After beating Xiao Xue Bao, Chen Banxian began to tidy up his appearance.

After all, it is somewhat inappropriate to wear your hair and a gown every day when you have to go to public places.

The hair needs to be cut, it can’t be so long, the suit...

He went to look for a suit from more than a thousand years ago and found that it was already too small.

Moreover, the fabric is aging and will become damaged if you pull it.

But his focus is clearly not on the fabric.

"I've grown taller, hehe, I'm 1.81 meters tall!"

In addition to these, some accessories should be added, such as watches and hairpins.

Hmm... let's cut our hair short, no need for hairpins.

The main reason is that it is easier to take care of your hair when you go out when you have long hair. Short hair tends to cause frizz when you wake up the next day.

First go find someone to cut your hair.

Chen Banxian first wanted to go to the barber shop, but after thinking about it, he decided to do it himself.

Later, if a hair directly crushes the crust, there will be problems.

Trimming it with the techniques he remembered, Chen Banxian had not seen his short hair for thousands of years, and suddenly he looked in the mirror:

"Hey why are you so handsome?"

On the second day, before Chen Banxian took office, the conference room was already in chaos.

"Chen Jin really convinced that person?"

"Damn it, this thing seems like a fantasy to me."

"Stop talking about you. I'm very panicked right now. I'm afraid he will come up and chop me."

The person who spoke made everyone look at him.

"Why are you looking at me? Aren't you afraid of being chopped?"

He looked slightly panicked: "Don't tell me you're not greedy for something."

"You're done."

Someone said in a gloomy tone: "That person has the highest authority in the quantum system, and even the round table cannot remove him."

"Whatever he wants to know, it's all a matter of words."

This made the man's face turn pale and his mouth tasted bitter.

"Oh my god, this is a dream. Why did he suddenly come to take office?"

"Brother, don't worry. As long as it's not harmful to nature, it's just a fine."

Zhang Han persuaded him: "And this time he is mainly mobilizing war, so it is not a big problem."

"Still a dream."

The priests sighed, especially those who had some issues with Chen Banxian, and their expressions were not very natural at this time.

If you haven't been chopped by him, you really don't know how terrifying he is.

"The time is coming, please keep your voice down."

Xu Changfeng quietly put away his mobile phone: "To be honest with you, according to my understanding, I think the big boss may have been listening to the corner near us."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a deathly silence in the conference room.

"Go on, I haven't heard enough yet."

Chen Banxian activated the treasure obtained from Empress Yinglang and appeared next to the money-grubbing priest.

"Hey, long time no see, you're so cowardly."

"Yan Xin, check for me how greedy this guy is."

He really wants to settle accounts!

The priest's mouth became even more bitter, and soon Lan Yanxin burst out a number.

"16.2 billion black coins."

"so little?"

Chen Banxian was surprised and turned to look at him.

"I thought there were seven or eight zeros added at the end, but it turned out to be just over 16 billion."

This tone made the priest feel relieved.

But Chen Banxian's next words almost made him collapse.

“One black coin per word, go back and write a 16.2 billion-word review by hand.”


At this moment, the climate in the conference room became warmer, and everyone recalled the fear of being dominated.

16.2 billion words of review! Still writing by hand, doesn’t it cost lives?

They looked at the priest sympathetically.

"Okay, let's not talk about these digressions. Let's discuss the recent affairs of the ancient clan."

Chen Banxian finally got to the point: "I have seen the Salt Lake incident. In fact, the ancient tribes are not to blame for this, but we ourselves are to blame."

The atmosphere in the conference room gradually became colder. When it comes to things about the human race, everyone will not joke.

Chen Banxian pressed the map with his fingertips: "I have a question. Why are there no obvious signs on the recovered Tutu land? Why did they not declare it to Heaven, but allowed it to have a "buffer zone"?"

He glanced down: "Can anyone give me a reason?"

Although he asked in a calm tone, those eyes were too oppressive, and the light in them seemed to burn them.

No one said anything, and everyone knew that this was indeed a failure of their system.

"Since no one is talking, go back and mark the territory. Is that okay?"

After finishing speaking, Chen Banxian continued: "Second point, who is patrolling the Ninth Realm now? Did you come to the meeting?"

"He did not participate."

Mu Yun raised his hand and said, "Maybe because I'm busy."

"who is it?"

Chen Banxian asked two words, and the temperature in the conference room immediately dropped several points.

Mo Muyun opened his lips, that was his person.

But he still said: "Dong Sandi." "What a stupid name?" Chen Banxian looked into the distance and said:

"If you don't come to my meeting, you're looking down on me. He didn't notice the appearance of the ancient clan in time this time, which is even worse."

In the blink of an eye, he saw Dong Sandi's position.

"Good guy, you're still having barbecue? You're in a good mood."

When Chen Banxian said this calmly, it meant that someone was going to be in trouble.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Dong Sandi's neck, draining away time and space.


