There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 598: Prophet, 1st Battle Outside Heaven

"Fear, this is inevitable."

Zhang Han's tone was sad: "Do you know what I saw when I went back?"

"Someone carved my face into a statue and offered it as an offering. I am no longer a specific person, but the god they believe in."

This was unacceptable to him: "Which normal person would let people offer incense and worship him while he was still alive?"

"Ahem." Ninth coughed lightly: "Watch your wording, people are different."

He was a little helpless, but he had to say that this was reality.

"This problem needs to be solved!"

Chen Banxian pointed at the table and said, "We even have to solve the problem of the ancient clan before it happens."

He originally thought that with quantum intelligence, the human race would become a village. If everyone wanted to meet, chat and play games, they could just move their fingers without even leaving the house.

But now it seems that distance is always a problem. They are rarely active within the human race, causing them to be forced to become "aloof."

"How to solve it? To be honest, this problem has no solution."

Han Li sat slumped on the chair with his upper body: "I have listened to you talking for so long, and I only found this problem: there is a difference between immortals and mortals."

"Please wake up, everyone. We are already great monks. Why should we care about what ordinary people think? As long as we live, the best guarantee for the human race is."

He said that everyone's mentality could not be changed, they still couldn't let go, and they couldn't tell who was in charge.

"Dear cultivators, you must know that if we want them to unite, they will unite, and if we want them to divide, they will divide. Since they regard us as gods, why don't we act like gods like Ninth? ?”

Ninth coughed again: "I'm not as good as you think."

Even so, everyone still focuses on Ninth. Here, who has been the god for the longest time is the most suitable. Of course, the one in front of him is the one he is most familiar with.

"No, this is not the right way." Chen Banxian was very worried. Once there is no external threat to the human race, there will be internal conflicts and divisions. Human beings have always been like this.

It seems that they are always fighting. At best, it means self-improvement, but at worst, it means division. Everyone wants to step on the head of others.

"Brother Xian, you can't change people's hearts."

Lin Tian sighed, he had deep experience on this topic.

This was the case with Die Qihua. No matter how they tried to persuade her, they ended up on the road of no return.

Chen Banxian was silent for a while. Lin Tian was right, you can't change people's hearts.

You can control the direction of the wind, but you can't always control it to make them suit your ideas.

Maybe only this kind of human race can go further?

During this meeting, Chen Banxian thought a lot. In the final analysis, ordinary people did not have the confidence to stand up to cultivators like them. After seeing the methods of reaching for the stars and the moon, their mentality collapsed.

"What if I make up for this gap?"

After the meeting dispersed, he stayed in the conference room all day and night. People passing by heard the sound of shaking copper coins.

Finally, Chen Banxian shouted to the empty room:

"Zhulong, Lan Yanxin."

"Dear highest authority, master, we are here."

Two projections appeared in front of him. At this moment, Chen Banxian had a long ideological struggle.

"Zhulong, please hand over the information on Tianji Civilization to Lan Yanxin."

He endured it for a while and finally said it.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time, and wanted to hide it forever, but now it seemed that he couldn't hide it anymore.

"Master, you finally followed the historical path."

Zhulong obediently uploaded information, the most important of which was the law of cause and effect weapon.

If Chen Banxian hadn't been so extraordinary that he could crush all existences in the same realm, Tianji Civilization would not have fallen from the altar so early.

The law of cause and effect weapons are directed at the avenue, and the technology that utilizes the avenue is the pinnacle of technology in the entire mortal world.

"Dear Supreme Authority, the human race thanks you for your contribution."

Lan Yanxin did not follow Li Liu and call her master but recorded everything today in an extremely formal setting.

In the future, this will become an encrypted file and add an indelible mark to human history.

"I'm tired, please tell the round table this news."

Chen Banxian was a little sleepy, so he left the conference room alone, left the building, and came to the salt lake.

The turquoise salt lake, the white salt crystals reflect the sky, and the wind is salty.

At night, countless stars rose from the lake, and his back looked particularly lonely.

Human race...human race.

He paid too much for this, but in the end it was still not the result he wanted.

"Let's let go once we've dealt with the ancient clan."

He muttered to himself, looking through the galaxy and seeing through the actions of the ancient clan.

