are!"

Everything is calm on the human side.

However, the monks in the high realm are obviously more active in moving around. The monks in the ninth realm usually come in rotation because they have to achieve enlightenment.

At the edge of the human settlement, there is an endless salt lake.

Underneath the turquoise shallow water is pure white natural mineral salt. When no one is stirring, the salt lake reflects the blue sky like a mirror.

Such beautiful scenery attracts many people to watch and take photos.

But for some people, they are completely disgusted by such a scenery, and even feel scared and sick when they see it.

They were criminals who had committed serious crimes, so they were assigned to dig salt.

Without any protective measures, once the wounds appear on the prisoners, they will never heal.

Many people's ears have been corroded by salt water and they cannot hear, and their eyes also have major problems.

"Nosebleed again."

One person wiped his nose, and the salt water corroded the nasal mucosa, causing edema and ulceration. The blood dyed the salt lake at his feet red.

They tied their eyes with cloth strips, leaving only a small gap exposed. This was to avoid snow blindness due to the reflection of snow and salt.

"Have you heard? It seems like there's going to be a war here."

An old man endured the pain caused by ulcerated hands and feet and said: "I saw the news. The army is going to expand here. It is said that it will completely destroy the Salt Lake."

"What about expansion? Can we still be released after serving our sentences?"

Another person mocked that they had to pay for their mistakes. This was not the death penalty, but being tortured every day was more uncomfortable than the death penalty.

"What if we can rest for a few days?"

The old man said with hope that he had not rested for decades and had almost forgotten what it felt like.

It just keeps repeating, repeating, repeating every day.

"Wait a moment!"

Someone suddenly screamed: "Look at which side of the salt lake, is there something approaching?"

They looked into the distance and saw a huge shadow walking towards them.

Getting closer and closer, it was clearly a giant.

"The ancient tribe is coming!"

I don't know who shouted, and the place immediately became chaotic.

They fled in the opposite direction like crazy, but before they had taken a few steps, the giant had already entered the salt lake.

The Salt Lake people actually did not have a clear planning area. At this time, when the ancient people appeared, the water level immediately rose a lot.

The lake water, along with the rolling salt sand, immediately formed a water wall more than ten meters high, drawing the mortals into the bottom of the lake wave after wave.

The "Woo" sound sounded, and the human race's disaster alarm sounded loudly, and this matter soon reached the ears of the higher-ups.

"These ancient tribes are so good at taking advantage of loopholes!"

Chen Jin frowned. The Salt Lake did not belong to the human race. They had not conquered it yet, but because there were no other ancient races nearby, they defaulted to it for the time being.

Unexpectedly, the ancient tribe suddenly launched an attack.

"More than 166,300 prisoners died in this attack. One hundred and sixty-six supervisors also died in the line of duty. Li Dawei, a fifth-level transcendent in custody, also died."

"There is also a loss of 500 million tons of raw salt ore. Including other equipment, mechas, transport vehicles, transport aircraft, etc., the total value is 126 billion black coins."

Listening to the report, the leaders had angry faces on their faces. “The ancient tribe is so courageous!”

Die Yunfei's palms were deeply embedded in the table. He didn't care about the pain. The ancient clan was really hateful.

Let alone the death row prisoners, the others are serious citizens of the Federation, so the loss is too great.

"How do you say that?" Qu Heng's eyes flickered: "After fighting for so long, the ancient clan already knows the strength of our human clan."

"They are so provocative, and with the breakthrough of the ninth realm, I'm afraid they are coming with bad intentions."

From his strategic perspective, this attack was probably not an accident, but the beginning of a war.

"Of course the person who came here is evil."

Die Yunfei sighed: "You have not experienced those dark years. Every breakthrough of our human race will kill and injure a large number of people."

"To be honest, I was mentally prepared when the ninth realm was broken through, but now my emotions are still not stable."

"Besides, at this juncture, I have to meet my standards."

He cannot give support in the next battle. If he falls behind too much, the future will be even more difficult.

"Commander-in-Chief, you can't participate in this war?"

Qu Heng didn't expect this, and the others also looked at him with surprise.

"It won't work. Someone is chasing me. If I drag it any longer, I won't be able to close it."

Die Yunfei was helpless, "I know this is very irresponsible, but when it comes to spiritual practice, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

"Commander-in-Chief, you have temporarily stepped back. How can we operate this huge human race?"

Zhang Han expressed concern in a message: "We in Baihu City are okay, but who of the old commanders and generals like Mian City, Jia City, Mu Yun, etc. can be mobilized?"

The human race is now very large, with a large number of people and a vast territory, so once a war breaks out, it is easy for them to become scattered.

Each one plays his own role, support, logistics, etc., is a big problem.

"We need a core director."

Shen Qinghe said bluntly: "You are a space transcendent, most suitable to be the hub of war, but who should we look for now that you have withdrawn?"

"How are you?" Die Yunfei looked at him: "You used to be the one who told the truth in Baihu City."

"You also said that was before."

Shen Qinghe confessed in front of Mu Yun, Bai Di and others: "We used to be basically the talkers of the same city. If I asked you to make some choices, would you be willing?"

"Can you do what is forbidden?"

Can? No, everyone knows it.

"You guys talk." Han Li stood up and said, "I'm not a talker."

Everyone looked at him. This man was too stubborn and had been hiding behind the scenes, so he was telling the truth.

"I do have a candidate."

Lin Tian slowly stood up.

"Brother Whip, sit down, I know who you want to say."

Die Yunfei sighed: "He won't agree. He just patted his ass and walked away so many times before. Who will be responsible for this battle that hasn't happened yet?"

Lin Tian sat down, his sister was right, how could Brother Xian take part in such a battle?

If he was asked to fight with the ancient tribe, there might be some hope.


At this time, Chen Jin stood up from his seat: "I'm going to ask my father about this matter and see if he can do it."

I almost forgot that there was Chen Banxian's goddaughter at this meeting.

Die Yunfei was very touched. She was indeed his niece. She already had the demeanor of a general at this time.


"So, you're going to sell me now?"

On Mount Everest, Chen Banxian took a bite of kidney and meat and looked at Chen Jin dumbfounded.

No matter how hard he calculated, he never expected to be stabbed in the back by his own daughter.

"Dad, I have issued a military order, and I promise you to take command."

Chen Jin shook his arm stiffly, not used to this coquettish way.

She secretly went to see Xiaoxue. This was the method taught to her by the priest of Mount Everest.

"Besides, if Uncle Die Yunfei is qualified, we can't just leave him to do such a big thing, right? How about you take over for the time being and then retire when the time comes?"

"It's just a temporary replacement, it shouldn't be too tiring."

Chen Banxian thought slowly, and he had to say that Xiao Jinzi's coquettishness was really useful to him.

"Okay, okay, tell them, I'll try it tomorrow."

Chen Banxian really couldn't shirk it, so he finalized the charter.

"Yeah! Thank you godfather!"

Chen Jin cheered, "I want to tell them the news right away!"

She quickly left a silhouette behind her, making Chen Banxian's eyes gentle.

"Natural coquettishness is the cutest."

He walked to the forest on the side and gritted his teeth and said: "Xiaoxue, you will die if you don't come up with bad ideas every day, right?"

Xiaoxue was enjoying herself while watching the play, but she didn't expect the protagonist to suddenly walk towards him.


Xiaoxue exclaimed, "I have nothing to do with the rain!"

“Surf less online every day!”

(End of this chapter)

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