There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 596: The Immortal Death of the Fu Zhong Tribe

"you you you……"

Lu Bumie was so horrified that he retreated. Is it so easy to kill someone in the Ninth Realm?

People died in the blink of an eye, and even their best efforts were in vain.

Especially the invisible Taoist method. For a moment, you really can't sense anything. This is too terrifying. In the blink of an eye, the fellow Taoists around you have been controlled.

The Dao-turned-knife solidified rapidly, and Chen Banxian then slashed it across his neck.

The sword scattered, and he slashed down another one, his cultivation rising rapidly.

Is that human being?

Lu Bu Mie couldn't believe it. Even the top race didn't have such a scary person, right? What kind of bad luck did the human race have?

Moreover, he had never seen this kind of cultivation method before, and it seemed to be the opposite of the mainstream cultivation method.

"Next, it's your turn."

Chen Banxian disappeared again. He had already experienced the immortality twice. At this time, he directly spread himself to the immortal path in the world.

But before he could completely spread, the Emperor's Jar had already "bitten" the whole piece of heaven and earth, and threw him into the Emperor's Jar for refining along with the heaven and earth.

"No!" Lu Bumie roared in the emperor's jar. He saw that the silent bodies of Lu Falcon and his two Taoist friends had turned into prototypes.

Every trace of the newly born magic power and Taoist charm will be taken away and drained, leaving no trace left.

What is the difference between this and death?

But now, this terrifying power has descended on him.

He looked up in horror and saw Chen Banxian's face looking down at him without any expression.

Indifferent, calm, like... the way of heaven.

And he was a stupid dog. Only then did he realize how terrifying it was for the human race to have such a person.


The imperial jar was closed, and in a moment, a Dao knife condensed.

Three of the four Ninth Realm Great Lords of the Ancient Clan were suppressed in an instant, which is not too shocking to say the least.

Fellow Daoist Yan who escaped back was a member of the Golden Horn tribe. He broke into the palace of the Fu Zhong Ancient Tribe in a piss-poor manner.

"It's not good, Chief Lu, go and save people!"

His voice was loud and resounded throughout the ancient clan, and Lu Gu heard the message immediately.

"what happened?"

He had just finished practicing, and at this moment, his spiritual thoughts recorded all the situations in his mind.

"Bold! The human prophet is so shameless!"

They actually made a surprise attack while he was practicing and even killed three great masters in his clan.

"Ah, reverse my yin and yang!"

He picked up the immortal weapon and quickly left the clan to face Chen Banxian directly.

"Human bastard, come out and die!"

He was so angry that he reversed the yin and yang in the human area.

He wants to turn the human race from life to death, reversing yin and yang.

Will he succeed? Of course it's impossible, he can't turn if the yin and yang are reversed.

The immortal weapon was stimulated, and a figure gradually emerged. He grabbed the yin and yang reversed body of the weapon with one hand and looked at Lu Gu.

"Chief Lugu, long time no see."

With teasing words that made Lu Gu's scalp tingle, when did Chen Banxian walk up to him? He didn't notice at all.

"watch out!"

An imperial jar hit him fiercely, and Luo Gujian hurriedly avoided it. If it hit him, he would definitely die.

Yes, the ninth realm is to merge with the Tao. If you merge with the Tao, you will basically be immortal, but it is also extremely difficult to recover.

If the corpse is intact, the spirit cannot be dispersed and the resurrection will be quick.

But if it is smashed into pieces all over the sky, or even taken to other worlds, it will be a lot of fun, and it is possible that you will never recover.

"Still hiding? Can you hide?" Chen Banxian chased after him, his figure flickering and disappearing, making it impossible for anyone to notice.

"Invert the yin and yang!"

Lu Gu activated the immortal weapon to cover an area of ​​tens of millions of miles, restricting the two people from staying away.

He reversed Chen Banxian's identity and abilities, and Chen Banxian was actually exposed in the air.

And Lu Gu suddenly disappeared.

"It turns out that immortal weapons can still be used in this way." Chen Banxian was enlightened. Lu Gu was very familiar with reversing yin and yang, and now the two of them had switched offense and defense.

Chen Banxian didn't panic. He knew how powerful it was to be blind, but he didn't have a way to deal with it.

In his hand, the light of the Shuiyuan Heart Immortal Artifact spread outward.

Immortal weapons are the only ones that can break them. These treasures are unreasonable and rule-based treasures. The protection of Shui Yuanxin makes him immune to all attacks.

Lu Gu suddenly appeared, and the two immortal weapons collided.

He actually used Yin and Yang to reverse his attack and wanted to destroy Chen Banxian's Dao body, but was blocked by Shui Yuanxin.

This time the collision was caught off guard, and Tiandao heard a "boom".

This is a warning. The threat just now has exceeded the limits of the ninth realm.

Lu Gu remained hidden, Chen Banxian frowned.

He had to find a way to lure him out. He couldn't resist the reversed power of yin and yang, and was struck first by the opponent's magical weapon.

It turns out this ability really has such a bug!

The only thing that can deal with ability is ability.

He has a trick that, once used, will inevitably lead to death.

No, I have more immortal weapons than him. What if the relationship is half as good as the other person?

Chen Banxian rejected this idea and looked at the area tens of thousands of miles away.

It's only a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and Lu Gu is among them, but he just can't notice it.

