"Do you think Peach Blossom Forest is pretty?"

Chen Banxian asked the girl: "The pictures and videos I see online are all edited. I'm so afraid of being lonely when I go there."

"Don't worry, I've already visited that place three times. The scenery is very beautiful."

The girl was particularly talkative. She took out her phone, took a selfie, and then started sending it with one click.

Wei Wei looked at it, "Fish Pond No. 1, Fish Pond No. 2, Fish Pond No. 3."

"What's my number?"

Chen Banxian spoke subconsciously, and the girl glanced at him: "Why are you peeking at other people's mobile phones!"

Her expression suddenly changed, "It's boring, you can't raise fish after looking at my mobile phone."

“Who said I can’t raise fish after looking at your mobile phone?”

Chen Banxian took out his mobile phone and shared the screen with her. He clicked on the contact and saw the note on it:

Goddess No. 1, Goddess No. 2, Goddess No. 3, Goddess No. 4...

"Unexpectedly, you are actually a dog licker?"

The girl was greatly shocked: "Unexpectedly, he looks like an innocent little boy on the outside, but turns out to be a wolf warrior on the inside."

"What do you know?"

Chen Banxian smiled lightly: "If you lick one person, you will be a dog; if you lick ten people, you will be a bear; if you lick a million people, you will be a dragon within a dragon."

"Okay, you are indeed not human."

Chen Banxian refreshed her outlook on life, and her subsequent conversations became less frequent.

She is afraid.

Chen Banxian smiled lightly, then lowered his head and quietly changed the notes of Dieyun Feijiao Xiaoxiao and others back. Damn it, who is Lin Tian's avatar? How could he forget it?

After making the changes, Chen Banxian sent a message to Jiaojiao.

[Everything is fine today, I rejected another girl who has a crush on me. 】

"Ding dong."

Lin Tian picked up his phone and found that Brother Xian had sent him a message.

His expression immediately changed and he replied: [Are all the dogs named and killed now? 】


Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes. This tone could not be that of Jiaojiao.

He hurriedly withdrew and then said: [Sorry, my phone was infected with a virus just now. 】

[Brother Xian, you have gone too far. Is there still a virus on your phone now? 】

This tone must be Lin Tian's. He modified the note, then found Jiaojiao's avatar again, edited and sent:

[What a surprise, I just sent you a message, but it turned out that I sent it to the wrong person. It’s so embarrassing. 】

"mua~ the message is here."

You Ye picked up the phone and looked at it, a little confused: [Master, what are you going to send? Why is it so embarrassing? 】

Chen Banxian's pupils shrank, this title was wrong.

He hurriedly wanted to withdraw, but You Ye immediately sent another message: [Brother Xian, have you figured it out? 】

Damn it, this title has changed!

Chen Banxian immediately replied: [Ahem, it’s okay, I just wanted to ask what the weather will be like tomorrow. 】

He quickly removed the pop-up window and clicked to log out.

"It's incredible, it's incredible, why do people like to use furry heads nowadays? He thought it was a dragon."

If you continue to scroll down, you will see that there are at least a dozen people using the furry avatar.

"This must be a dragon."

Chen Banxian did not forget his original intention. He thought carefully about the language this time and made sure there was no misunderstanding.

Let’s take a look at the nickname first: The Beginning of Life.

Well, it fits Jiaojiao's style very well.

【I miss your... meals. 】

Perfect, sent.

The sword spirit is sitting and watching the clouds rise and fall, while checking his cell phone.

Furry avatars are very popular online recently, so he made one, and suddenly a pop-up appeared on his phone.

"Eh? Did this kid send the message to the wrong person?"

He saw it at a glance. He was about to reply when he suddenly remembered something and replied with a smirk: [Xianxian, did you miss me today? 】

A smile appeared on Chen Banxian's lips, and it turned out to be Jiaojiao: [Of course, I miss you every moment, but it's a pity that you don't have time to accompany me, give me a hug~]

The sword spirit smiled evilly and sent a screenshot and selfie.

[Xianxian, guess who I am. 】


Chen Banxian was shocked, and then clouds of cloud quickly flew over his face.

[Master Jian, I’m joking. 】

[Please don’t send it out! 】

md, his reputation was ruined, Chen Banxian had no choice but to activate the background mode and restore the changes.

