There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 597 The real world, Ying Lang is afraid

"calm down!"

The fierce swordsman ran out: "I have a way, don't be too impulsive."

"Master Jian?"

Chen Banxian's eyes immediately bent and he stood up and said sweetly:

"Master Jian hasn't seen your sword recently, why are you in the mood to run out now?"

"If I don't come out, you will be hacked to death!"

The sword spirit cursed and said: "As the saying goes, again, again, twice, never again, can you guarantee that the third time you cause disaster from heaven, you won't be hacked to death?"

" guarantee."

Chen Banxian told the truth that he mainly wanted to gamble on the few extra lives he had.

"You are so stupid. When faced with things like fairy weapons, you should let them communicate on their own."

He reminded Chen Banxian: "As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups. The same goes for immortal weapons. They also have their own joys and sorrows, but they generally don't speak."

"Is that right?"

Chen Banxian seemed to understand, "But I'm still more curious about where you went."

After becoming an immortal weapon, the sword spirit rarely appeared in his field of vision, and there was no news from him all day long.

After the dragon transformed into a dragon, he disappeared even further.

He threw the immortal weapons out, surrounded Yin Yang, and said viciously: "Be careful, or the group will beat you up!"

Then, continue to gather around the sword spirit.

"I'm looking for my home."

The sword spirit sighed: "When you saw me, you nailed the eyebrows of the little girl next to you, right?"

He looked worried, "I have recovered a little bit of my abilities after becoming an immortal, but no matter what, there is no news from my hometown."

It turns out that this sword is homesick.

Chen Banxian looked motionless. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

He often missed the earth when he was in the Eastern Wasteland, but the earth was still there.

But it’s hard to tell about the sword spirit’s home.

"The earth was false before. Your home may have disappeared long ago."

Chen Banxian didn't know what to say, so he could only state it in straightforward words.

"Or I can give you a hexagram to see if your home is still there?"

"That doesn't make sense, there is or isn't, there is no conclusion until you see it."

The sword spirit looked a little sad: "I heard that you and the ancient tribe are at war again, so I came back to take a look."

The sword was shining with divine light: "How is it? Do you want Mr. Jian to help you defeat the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan?"

He usually talks big words, but Chen Banxian took it seriously and nodded quickly: "Yes!"

"You are so shameless." The sword spirit chuckled: "But Mr. Jian, I have real skills now. Watch out, Mr. Jian will show you."

A fairy light suddenly appeared on his body.

It's very light, only as light as the ninth realm, but this little bit of fairy light has reached a height that the earth cannot reach now.

The sword spirit's sword moved slightly: "Boy, you are very optimistic, this sword is not ordinary."

He just made one stroke, one movement from top to bottom.

But in an instant, the fairy light cut through a certain space, cause and effect disappeared, the Tao collapsed, and there was no recovery.

At this moment, Chen Banxian saw a desolate world. It was so vast and there was nothing there. It opened and then quickly closed.

For just a moment, his space method was beyond his reach.

Then his attention was attracted by the terrifying movements within the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan.


The entire ancient clan was collapsing, and Yin and Yang were frantically trying to come back for help, but they were firmly restrained by Chen Banxian's other immortal weapons and unable to move.

At this moment, the ninth realm and the powerful Jingxu people all disappeared under the sword of the sword spirit.

"I knew it! Mr. Jian, you are the big boss who is hiding deep inside!"

Chen Banxian clapped in surprise. At this moment, he really saw the collapse of the entire Fu Zhong Ancient Clan.

One hundred and twenty cities and thirty-six main domains were all annihilated under the sword of the sword spirit. It was really scary.

Moreover, those ninth realms have been shattered to pieces, and even if they can be reborn, they will have to wait for a long time.

"Ox-nosed huh?"

The aura of the sword spirit was not as strong as before, and he said with some nostalgia: "Boy, did you see the world that flashed by just now?"

Chen Banxian nodded, of course he saw it, but that world was too desolate and full of endless tragedy.

"That's my home."

The sword spirit said tiredly: "I can only reflect it to you, but I can't find it there. The entire time and space don't exist."