He pushed back slightly, and one person was caught by him. He still had the barbecue stuck in his throat. He had difficulty breathing in an instant and his cheeks turned red.

Not only his physical body, but his soul was also caught and unable to move.

Dong Sandi used his divine light to save himself from his predicament, but he mistakenly overestimated his own strength.

The divine light dissipated in front of Chen Banxian, extinguished in an instant, and was more fragile than a candle flame.

If you don't face this person directly, you won't know how terrifying he is.

The soul is suffocated, the body is about to collapse, and the Tao Yun is dying.

Seeing that he was about to die, Ninth couldn't help but said: "Commander, if you pinch him any more, he will die."

"It's a good time to die. You can kill the chicken to scare the monkeys."

But Chen Banxian finally let go of his hand, and Dong Sandi suddenly gasped and coughed on the ground.

He felt that he had really walked around the gate of hell, and looked at the person in front of him in shock.

He was a being in the ninth realm, yet he was subdued without any room for resistance?

The feeling of being unable to move and watching oneself being devoured is so terrifying.

"Remember how it feels now."

Chen Banxian was telling him and everyone present: "Any problems that arise within the human race when you are on duty are related to you, so don't let me be careless."

He looked at Dong Sandi coldly: "If it weren't for the fact that it takes too much time to cultivate a ninth-level figure, and the human race is indeed short of people now, you would be dead, do you understand?"

Dong Sandi nodded in horror, breaking out in cold sweat.

"Stand while you're at it."

Chen Banxian opened the map: "Why is our territory currently in an irregular shape?"

He looked at this area, which was full of pits. Some places had more, some had less. There were external areas that penetrated very far into the interior of their human race, and there were also areas where they broke into the ancient clan's residence alone.

"Commander-in-Chief, this is because we have fought through many battles, big and small, and some have lost and some have won."

Bai Di explained in a low voice: "The protruding part is the result of our blitzkrieg, but the recessed part is the enemy...

"The enemy's blitzkrieg, right?" Chen Banxian said it for him and then went to see Dong Sandi again.

"If you take some responsibility, others will never have a chance to blitz."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the map and frowned.

"These places will become the breakthrough point for the ancient tribe."

He locked onto it almost at a glance: "If the Ancient Clan comes, the saws for unwinding the line will be quickly stretched, and our defense power will be extremely dispersed."

"What should I do, don't you want it?"

Lin Tian spoke, and Chen Banxian glared at him.

"Yes! But we have to find another way."

He drew a large circle on the map, with the most prominent point as the boundary.

"I am the commander-in-chief now, right?" He raised his head and asked everyone.

Everyone nods. This person will be on fire as soon as he takes office. Who dares to object at this time?

"Well, let all the soldiers prepare and strive to capture these remaining places within one day!"

His words made everyone dumbfounded.

"This won't work!" Qu Heng said immediately: "Once the ancient tribe counterattacks, we will not have any chance to evacuate, and we may suffer huge losses by then."

"I said yes, that's all."

Lines of fate intertwined in Chen Banxian's eyes: "Commander Qu Heng, you are a person, but I think you are old."

He looked at everyone: "Whoever doesn't want to can quit, I won't stop him."

quit? Resigning from the leadership of the human race?

Everyone's eyes are different, some are worried, some are worried, some are uneasy, and some are trusting.

"I believe in the commander-in-chief!"

Xu Changfeng said: "You may not know this, but I have personally experienced it. There are never any surprises in the commander-in-chief's eyes."

He gave a reminder: "Everyone, this person proposed the plan of Nine Cities to go to the Eastern Wasteland. In terms of strategic vision and direction of the situation, who dares to say that it can beat it?"

His words are undoubtedly a strong support for Chen Banxian, and Chen Jin is also a flag-bearer. This is not a blind obedience, but because she knows Aigwei's fortune-telling ability.

Even if Aigwei is so powerful, she is often not as prepared as Chen Banxian.

Godfather is really amazing.

Chen Banxian looked down and Ninth also raised his hand, followed by more and more people expressing their agreement.

When more than half of the vote was reached, he immediately terminated the vote.

"Go down and prepare. The general attack will begin at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning!"

The corner of his mouth curled up: "Ancient tribe? I haven't done anything for a long time. You probably never thought that you would have a 3. If you do it yourself, you would be the best, right?"

Even in his dreams, Lu Gu never knew that one of their temptations would lead to a major counterattack from the human race, and he was still complacent at this time.

"I sent my men to stop there, and the lake swallowed up those ants."

The venerable Golden Horn tribe laughed: "This is just the beginning, let them have a taste, wait for them to get used to it, and then give them a big one in two days."

"It's amazing. I feel sick looking at these humans. After killing a few of them, I feel better."

Fu Chong raised his wine glass: "Here's to the golden horn."

"Thank you, Patriarch Lu!" Venerable Golden Horn quickly stood up and returned the courtesy, keeping his posture very low.

(End of this chapter)

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