It's been a long time since he's been a permission dog.

This time I finally found Jiaojiao and expressed my grievances.


Jiaojiao didn't have time to reply to him. Chen Banxian was speechless. It's better not to be too idle.

But he is really free now. He can just wait for his fortune to be fulfilled after he becomes a human being.


Peach Blossom Forest, here we come.

Finally arriving at the destination, Chen Banxian felt much better.

Open the window, the air is filled with the fragrance of peach blossoms, and then look at the sky, the sky and the earth are pink.

The peach blossom spreads hundreds of thousands of miles, turning the whole world into one color, which is intoxicating.

"Click, click!"

First check in, take a photo, and send it to Moments.

He posed for a few selfies and waited for replies from his circle of friends.

【like. 】

[Is this posture a style from hundreds of years ago? You are old. 】

[Tsk, tsk, I’m still in the mood for traveling. Master, I have already killed more than a dozen ancient tribesmen. 】

[The success upstairs has raised this circle of friends to a level that does not belong to him. 】

md just one like? You guys are making silly comments.

Turning off his cell phone, Chen Banxian took a deep breath. Ever since he killed Ying Lang last time, the ancient clan had been completely shattered.

The power of the human race is expanding like no other, and his cultivation level is also rising steadily.

People continue to break through to the ninth realm, and the momentum of the human race is getting stronger and stronger, allowing all races to truly see how terrible the race favored by heaven is.

At present, the number of qualified persons is estimated to be over two hundred.

The ancient tribesmen were completely suppressed and could not hold their heads up.

At the same time, a turmoil also occurred in the world of Zhetian, that is, dark turmoil.

The road to immortality finally opens, the Supreme appears, and what is known as the most terrible disaster strikes.

Ye Fan rushed to the battlefield with the remains of the two Dacheng Holy Bodies, the Immortal Cauldron and other external forces to protect the lives of the people in the world, which made people cry.

At that time, Chen Banxian only dared to stay at the entrance of the earth's passage and asked Gai Jiuyou if he wanted to borrow an immortal weapon.

As a result, Gai Jiuyou said domineeringly, "No, let's fight somewhere else." The supreme beings in the dark turmoil returned to the restricted area with ugly faces.

A great emperor would give me a slap in the face!

Gai Jiuyou was already extremely talented, but now that his cultivation level has increased rapidly after becoming emperor, they can't beat him even if he reaches his highest level.

The name of Emperor Jiuyou is sung all over the world, and Ye Fan has just gone through the motions and is qualified to erect a small statue next to the statue of Emperor Jiuyou. As the Earth possesses immortal weapons, the worlds ranked on the World Monument do not dare to provoke it. It is completely against the heavens.

As Chen Banxian said, he can let go. Today's human race no longer needs him.

A distinguished genius is born, competing for the dragon and the phoenix, and clamoring for rankings. There are more than a dozen lists of the top ten geniuses for young people, the top ten geniuses for young people, the top ten geniuses for middle-aged people, and the top ten geniuses at the ancestral level.

The peach blossom forest is very beautiful. Chen Banxian measured the land with the body of an ordinary person, and the Tao in his body has almost been cut off.

He went out of his own way, and the speed of the Ninth Realm was getting faster and faster.

Five thousand years have passed, and the earth's human race has begun to split within itself, with the technological sect and the immortal sect at odds with each other.

The timeline is turbulent in their hands, and Chen Banxian sits on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers.

"We cultivators can become immortals and ancestors ourselves, and live forever in the free and easy world. It's so uncomfortable."

"Bah, how can our technological faction be inferior to you? Our quantum consciousness and dark sequence can still live forever."

"And only a very small part of you can become immortals. We can take all human beings to ascend mechanically."

"Relying on external forces and forgetting the lessons of our ancestors since ancient times? It is never our own and will be destroyed!"

"Scaremongering, we are the right ones, you are selfish!"

Such comments kept appearing, and Chen Banxian also saw the birth of Zhulong and Baixiao's identity.

"So, you are the daughter of the leader of the future technology faction and the conservative faction?"

This is interesting, the leaders of the two factions are actually husband and wife.

Bai Xiao blushed: "I can't help but my parents' ideals don't match at all."