In the sky, there are huge magic weapons that turn into stars and go away together, seeming to be very bright.

"Old tribesmen, want to escape?"

Chen Banxian raised his hand towards the stars, held up the imperial jar, and then... grabbed it fiercely!

On the earth, you can only see the stars annihilating, but in space, stars explode one after another, and a pair of invisible giant hands covers everything.

The whole earth is in the center of those hands.

"Ancient tribe, don't think about escaping."

Chen Banxian looked back and looked at the top of Kunlun.


Ying Lang stood up fiercely and stopped the rest of the clan members from taking off.

"Everyone stop, the Earth is blocked."

She glared into the distance. Human Chen Banxian was so good at killing them all!

Now it's not the ancient tribe that is dealing with the human race, but the human race that won't let them go and wants to annihilate them all!

"Human Prophet, you can't bear this big cause and effect!"

Ying Lang shouted directly from the air, and all the ancient tribes heard him.

"so what?"

Chen Banxian's voice was full of violence: "How do you target my human race? Don't you have any idea in your heart?"

"You are doing the first grade and we are doing the fifteenth. The Fu Zhong Ancient Clan is the first, but it will definitely not be the last. Our human army will completely rule the entire earth!"

His voice was so arrogant that many ancient tribes could no longer tolerate it.

"Human race, are you declaring war on all our races? How can your race stand up to all our races!"

This ancient race quickly twisted all races into one, isolating the human race to determine their camp.

It was the demise of the Fu Zhong Ancient Clan that scared them.

"We are now in the ninth realm."

Chen Banxian suddenly said something without any beginning or end, but it was this sentence that made the ancient clansmen feel uneasy.

In the ninth realm, the number of people is no longer the main condition, quality is the key to victory.

Even if you are a little stronger than him, it is enough to completely crush him.

"Chen Banxian, you and I are going to have a fight outside the sky?"

Finally, Ying Lang officially spoke and invited Chen Banxian to fight.

Outside the sky means that it is outside the sight of heaven and does not belong to the earth.

They can use all means, no longer worry about being bombarded by heaven, and can use all power.

"I'll wait for you in three days."

Chen Banxian agreed to declare a challenge and no longer feared the ancient human race.

In three days, both sides can prepare. Even if Yinglang recovers his cultivation level, he will not be able to recover much.

Chen Banxian has his own ideas.

This unabashed cry undoubtedly ignited the craze among the ancient tribesmen.

"The human prophet actually accepted the invitation from the prophet Yinggou to fight!"

"We've seen a good show. Both of them are extremely terrifying existences, and they are both prophets. Who do you think will win?"

"Two prophets, do you think they see the same future? Is there any need to fight?"

"It must be Win Lang, the Empress!"

They were talking a lot, and their thoughts were complicated in the void.

Almost as soon as he finished shouting, Chen Banxian saw one more human race cultivator next to him.

"Boss, you are impulsive!"

Xu Changfeng came with a gun: "Yinglang is different from other ancient tribes. He is almost invincible. You still go to fight with him in the outer world?"

Ninth frowned: "Old Chen, are you stimulated?"

Lin Tian was also persuading: "Should we stop holding meetings and think about ways to unite the human race? Brother Xian, we are already adults, and we need to use adult solutions."

They talked in a few words, but Chen Banxian did not change his determination at all.

"I have made up my mind. Besides, in a fight outside the world, I have the trump card."

"No matter how many cards you have, you can outnumber the Ancient Clan. What if they ambush you again?"

Lin Tian was so anxious that he jumped: "Oh, my brother Xian, you are sulking, being petty and taking it out on the ancient tribesmen."

These words made Chen Banxian look at him with dangerous eyes: "Do you think I'm really angry?"

He pointed at the debris in the sky and said, "Have you seen those fragments of stars? The ancient tribe is leaving the earth and hiding in the vast universe."

"We must annihilate all the ancient races on the earth, so as to prevent them from returning and continue to send out strong ones." Once an ancient race goes to the depths of the universe to thrive, it may directly wipe out the human race in the future.

"Brother Xian, what do you mean..."

Zhang Han's lips twitched: "Are we going to... a decisive battle?"

