There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 600: Stable under the fairyland.

"Damn it, brother Xian, you're not going to die!"

Lin Tian screamed and flew to the sky to pick up someone. It was the perfect time for the ancient clan to take action against him.

But no one takes action, whether it is the immortals in the sky or Gai Jiuyou on the ground, they can kill them.

The sword spirit slowly floated over Chen Banxian, casting down wisps of fairy light: "You brat, if Master Jian hadn't killed Ying Lang's future, would you have been able to kill him?"

His tone was contemptuous. Chen Banxian didn't know this, but it didn't stop the sword spirit from taking advantage of his unconsciousness to express his joy.

Kunlun lost its future in an instant. Many immortals left after Chen Banxian returned to the human race. Chen Changsheng looked at Gai Jiuyou and nodded.

Both of them are amazingly talented and beautiful people, and the other one deserves to be in his eyes.

"Brother Xian!"

Lin Tian stretched out his hand to feel Chen Banxian's breath. Ying Lang was already dead. It would be unreasonable for Brother Xian not to die.

There was still breathing. He thought it was an illusion and kept his fingers on it.


Jiaojiao slapped his hand away and held Chen Banxian in his arms: "If you keep covering him up, he will be covered to death by you."

Jiaojiao glanced at Lin Tian. She was the only one here who was most qualified to protect Chen Banxian in her arms.

"It's nothing serious. It's just that the myriad of things in my body have been impacted and exhausted."

The sword spirit said slowly: "If I were you, I would take this opportunity to expand quickly. The ancient tribe is already more courageous than you, and I will definitely not fight against you."

He was right, Mu Yun immediately turned around and took command, leading the army to expand.

Although Chen Banxian was unconscious, he was not unconscious due to the previous arrangement. The momentum of the human race surged again and again.

"It's amazing."

Qu Heng lamented that although he didn't know the gap between the ninth realm and the eleventh realm, it must be extremely terrifying for Chen Banxian to be able to fight back and forth.

And the most important thing is that he plotted to kill Ying Lang.

"The human race prophet counted the prophet Yinggou dead. The reaction from the other side is terrible."

The ancient tribesmen were talking a lot, thinking that the background of the human race prophet must not be simple, and they did not believe that this was a strong person from the human race.

"What should we do now? Why don't we call out all the prophets in the clan? Otherwise, who can stop the human clan from being so powerful?"

“Yinglang signed the treaty that we couldn’t be besieged, but this time he got us killed!”

They originally thought they had suffered a small loss.

How strong can the human race be? They are too immature, they can pacify any clan.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all. The human race has risen too fast, with characters joining forces one after another, and strong men emerging one after another.

What's more important is how the human race knows so many powerful people, who are at the immortal level.

When most of their clans were at their most powerful, there were not so many immortals, and every one of them was rare.

Every time you reach a realm, a large group of people will be eliminated. It is not an exaggeration to choose one in a thousand, one in a hundred thousand, or one in a million.

If there are millions of people in the eighth to ninth realms, then there are only a hundred people in the ninth to tenth realms.

From the tenth to the eleventh realm, if one person can hold up to the sky, don't you see how vast and vast the Qingxuan Realm is? How many masters will be able to overcome the tribulation in the end? There are almost no Mahayana people.

And how glorious the world of Zhetian was before, but in the later era, there was only one great emperor.

The human race has really risen.

This war has been fought from the inland to the coast, and countless small and medium-sized ancient tribes have been pacified along the way.

When they reached the seaside and expanded upward, they stopped when they faced the immortal weapon of the Shui An Ancient Clan.

There is no way around this. The Immortal Artifact is currently too super-class, and it can determine the fate of a family on earth and ensure its immortality.

Even so, the human race has conquered a land as large as three Fu Zhong ancient tribes.

During this process, an ancient tribe wanted to make a sneak attack, cut off the human race's retreat, and cut off their support.

But at the critical moment, Jiujiu arrived and violently destroyed the clan. Bing and his clan ancestors fought fiercely for a hundred days without losing, and finally left each other.

"Under the fairyland, the outcome is determined."

On this day in the Shui'an Restaurant, Chen Banxian slowly dropped a white piece, and opposite him was Ai Gewei.

"What about above the fairyland?"

Aigwei dropped the sunspot: "I'm afraid there will still be bloody battles in the future."