This sword has revived immortal-level power, and may have been completely unsealed in other worlds.

But He was still helpless. How desperate was that?

Chen Banxian nodded: "It feels like that world is really dangerous."

"Master Jian, I'm not asking you to see the world, I'm asking you to learn that sword!"

The swordsman knocked on Chen Banxian's head: "Just because I can't find it doesn't mean you can't find her. Hurry up and find her after you learn how to do it!"

He cursed and cursed, and it turned out that this was the purpose.

Chen Banxian rubbed his head. Just now the Sword Spirit leveled the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan with his sword, which really scared him.

It's not a loss if I give you a few words of reprimand.

At this time, the human race was also shaken by violent movements.

"An earthquake?" Qu Heng opened the panoramic window of the space carrier.

"No!" Priest Dong Yun stood outside the panoramic skylight with an expression of disbelief.

"Just now... just now...

He inspected the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan's camp again and again, and his words could hardly be answered.

"The ancient Fu Zhong clan was wiped out with one sword."


Qu Heng's first reaction was not happiness, but fear.

"What force destroyed the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan? What is their attitude towards our human race!"

He was very worried. At such a close distance, that was the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, and it was actually wiped out?

"I don't know. I can't find the existence that took action. It doesn't look like a force, it should be a single life form."

He himself didn't quite believe Dong Yun's words.

The priesthood can borrow the ultimate power of heaven and earth to ensure the safety of the human race.

The treasures that Shen Qinghe and the others had worked so hard to capture were now of great use and were the last guarantee for the human race.

But now, he suddenly doubted whether the power he borrowed was really the pinnacle of the ninth realm.

Because of that terrifying power, let alone one of him, not even ten or a hundred of them can do it!

"Something happened!"

Qu Heng's scalp was numb. At this moment, divine light circulated in the human settlement, and priests or people from the ninth realm kept appearing.

They kept looking at the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan's station, with shock on their faces.

Three copper coins fell from Aigwei's hand, and the hexagram showed people.

"The official gave birth to the seal, and the seal gave birth to me. Why is this vision like this?"

She couldn't understand that this movement actually had something to do with her.

"The ones who gave birth to me are my parents. Could it be related to my master and my wife?"

She was really awesome and then felt that this answer was extremely correct.

"Haha, good news!"

Aigwei laughed happily.

The old patriarch Fang Ping, who was watching the ups and downs of the two mutual disciples, shook his body and subconsciously looked into the distance.

"Hey, be good, what's going on? The Fu Zhong Ancient Clan was directly wiped out?"

He was also frightened and immediately took out his cell phone to make a call.

"Hello?" came Chen Banxian's busy voice. He was in the process of wiping out the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan.

"Old Chen, it's bad, the Fu Zhong ancient tribe has been destroyed, and there is an unparalleled terror coming, let's run away!"

He immediately thought of running away: "Let's go to the Eastern Wasteland and let the Emperor protect us. The earth is completely unsafe!"

"Hey, I thought it was a big deal."

Chen Banxian said nonchalantly: "Master Jian did this. Now Master Jian is very good at it. That sword shock made me numb."

He estimated that in order to reach that level, he would have to be at least in the late ninth realm or the Great Perfection.

"What? Did one of our own do it?"

Fang Ping held the phone for a long time and was unable to regain his composure.

"Fan Sheng, why don't we go back to the sect first?"

The two guardians were frightened. They also noticed the power. It was so powerful that it felt as if they were about to be chopped into pieces when their spiritual consciousness swept over it.

"No, this was done by our own people."

Fang Ping laughed loudly, and then quickly left towards the void.

"Where are you going, Fansheng?" The guardian was heartbroken and hurriedly followed.

"Where are you going? Of course, hugging your thighs!"

Fang Ping ran very fast, and he was rushing towards the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan's station. If there is Chen Banxian's aura there, Master Jian must be there too.

At this time, Chen Banxian rushed to the front and waved continuously to the mountains and mountains.

With every slap, the mountains and mountains were flattened, and this place had actually left the territory of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan.

