There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 595 Another war against the ancient tribe

Early the next morning, the roar of human dragons resounded throughout the earth.

With violent explosions and flames, the newly stabilized human race launched a counterattack against the ancient race!

At this time, the ancient tribe was still sleeping, or practicing, to absorb the pure Yang Qi between heaven and earth.

The giant standing in the salt lake also closed his eyes. He was here to challenge the human race. The great master of the ninth realm was protecting him behind him to keep him safe.

but! When the Mao hour came, thirty-six stone doors flew from the sky and surrounded him.


The stone gates trembled at each other, and the terrible Tao rhymes were passed back and forth, trying to beat him into powder.

"Ancestor, save me!"

The giant shouted for help, and his voice echoed in the stone door, becoming more and more terrifying and turning into a weapon against him.

The sound could not be transmitted at all.

The giant is frightened, is he going to die?

No, it's impossible. His ancestor is a strong man in the ninth realm, and he can be there immediately if the wind blows.

Sure enough, even though his voice didn't spread, it was still noticed by the ancestors of the giant clan.

"Who dares to hurt my junior?"

He quickly arrived and punched to destroy the stone gate, wanting to break everything with one blow and let the humans see what he was worth.

He is the Ninth Realm of Great Perfection!

Even if they haven't completely recovered to their peak, it's enough to deal with these human beings who have just entered the ninth realm.

However, the stone gate was stronger than he imagined. It was vibrating at high speed, directly transmitting his strength to the giant, and indirectly killing the giant instantly.

"Haha, your ancestor did a great job."

Hai Dongsheng stood on the water, and with a move of his fingers, the stone gate surrounded the ancestor.

"You ant are so brave!"

Riding on the support to reveal its figure, it is a giant with a size of one hundred feet.

Although he may not look big, his cultivation level is truly terrifying in the ninth level.

Taking advantage of the help to move and avoid the encirclement, he came to the sky and said angrily: "I want your human race to die!"

"Do you dare to fight me?" Hai Dongsheng said, but the stone gate pushed out and surrounded the salt lake.

"God's way, this place should be our human race's territory. If the ancient race enters, it will be a declaration of war."


Chengfu was surprised, Hai Dongsheng forced him to retreat just for such a small territory?

"Are you crazy?" He asked this humble human race, but received a sneer from Hai Dongsheng.

"Am I crazy? You'd better look around before talking."


The sound of artillery fire came from the distance, and someone swore, "This is where our human race is stationed."

If viewed from a high altitude, the human territory is like a spreading flower, completely stretched into a circle.

The most dangerous place has already reached the clan's city.

"This is the land of the Zong clan. The human race must retreat quickly, otherwise we will let you know what the wrath of the Zong clan is!"

Patriarch Lao Feng came out, leaning on a dragon-headed crutch.

His cultivation level is also at the ninth level of Dzogchen, and he is looked down upon by the human race.

It should be noted that there is also a gap between the Ninth Realm, and it is still a huge gap.

He can easily find the flaws of newcomers and kill them with just one hand.

Facing his declaration, a person from the human race walked out, with his hands behind his back, and slowly came to the front of the old clan leader.

He was half a head taller, but he still held his head high and his eyes cast down.

"Tsk, where's the old dog barking? I'm really confused, something bad happened so early in the morning."

"Human race, you are looking for death!"

Such an air of disdain and contempt made Ancestor Zang furious and his beard stood on end.

"How dare you, an ant in the eighth realm, be so arrogant? Today I will make all your cultivation go to waste."

He decisively wanted to take action, but the person taking the college entrance examination didn't even look at him, and looked into the distance, feeling sad.

"I think of me, Fang Ping. I could only look at other people's noses. I never knew what it was like to be at the top of the mountain and see all the small mountains at a glance."

"Now I'm standing at the top, so lonely."

The old patriarch has arrived and suppressed him, and the great avenues of heaven and earth surged in agreement.

As the saying goes, heaven and earth all work together in time, and this world is the world at this time.

"You're just a kid, go to hell!"

But the next second, two bald old abbots appeared in front of Fang Ping.

"Where did the ants dare to hurt my teaching mortal saint?"

They were not just killing the old patriarch and slowly recovering their cultivation. They were already the most powerful people. At this time, their ninth level combat power was fully revealed and they directly pressed the old patriarch to the ground and beat them.

"Ah! I'm so angry!"

The old patriarch roared, causing Fang Ping to finally look at him.

"You're so ugly, but you still have the strength to scream? Beat me to death!"

He completely let out a bad breath and slowly left here with his hands behind his back.

The two old monks are not from the human race on earth, so naturally they are not within the oath of heaven.

Such a situation also occurred within the territory of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan.

The scope of the blitzkrieg was right here, like a steel needle piercing the border of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan. It was almost bordering the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, so it received special care.

It is very difficult to break in. The Fu Zhong Ancient Clan is a big clan. Unlike other small clans that only have one or two Ninth Realm statues, there are four Ninth Realm statues guarding here.

The advantage of numbers disappears instantly, and in terms of defense, the ninth realm cannot be solved by just the number of people. To a certain extent, there is no difference between one ninth realm and ten ninth realms.

Therefore, Chen Banxian came here in person. “Expand me!”