"I am above the fairyland."

Chen Banxian spoke calmly and dropped another white piece.

"you lose."

Aigwei's lips trembled, and she had indeed mastered the backgammon in front of her.

"Lao San has broken through very quickly recently and has reached the fifth level. He is becoming more and more dangerous on the battlefield. Don't you keep an eye on him?"

"Don't worry, he has an immortal weapon to protect his true spirit, and reincarnation is not a problem. I still care about you more."

Chen Banxian asked her: "You can't learn my way of killing. You have to be qualified yourself. You have to occupy at least one of the Yin and Yang paths."

"How can it be that simple?" Egerwei sighed: "Currently there are strong enemies in both the Yin and Yang realms. There are many people who are better than me. I really have no confidence."

"Just follow the rules and believe in yourself."

Chen Banxian smiled: "Your sister will pass the exam tomorrow, come with me to see it."


The next day, Die Yunfei finally came out of seclusion. The phosphorescence floating on his body became hazy, as if he was in a heavy fog.

"How many worlds are there?" Egerwei couldn't count. There were too many. They were spaces opened up one after another, some big and some small.

"A total of one hundred and twenty-nine hundred and sixty billion realms."

Chen Banxian's tone was indifferent, which shocked Ai Gewei: "Master, are you already that strong?"

"No, my boss asked me how many worlds I wanted, and I told him this number."

"If the ninth realm hadn't been suddenly broken by Qi Dongqing, he wouldn't have slowly strengthened the world until now."

He raised his head slightly, and saw that many strong men from the human race had arrived from all directions, and even those who did not come had left behind their spiritual thoughts.

"Personality, come!"

Die Yunfei opened his mouth to exchange words, a hazy light filled his body, and then the world seemed to be shrinking.

A cube dropped from an unknown place in the sky.

From ancient times to the present, it is the universe, and the four directions, up and down, are the universe.

Yu is space, universe is time, and time and space combine to form the universe.

At this time, Dieyun flew towards Chengyu and walked towards the cube.

"Human race, you don't even ask me!"

A mirror-like life form approached: "Don't be delusional!"

He is an ancient tribe and attacked Die Yunfei in the long river of space.

"You're not qualified."

Die Yunfei waved a hazy wave without even a pause.

The hazy figure washed over the ancient mirror man, causing the latter to disappear into thin air.

"Human, you are too confident!"

Another ancient tribe approached, but they were faced with the hazy sight of Die Yunfei again.

"Uncle Master is so awesome."

Aigwei looked at the sky. That simple move was full of space avenues, and it was not as elegant as it seemed on the surface.

When he stretched out his hand and waved it, he used countless spaces to blast it, which was too rough.

"Human race, stop!"

The ancient tribesmen kept approaching, but Die Yunfei could no longer be stopped. His battlefield was very clean, with only the hazy light.

No remains of the enemy could be found, and finally he reached out and gently pinched the cube.

"I'm done."

With these four simple words, the world shook violently!

The combination of the space and the avenue made Die Yunfei extremely sensitive to time and space. He stretched out his hand and saw a piece of black and yellow light falling from the infinite distance in the sky.

This light is very familiar to Chen Banxian. He once had merit, but for some reason most of it was robbed.

Now Die Yunfei tore apart the space and discovered that it was so.

At this time, the light was about to fall to the earth, and suddenly the space shook, and a big hand closed towards Xuanhuang.

"How brave you are, how dare you come!"

He moved almost instantly. The Immortal Seven Feet brought him to the big hand, and the Wenjian stabbed out sharply.

This is a sure kill. No matter where the opponent escapes, he will be stabbed by the sword of the immortal weapon!

"Return my merits!"

Chen Banxian was very fast. He connected with the God Jar with a series of moves and was full of firepower.

"Baby, you've crossed the line."

The big hand resisted the attack and still wanted to grab the merit.

"If you take away my merits today, I, Chen Banxian, will read my name backwards!"

He no longer hides his clumsiness, and completely revives the immortal weapon nine days away, providing endless mana.

Wen Jianyi didn't show much performance, but the imperial jar manifested fairy light, and the shadow of a woman was gradually outlined in the light.

The ultimate form of the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar transforms into the true form of the Great Emperor I!