It was also because the Fu Zhong people in these places survived, so Chen Banxian searched for survivors here.

There is no mercy, no humanity at all. The war between the two races is endless. Anyone who survives will be a time bomb in the future.

He was completely out of touch, fighting alone in a distant place.

Of course, the sword spirit was also by his side, and he was in a rare mood, as if he had moved to Baihu City.

"There's another one over there."

The sword spirit would give guidance from time to time. Some of the existences of the Fu Zhong ancient clan were particularly good at hiding, and Chen Banxian sometimes couldn't even detect them.

And such news finally reached the ears of the ancient tribe.

"What! Fu Chong was wiped out by the human race?"

The tea cup was broken, and Ying Lang stood up suddenly: "This is wrong and the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan should not be destroyed!"

He entered the river of fate again, wanting to pry into the cause and effect, but he only saw a sword light that was so bright and sharp that it covered all the densely packed fate, making it so dazzling that people could not open their eyes.


Yinglang whispered this word in his mouth and came back from there.

"An immortal was born in the human race."

He spoke in a heavy tone: "So my spying is ineffective on him. Immortal, time has no origin, no end, no cause and effect, and the power is so vast and unimaginable that he is an immortal."

He explained it like this, so it is not an accident that the human race can destroy Fu Chong.

"No, even immortals must abide by the suppression of heaven."

Ying Ziyu expressed doubts: "Under the law of heaven, the ninth realm is already the limit, not to mention that there are immortal weapons in the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, so what if there are immortals?"

"No, this immortal is extraordinary."

Ying Lang's mind was swaying, and he stared straight into the distance: "I feel the reality in this fairy light."


Ying Ziyu didn't quite understand these two words.

But it is too familiar and too strange to the elders of the Yingying Gou tribe.

It is said that they are familiar because they have never stopped doing it. It is said that they are unfamiliar because they have never succeeded.

"Master Prophet, are you telling the truth?"

A clan elder stood up and said, "Is it really true?"

"I feel a very faint hint. Our civilization only caught some signs when it was destroyed, but I can be sure."

Ying Lang recalled the horror of the past. He looked into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Humans are really lucky."

He lamented at first and then his eyes gradually shone with light.

"This life is especially important. Pass on my oral instructions and open the road to Mirror Ruins. I want to talk to a few old friends."

The only person who could be called an old friend by Prophet Yinglang was that superior being.

If the Yinggou Ancient Clan made such a big move, the other Ancient Clan would naturally not lag behind.

The ancient Shuiyi tribe immediately activated the defense of the immortal weapon Shui Yuanxin and communicated with Jingxu for guidance.

The mixed ape group shrinks, and all the elites from all over the country return.

Snow Qihua from the Lushu Ancient Clan rarely spoke or spoke.

The human race's actions this time were too big, and all the ancient races felt the crisis, the crisis of life and death!

Ying Lang stepped into the spotless corridor. With every step he took, his figure became more illusory. He kept walking forward, and the corridor extended infinitely. It took him no idea how long it took to finally see three people.

They were three golden figures, like eternal silence outside the world.

"Three ancestors, Yinglang is here."

His voice is calm, and his body is not golden but radiates seven colors.

The Yinggou clan was originally a mythical race. At this time, they were at their most powerful.

There was no response, but there was a strange buzzing in the void, which was the ancestor's answer.

"The ancient Fu Zhong clan was wiped out by the human race, and the human race in this life."

Ying Lang calmly recounted the incident that he had just spoken about. The three ancestors did not respond. They seemed to have existed forever and died forever.

"I sensed the real aura, perhaps, it was related to the world of that era."

After blurting out the word "real", the three ancestors finally reacted.

"Human race."

The one on the left said, "This race has never died cleanly. It happens in every era. It's very strange."

The one on the right finally spoke: "The real appearance must be related to that world. We have been defeated before, and I am afraid it will be more difficult this time."

The one in the middle opened his eyes at some point and stared at Ying Lang.

"You are a prophet. We are old and we still need your guidance in the future."