As soon as he had an idea, he took off a fan from his waist.

The ability of the fairy weapon is extremely terrifying, so he rarely uses other fairy weapons on weekdays.

But now, this afternoon fire fan comes in handy. He protected his body with his water heart and fanned it within a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

With one fan, the temperature suddenly rises, and the molecules are extremely active, reaching 60,000 degrees above zero!

In an instant, the area thousands of miles away was heated, and it burned away all matter in just a moment.

"Still not coming out?"

Chen Banxian slapped him again, and this time even his spiritual energy was blown away. The terrifying explosion spread continuously within a thousand miles.

He used the imperial jar to secure the boundary and prevent the aftermath from spreading.

But this also caused the heat wave to rebound, and the environment suddenly became more terrifying.

There was still no movement, Luo Gu must be waiting for the opportunity, he was really tolerant.

He fanned again, and this time a small flame came out of the fan.

This is... fairy fire!

Flames that do not belong to this world can burn even the avenues. No matter where they are hiding in the past, present, or future, they will be burned dry.

Wherever the fairy fire passed, it burned into chaos, leaving nothing behind.

There is no black, no white, no nothingness, no avenue.

"Lu Gu, why don't you come out yet!"

Chen Banxian began to worry whether he had left?

But if the scope of the inversion of yin and yang is still there, then the immortal weapon must still be here. Will Lu Gu be willing to let it go?

He must be hiding somewhere.

"You forced me!"

Chen Banxian was angry in his heart. The other party was trying to drag him here. It was a very good plan.

How could he agree? Start being distracted.

Controlling the Emperor Jar with one hand and the Noon Fire Fan with the other hand, the immortal fire burned while simultaneously swallowing up the heaven and earth within a radius of thousands of miles.

The more it is devoured, the more the land is degraded and becomes smaller and smaller.

It will degenerate to the final size of the original earth, which should be only about the size of a thumb.

Lu Gu had nowhere to hide.

However, at that moment, Chen Banxian was distracted and Lu Gu appeared in front of him.


The inversion of yin and yang fell on him. Lu Gu had been preparing for this moment for a long time. He directly reversed the methods of Shui Yuanxin, Wuhuo Fan, and Emperor Jar.

Protection turns into exposure, devouring turns into spitting out, and the noon fire fan withdraws the flames.

The time he chose was when Chen Banxian had just used three immortal weapons to distract Sanyo, and it was just for a change.

Caught off guard, with one-third of his strength facing his full strength, Lu Gu's eyes were as wide as copper bells, filled with jealousy and anger.

"Human Prophet! Give me a long sleep!"

The yin and yang reversed on Chen Banxian.

He won, and the outcome was certain. No one could resist the power of the immortal weapon.

The fact that this human race actually had three immortal weapons really shocked him. Fortunately, he discovered them early, and fortunately he won.

Otherwise, how can the human race fight? They can just watch the human race grow and they can't attack them at all.

But now, the immortal weapon belongs to him, the human race will collapse, and Chen Banxian will die.

He - Lu Gu! The current leader of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan! As expected of him!

However, the imagined death of Chen Banxian did not appear.

At this moment, the immortal weapon Lu You emitted a faint light, shielding this fatal attack.

But Chen Banxian stopped him as if he had expected it. With his other hand, Wenjian locked Lu Gu, and it came in an instant!

"Ah! Five immortal weapons!"

He was so shocked that he almost lost his ability to think.

How did Chen Banxian do it? He didn't understand, these magical weapons seemed to appear out of nowhere, and he didn't receive any news about them.

Could it be that there is an ancient race sponsoring the human race?

No, that's impossible! That's asking for death!

But now, when Wen Jian comes, he can only throw back.

"Why am I moving forward!"

The next second, Lu Gu saw the seven-foot immortal weapon at his feet.

He was completely numb and watched helplessly as he fled closer and closer to Wen Jianyi.


The tip of the sword passed by, and Lu Gu's body suddenly stopped.

The yin and yang are reversed and radiate light from his hands, wanting a savior, but the only thing that can deal with the immortal weapon is the immortal weapon.

It was dragged down by Chen Banxian's other immortal weapons, and Lu Gu lost its breath of life.

His soul was cut off with a sword, and all the divine possessions in his body were also suppressed, and he was put into the emperor jar by Chen Banxian.

"As expected of the current clan leader of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan."

Chen Banxian lamented that with his current strength, he almost overturned with three immortal weapons in hand. He really couldn't imagine what his chances of winning would be if he didn't have these things.

It shouldn't be high. Those who can become clan leaders must have a high real level.

There must be an existence at the level of an immortal, there is no doubt about this, otherwise the yin and yang would not be allowed to reverse and recognize the master.

He looked not far away, and saw that this fairy weapon was still trying to break free and resurrect its owner.

"Your brother makes me feel good, don't be ignorant."

Chen Banxian walked towards it, wondering if the human race would have another immortal weapon today.

Fu Chong was dead, and the immortal weapon went on a rampage. Chen Banxian tried his best but couldn't tame it in the end.

The immortal weapon has a spirit, but this spirit does not belong to him.

"Don't be ignorant, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

The threats coming out of his mouth directly triggered the Heavenly Dao.

Even the Jidao Emperor's soldiers are afraid, let alone a small spoon like yours? (End of chapter)

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