"Is this so?" The big hand exclaimed and wanted to leave, but at this moment the figure of the empress raised her hand to the void and pinched the opponent's wrist tightly.

Her face was expressionless, and she punched flatly with her other hand. The latter was finally frightened and held a seal with her other hand to resist.

But the next second, the empress' fist broke his hand, and she landed hard on the opponent's face without losing any strength.

The battle between Zhetianfa was so rough. The opponent was beaten away, leaving his broken arm in the hands of the First Empress and escaping.

"It's a pity that I'm not strong enough, otherwise I would have to hunt you down." c

Chen Banxian put away the imperial jar, and then the arm began to be refined.

Knives one after another gathered on his head to help him cut. Chen Banxian's cultivation speed in the ninth realm is much faster than that in the eighth realm. He estimates that he will be able to enter the tenth realm in a thousand years at most.

A large amount of merit was scattered, and a divine ring of merit was actually smelted on the back of Die Yunfei's head, which looked extremely solemn and sacred.

In an instant, Die Yunfei's cultivation level rose by a level, directly entering the middle stage of the ninth realm.

"Fuck!" Die Yunfei was surprised.


This is Chen Banxian's voice. He is staring at his merits, but he has so many wonderful uses?

"Don't let me catch you!"

He roared to the sky, he must settle accounts with the other party in the future!

Die Yunfei smiled slowly, nodded to all directions, and told the world immediately.

"From now on, I, Dieyun, can fly freely anywhere on the earth. Are the ancient tribes ready?"

He snapped his fingers and saw half of the water in the East China Sea suddenly disappeared.

Then the vast sea water fell from Kunlun, turning the mountains and rivers into the sea in an instant.

Without Yinglang, can anyone bully my Yinggou clan!

Ying Ziyu roared: "You are looking for death!"

He drew out the true form of the Corpse King and wanted to teach Die Yunfei a lesson.

But Die Yunfei just glanced at him, and Ying Ziyu was broken into thousands of pieces.

The real corpse is broken into thousands of pieces, this is the king of space!


Chen Banxian's eyes were bright, and he must forget the boss's prediction.


In the year 2623 of the Earth's Nine Cities Era, on the th day of the winter lunar month, the Human Army started broadcasting and officially took over the dominant era.

In the same year, the ancient Shuiyi tribe fled to the Pacific Ocean and ceded the territory of the East China Sea.

After another two hundred years, the human race has completely spread its branches and leaves, and the quantum satellite chain has officially surrounded the world.

The official encourages everyone to develop in a small way and take the people and friends they like to develop and settle down anywhere.

Space is King. Commander Die Yunfei, known as the King of Space, promised that if anyone has a problem, he will receive a distress signal and can provide immediate support.

In a city on Earth called Yancheng, the sky is filled with dust, and a 10,000-meter-tall off-road transport vehicle is loading.

"The bus to Peach Blossom Forest is leaving in ten minutes. Are there any passengers going?"

The flight attendant shouted on the loudspeaker, and all kinds of people were everywhere, lining up to get on the bus.

"Wait for me, wait for me!"

One person ran over here carrying large and small bags: "And me, I haven't gotten in the car yet."

He had long, clean hair and was as handsome as a young man. He was out of breath while running.

"It doesn't matter, I can run in ten minutes."

The flight attendant laughed, not in a mocking manner, but in a good-natured way.

She won't call for departure when ten minutes are up.

"Huh...huh... Sixty black coins a ticket, too expensive."

The boy gasped and struggled to drag the suitcase.

"What's your name?" The flight attendant checked the identity information.

"Chen Banxian."

The boy said immediately, and then handed over his ID card.

"Are you alone? You are only eighteen years old and you have to travel far away by yourself?"

"Don't mention it. My friends are busy with other things and have no time to accompany me. They fight against the world every day."

"Haha, that's really busy."

The flight attendant joked a little: "Have you finished reading the book? If you don't understand anything along the way, you can ask my sister."

"Don't worry, although I am always eighteen years old, I have learned a lot."

Chen Banxian carried the suitcase carelessly and wanted to put it on the shelf.

Lift it once, eh, I didn’t lift it up.

The second time I lifted it, I was able to do it, but it was almost impossible. I had to be 1.9 meters tall to get this shelf.

The girl next to him couldn't stand it anymore, so she jumped up and helped him push it in gently.