Ying Lang nodded: "So I'm thinking about what the future of our race is. Should we continue to live in a false world, or should we strive to make a leap, just like that fallen world."

"Or, if you wait for endless years, one day your dream will come true and there will be no more great silence."

"So you need our input."

The ancestor on the left said calmly: "Just do it, at worst it will last for countless epochs, we are already used to it."

This is the true face of the ancient Jingxu clan. Strictly speaking, they are not alive.

Rather, he has died, his body has long since perished, and what exists is the truth of a period of time and the falsehood of eternity.

Ying Lang nodded slightly: "What if I let half of the people abandon the earth and wander into the deep space and the wilderness?"

Although He was asking, there was already an answer in his tone, indicating that informing the ancestors was just a matter of procedure.


An ancestor muttered, the gaze of heaven has a focusing center, and the earth is it.

Those peripheral lights are outside the earth, and the farther away they are, the rarer they are. Once they leave the earth, they will gradually be unable to catch up with the mainstream.

"Yes, I have a hunch that this earth will be reoccupied by humans sooner or later."

Yinglang said the name of a human race: "Chen Banxian, this human race is very special. When you first enter the ninth realm, you can equal me, or even crush me."

His tone showed solemnity: "Although I am not good at fighting, I am by no means a weakling, but he has crossed almost the middle process of a realm to reach my end from the starting point."

"It's not unusual for humans to have such existence."

The ancestor in the middle spoke: "I heard you say before that his prophetic method is similar to some kind of existence that we have a glimpse of."

"Yes, this is why I think humans will occupy the earth sooner or later. They are not restricted in divination."

Yinglang's light is gradually dimming, and He is moving away from Jingxu.

"Three ancestors, you should come out and take a look. Maybe we will never return to Earth after we leave."

The three ancestors did not answer, their faces were neither sad nor happy.

They are the ancestors and have lived for too long.

Three days later, batch after batch of Night Clan monks floated into the sky for nine days and left the earth, and the human race also officially entered the territory of the Fu Zong Ancient Clan.

This also announced that the human race had finally established a firm foothold on the earth.

On this day, each of the nine cities sent manpower to station in the nine directions of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan, and the central city was called Rencheng!

Therefore, the process can only be implemented after applying from Donghuang. This is their respect for ordinary people.

"The sense of separation towards us in Donghuang is getting stronger and stronger."

On this day, Qu Heng held a meeting, and the participants were basically the Ninth Realm and the priests.

Although it is a conference, it is more like a party without too many rules.

He somewhat likes this method, but unfortunately he is not a practitioner and his lifespan is short.

"Yes, the people in Donghuang have already iterated on it several times, right?"

Shen Qinghe spoke slowly: "Mr. Fan has passed away as the first general member of the Round Table for hundreds of years. During this long war, they are no longer familiar with us."

There is no Jiazi in the mountain. It has been thousands of years in the world. This mountain is not a mountain, but a monk.

They are standing still, but mortals don't think so. This huge sense of separation makes people uncomfortable.

"We haven't applied for supplies, requested support, or requested operations over there for more than a hundred years."

Qu Heng said: "So when I applied, they thought I was a fraud."

He was half-joking to liven up the atmosphere, and everyone laughed, and then Qu Heng's face gradually turned ugly.

"But this time, they met and made a decision."

"Some people must already know this news, that is the "two systems of Eastern Wasteland and Earth"."

"Entering the Eastern Wilderness is considered the Eastern Wilderness human race, and entering the Earth is considered the Earth human race."

As soon as Qu Heng finished speaking, Chen Banxian slammed the table!

"What does it mean to enter the earth? The earth is our home!"

"What kind of two systems are we doing the same as before? What kind of two systems do we as a race want?"

He firmly opposed it: "I don't agree with this matter. If they have any objections, they can come to me."

They have lowered their profile and are clearly warriors of the Nine Cities Federation, but now it seems that the other party does not really want them.

"They're scared."

Mu Yun hit the nail on the head: "We old immortals will never live to this age in dozens of lifetimes."

(End of this chapter)

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