He gave the order coldly, and the mecha army trampled under their feet and the dust flew up, covering the sky and the sun.

"Human race, it's too much."

A Ninth Realm man came out and just snorted coldly before a terrifying avenue hit him.

"You are too old to be in harmony with each other."

Chen Banxian was tepid, and those Taoist rhymes suddenly disappeared.

"You good-blooded human race, how dare you take advantage of my tricks?"

Lu Bu Mie finally took it seriously. He cast the Immortal Light, a great spell named after him.

The light is endless, neither increasing nor decreasing, neither more nor less, everything is swept away into nothingness.

"This deity is in the ninth realm of Dzogchen. He was originally called the Immortal Taoist. Would you like to try another one?"

"Why not, can you still have indigestion?"

Chen Banxian opened his mouth and swallowed, neither increasing nor decreasing? It's just a joke.

In the confrontation with Tao, he did not fall behind at all. Even if he had just entered the Nine Realms and faced off against Dzogchen, he was extremely easy.

"It's not enough to fill my teeth."

His words aroused the anger of the other three Lord Fu Chong.

"As a human being, don't talk big words, and don't be afraid of dying."

"You're about to blow up all the bullshit in the sky, so you better not humiliate yourself."

"Human race, do you have too much hair covering your eyes? I have to cut it for you and give you a mirror so that you can see yourself clearly."

They taunted and used their great magic power to mobilize the low-level monks.

They are unwilling to let the human steel armor army continue to expand.

Playing tricks with him?

Chen Banxian's eyes narrowed: "Hey, give me the mirror. Have you stayed in the Mirror Market for too long? There are so many mirrors that there is no place to put them, right?"

Swearing should be done where it hurts. Chen Banxian’s light words immediately made the four ancient tribesmen furious:

"Human race, you haven't experienced the Great Nirvana yet, so naturally it doesn't hurt to stand and talk. Today I'm going to have a good fight with you and let you know what it means to be afraid!"

He took the initiative to rush towards Chen Banxian, but Chen Banxian's figure suddenly disappeared in the next second.

"What about people?"

These ancient tribesmen were still at a loss, but suddenly an emperor jar put one person in it.

Chen Banxian's figure appeared again: "Fu Chong Ancient Clan? You may be missing one person today."

With a sinister smile on his lips, his divine power continued to penetrate into the emperor's jar, and he continued to draw from it.

"I heard that you insects are all insects themselves. I will try the insect pill today to see how it tastes!"

A Ninth Realm statue was knocked in!

Lu Bu Mie was shocked: "Wait a minute, you are this jar, you are Chen Banxian!"

He recognized it. There was no trace of breath before and he couldn't distinguish Daoyun. Now he saw cold sweat on his forehead.

The human prophet, who fought with Yinglang Empress and escaped, is a truly terrifying figure.

At least they are at the level of the patriarch's pride, and they are not the ones who can make enemies.

"Go to the clan leader quickly!"

An exclamation came from the jar, and a nine-legged white jade insect showed its true appearance.

He was being refined crazily, and the endless Tao Yun was continuously condensed on Chen Banxian.

These Dao Yun were continuously pulled away, turning into a knife that was as wide as a palm and one meter long.

With Dao Ning Dao, what is he going to do?

Lu Bumie's heart was beating wildly, that was an immortal weapon, and they couldn't defeat that jar at all.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, go find the clan leader quickly. Lu Yue and I are here to hold him back."

Lu Bu Mie moved quickly and hid in the Tao.

"You can't kill him!"

He shouted loudly: "The Falcon has already become a member of the Dao. If the Dao is not destroyed, he will never be destroyed!"

It's true, the Hedao realm is very scary. If you want to kill one person, you have to kill one.

This is undoubtedly extremely difficult. Imagine that a person is in a waterway. To kill him, all the waterways need to be wiped out. How difficult would it be, and how terrifying would the consequences be?

"Can't you kill me? Who said I have to kill you?"

Chen Banxian didn't care. What he wanted was not to be killed.

"My jar is very big, and I need your help."

In his words, he had completely drained away the Tao Yun of the Falcon, turning it into a knife that had solidified completely.

At this moment, the two of them were extremely vigilant, fearing that Chen Banxian would chop them down.

But Chen Banxian didn't chop them. Instead, he turned the blade and pointed it at the top of his head.

"With this slash, I will create the path of light and space!"

The knife fell and disappeared without a trace, and a section of Chen Banxian's body was chopped off.

But his momentum is increasing, and his intensity continues to increase. You can see with the naked eye that his strength is much stronger than before!


Chen Banxian loved the feeling of using others to practice. When he looked inside the imperial jar, he saw that the Falcon was as motionless as a dead dog.

You can trap another person without worrying that the person inside will escape after opening the can.

"You have to be careful."

He hugged the jar and suddenly disappeared again.

"Oops, he's trying to trick someone again!"

Lu Bu Mie hurriedly reminded his fellow Taoists: "You must be careful, don't...

"What's wrong?" Chen Banxian stood beside him holding the Emperor's Jar. His fellow Taoist had already fallen into the Emperor's Jar.

Another knife appeared in Chen Banxian's hand. (End of chapter)

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