"You are such a big man, why are you so weak?"

The girl laughed at Chen Banxian, making the latter blush.

"You can't generalize between people. I am the intelligent type!"

He defended himself, and his handsome face made the girl feel good for a while.

It just so happened that their seats were adjacent to each other.

"It takes three days to get to Peach Blossom Forest. Follow me and I'll take you around."

The girl was a little proud. She was actually very weak. When other children could lift a thousand kilograms, she could only lift six hundred kilograms.

Now that he saw that Chen Banxian was smaller than himself, he immediately felt superior.

"You said you are intelligent, but what do you know?"

The girl looked at him with dazzling eyes, pretending to be like a royal lady.

"Hey, I can tell fortunes. Plum blossoms are easy to count. Do you understand?"

His horns are raised the most, which is his proudest place.

"Plum blossoms are easy to count. Isn't that a kindergarten textbook? I can do this too."

The girl counted on her fingers: "One, two, two, three, four, Xun, five Kan, six Gen, seven Kun, eight. How about it?"

"What's the use of memorizing it? Can you make hexagrams and interpret them?"

Chen Banxian smiled lightly, took out a bottle of boiled water at home and took two sips.


The girl said carelessly: "Isn't this simple? It can be done with a living body, but not with a body. Who doesn't know this formula?"

This left Chen Banxian speechless, so he had to add: "I can also read Feng Shui, look at faces, read palms, and name eight characters and six lines...

After reading a lot of words, the aunt next to me couldn’t listen anymore.

"You kid, if you're so good at calculations, why don't you figure out what the lottery numbers are tonight?"


Chen Banxian speculated slightly and said: "06 25 32 09...01.

"Haha, you must have said it casually."

The girl took out her mobile phone and brought up the virtual screen: "I'll buy it now and see if I can win."

She moved her body to within a few centimeters of Chen Banxian's face, "If you're not right, you have to agree to my request."

Are all children today so proactive and wild?

Chen Banxian couldn't bear it and backed away slightly.

This made the girl laugh even louder.

"It's time to leave, stop talking."

The flight attendant's voice sounded: "Everyone's seat can be adjusted to seat mode, sleeper mode, and massage mode."

"The windows can be opened, and it doesn't matter if your head sticks out. We have human body recognition protection, so you can't fall in."

"There are restrooms at regular intervals on the car, which continuously provide hot water. Further ahead is the dining car, which is full of fresh ingredients. There is also a swimming pool, entertainment facilities, etc. on the car. It is definitely worthy of your sixty black coins."

As the story unfolded, the 10,000-meter-large off-road transport vehicle began to move.

It made a huge roar, first drove away from the vicinity of Yancheng, and then began to float in the air and fly close to the ground.

It always maintains a distance of ten meters from the earth, allowing everyone to have the best view.

Chen Banxian looked outside the car. The metal body was twisting slightly. It used high-tech memory metal to ensure maximum toughness.

Leaving the ground, there is no roar, only the rustle of the wind and trees, and all the beautiful scenery comes into view.

"Look, the moon!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone went to the window to take a look.

I saw a jade bead moving from a distance, bringing endless spiritual energy.

"We're so lucky, right? We just happened to meet the lunar patrol, so we're lucky!"

The girl in front of Chen Banxian immediately took out a black card from her bag, shook it, and the black card turned into a camera.

She kept taking hundreds of pictures in one second, locking the moon into the machine, and then the aura drenched everyone.

The moon is not too close, and the spiritual energy is just mist and cannot be collected.

Chen Banxian couldn't help but think of the Tianji Ancient Clan. Now that the human race has grown in size, they have built rows of buildings on the moon, selling for tens of millions of black coins per square meter.

Even so, the people who were taken advantage of to enjoy the spectacle were happy to do so.

Chen Banxian took out his mobile phone and looked at the listings on Moon Trail to see if there were any flash sales on new houses.

Every time he couldn't grab someone else, md, those people had faster hand speed than him!

Hmm... He is also one of the enemies, but it's the moon, don't you like it?


The girl suddenly took a photo of him: "Brother, don't be shy, you looked very good just now."

"You are infringing on my portrait rights." Chen Banxian was not very happy: "Remember the P picture, my hair was messed up when I ran here just now, and my side face is better looking than my front face, remember to touch up the light. .”

(End of this chapter)

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