He was not mentally prepared at all.

"It's not us, it's me."

Chen Banxian held the imperial jar and said, "Your decisive battle is coming later, and I will solve the biggest cancer in three days."

As long as Prophet Yinglang is alive for one day, the ancient people will always be one step ahead of the human race on earth.

He planned to test it out to see if he could kill Ying Lang and everyone would be happy. If he lost, he would only lose his life.

"Then do you want us to raid the formation?"

Zhang Han asked a very idiotic question.

"You are not eligible."

Sure enough, Chen Banxian's next words made him heartbroken, but it was the truth.

He is also in the Ninth Realm. In the clerical field, he can borrow the combat power at the peak of the Ninth Realm and can be proud of all the heroes in the world.

But once he reaches Tianwai, he will be cannon fodder for Chi Guoguo, just a minion in the early stage of the ninth realm.

"Let's break up and wait for my news in three days."

Chen Banxian went home and saw Jiaojiao waiting for him.

She held the sword spirit in her hands and said angrily: "The ancient tribe is looking for death. In three days, Master Jian and I will raid the formation for you."

The sword spirit half-raised his eyelids and said: "You're a promising kid. If Yinglang recovers a little, he can kill you into a scumbag. I think you should give up."

"It's not yet certain who will kill whom, Mr. Jian, I have a plan."

Chen Banxian quietly moved his mouth to the side of the sword.

"Get away you damn bitch!" The sword spirit hated the cold, making Jiaojiao envious.

Chen Banxian was speechless, but he finished quickly.

" kid...I knew you had a bad streak."

After hearing this, the sword spirit couldn't help but sigh: "It has to be you. I'm just telling you why you suddenly changed your temper. You agreed to such a dangerous challenge."

Three days later………

The earth's Kunlun is quiet and its astonishing momentum soars into the sky, and the heaven and earth are turbulent.

As for the human race station, there is also a terrifying momentum rolling. It is different from Ying Lang's Pang Bo. It is more mysterious, and people can't help but get involved.

Chen Banxian went out to fight in person and no longer had anything to hide from himself.

He responded to the agreement made three days ago by openly exposing himself in everyone's eyes.

"It's begun, it's begun!" The ancient tribe and the human tribe were excited, and their spiritual thoughts spread across the world.

This is like talking on a public screen:

"Empress Yinglang is too terrifying. This kind of momentum can really destroy our clan."

"The Yinggou clan is already very powerful, and Empress Yinglang is one of the best. If you observe carefully, the Tao Yun has permeated the entire earth."

"If you win, Lady Lang will win. The human race is finished. It's just that their lives were wasted."

Such remarks are all one-sided, and I don't think the human Chen Banxian has any chance of winning.

This of course caused the ninth realm of the human race to be unhappy.

"Who the hell are you? If you say that my human race is not good at overhauling, I think you are not!"

Zhou Shan strongly supported Chen Banxian: "I'll put it here. If you win Lang, you will definitely die. Who doesn't accept it?"

"I don't agree!"

Xue Qihua spoke: "You humans are just little babies, very immature. How do you know how terrifying the prophet Yinglang is."

"There is no heaven to protect you in the outer world. The prophet can crush the human prophet to death with one finger."

"Yellow-haired girl, you are about the same age as us. Do you dare to say you are immature?"

Lin Tian immediately stood up and reprimanded: "Don't cut yourself into slices and let me make hot pot. The taste of venison is just right. I haven't eaten it in a long time."

"Hmph, you are looking for death!" Xue Qihua said fiercely: "Do you dare to join the human race to fight!"

"Do you think I'm stupid? I'm just in the eighth realm, and I don't even have the personality to make such a noise? The Corpse Ancestor doesn't want to pay attention to you now."

Lin Tian's words made Xue Qihua's silver teeth grind into pieces. She wanted to refute, but she couldn't find any reason to refute.

Lin Tian forcefully snatched the corpse ancestor's status from Ying Yin, and she couldn't find the words to refute.

Of course, there were also ancient tribes who couldn’t bear to interrupt.

"Little baby, I am a member of the Jingxu clan of my Du clan. I was 169,000 years old before I entered Jingxu. Can I call you a little baby?"

"You old fool, you still have the nerve to speak out? Shut up!"

Lin Tian put his hands on his hips and quarreled with the Confucian scholars: "Do you ancient tribe want to imitate the insects? You will only be honest if you are destroyed by my human race?"

"As the saying goes in my human race, a duck has a tough mouth. Let me see, your whole body is tough, and you are not as good as feeding a dog."

He faced a large number of divine thoughts by himself, which made all the monks in the race give a thumbs up.

"Lin Tianniu, oh, ox."

"Damn, you're so awesome. Why don't I see you scolding me like this? I thought you were just a joke."

"Brother Lin, if you had been like this, you wouldn't have been single forever."

Xu Changfeng took out a notebook with more than 100,000 notes written down.

“Although it’s sometimes a dirty talk, you can still act like an admirable person on certain occasions.”

"The power of words."

Yinglang opened his mouth to reprimand Lin Tian.

"Junior, keep your mouth clean."

Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes and immediately replied to Lin Tian: "I thought your empress was a dignified and polite lady? I didn't expect that she is also a dirty and vulgar person. Her feelings have always been fake?"

Okay, okay, has it escalated to a scolding war between the parties involved?

They had never seen Prophet Yinglang look so angry, so they guessed that he was really angry.

Yes, Yinglang was indeed very angry. Those who left that night were all Yinggou's good prospects. However, they were attacked by Chen Banxian in a surprise attack, and all the people outside the earth were killed.

This left him without a good rest for three days, but he was sure that he could crush Chen Banxian to ashes today.

"Good brother!" Lin Tian patted his chest, and then said to those ancient tribes:

"Did you see that? My boss speaks for me. What about you? Do you have a boss mask behind you?"

It was so irritating. At this moment, many ancient tribes wished they could join the human tribe and beat up Lin Tian.

They have never seen someone say the word "coward" so confidently and proudly.

"Stop talking nonsense." Yinglang gradually rose into the air: "Let's go to Tianwai for a fight, Chen Banxian, I want you to know that the human race is not the only one."

"Go and go."

Chen Banxian also took off, always keeping level with Ying Lang.

This was also an invisible contest. The two did not use the Great Dao, but their physical strength alone kept rising at an astonishing speed.

Some of the weaker ancient tribes couldn't even keep up with the speed of the two of them. Chen Banxian was a little faster and started to crush Yinglang by half the head.

"Hey, my lady, you're slow." Chen Banxian immediately mocked.

"Hmph! I'm just tied up in the earth."

Yinglang was not like Chen Banxian who unleashed all his strength unscrupulously. They hit the space at speed, trying to knock out a whole side of the sky.

"Next is my home court."

Chen Banxian slammed his head into the sky, directly tearing a huge gap.

The world was in chaos, with nothing but void, but it was indeed outside the sky.

"Come on, empress." Chen Banxian taunted him with half his head: "You are too slow."

Without the previous politeness, the two of them were now at odds with each other, so naturally they would not have a good tone.

Ying Lang also entered and attacked Chen Banxian without saying a word.

The huge gap was opened for everyone to see clearly.

"Oh my God, Empress Yinglang's move has directly surpassed the ninth realm!"

The ancient tribesmen were shocked to see the sky. That punch could shatter the stars. It directly condensed the mighty power of heaven and earth into one body without accumulating energy or using magical powers.

"This is the fighting style of the Yinggou clan. Empress Yinglang is obviously serious about it. The human race's prophet will be injured soon. Let's fight!"

This was indeed terrifying. Chen Banxian raised his hand and struck Ying Lang head-on.

He did not retreat, waved his hand and smiled lightly: "The tenth realm? It's nothing more than that."

He does have the capital to be proud. The Eighth Realm with the addition of Ten Thousand Dao could originally kill the Nineth Realm. Now that he has entered the Ninth Realm, it is reasonable to kill the Tenth Realm.

But to outsiders, this is simply a fantasy.

"I saw it wrong. He blocked a move from the Tenth Realm?"

"You read that right, this human race really has something, and he can resist it with one hand."

The human race's eyes were fixed on the sky without blinking.

"This is the monk of my human race. Are the ancient tribesmen's hair standing on end?"

(End of this chapter)

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