After such a dramatic scene, Bai Xiao's eyes wandered: "Do you have to find me and talk about this issue face to face?"

"Then why don't you advise your parents?"

Chen Banxian looked down, the stars were dimming, and they were extracting energy to allow Bai Xiao to go back to the past.

"How should I persuade you? Only now do I know the truth."

Bai Xiao wanted to stop the machine, but she didn't dare.

If two of her appear in the same time and space, who knows what will happen?

"How about I help you take action?"

Chen Banxian's hands were a little itchy. Why did he have to quarrel when he was doing a good job? Is it necessary to quarrel so fiercely?

As soon as he slaps him, he has to shut up.

"Don't do it!"

Bai Xiao was afraid that Chen Banxian would slap her parents to death: "Weiwei said that this is an inevitable phenomenon of historical development. Let's just let nature take its course."

"I can make Egerwei take that back."

Chen Banxian still refused to give up, but Bai Xiao begged, and he nodded with enjoyment.


Another two thousand years later, the law of cause and effect weapon was controlled, the human race had fully developed, and its footprints began to spread to other parts of the universe.

At this point in time, the first Dzogchen of the Ninth Realm appeared, and it was Jiaojiao. She was worthy of being the first dragon.

Ten thousand years later, Jiaojiao successfully broke through and officially entered the tenth realm.

Some ancient tribes wanted to resurrect, but the real dragon set out to suppress the world. Jiao Jiao Yilong silenced all the ancient tribes.

A true dragon, a group of immortal old immortals like them cannot defeat him at all.

One hundred and twenty thousand years later, Die Yunfei was the first to enter the eleventh realm during the Tribulation.

This...is the Mahayana, a quasi-immortal, about to become an immortal.

In the same year, Chen Banxian announced that he was about to survive the tribulation.

"Damn it, Brother Xian, you are finally going to survive the tribulation!"

Lin Tian's body was filled with light: "We want to see what it's like for you to survive the tribulation."

The sword spirit came from outside the territory immediately: "You brat, are you ready?"


At this time, Chen Banxian looked like a completely ordinary person, with no Taoist aura about him.

Standing between heaven and earth, it seems as if a picture has been cut out.

"It's incredible. Now that you have overcome the tribulation, can't you directly kill the immortal?"

Jiu Jiu congratulated him, and Chen Banxian smiled: "Lao Jiu, aren't you going to survive the tribulation too?"

They are stuck at a critical point. Not many of those people from the beginning can still make it here today.

"Bie Shuang is still stuck in the early stage of the tenth realm, just like Shi Youlong."

"Ge Xiaoxiao and Jiaojiao are both in the tenth realm. It's probably a long time before they become immortals."

"The only ones who have made it this far are me, Ninth, Die Yunfei, and Jiaojiao. Your disciples will have to wait at least another hundred thousand years."

"Mu Yun counts as one, as do Bai Di, Han Li and others from other cities, as well as the child Zhou Shan. Liu Lexian said she should be around fifty thousand years old."

Ninth said: "Oh, and Lin Tian, ​​he counts, it's not easy."

He sincerely sighed: "The few of us have indeed occupied too much luck. God favors us, and we have occupied almost all the resources of the human race."

Nowadays, they say that being able to kill an immortal is a bit unrealistic, but being able to fight an immortal a few times is no problem at all.

"If I survive the tribulation, there may be a lot of noise."

Chen Banxian said seriously: "So I plan to take this opportunity to defeat the Gougu clan and defeat them completely."

His words shocked everyone immediately. Lin Tian was shocked and said:

"Brother Xian, you don't want your life, and you're not afraid of being hacked to death?"

"It's not a big problem."

Chen Banxian is very confident about this. Can Grandpa Tiandao still kill me?

He calculated very well and took out the map to draw: "If I have more time then, I will follow this route and defeat the remaining ancient tribes."

He was going through the tribulation anyway, so it was normal for him to be hacked one or two more times.

"There are ancestors among these ancient tribes, and they are almost all invincible. In addition, the immortal weapons cannot be chewed. I will take this opportunity to kill them all!"

When he said this, he clenched his fists tightly: "It's been hundreds of thousands of years, and I still can't swallow the same breath in my heart!"

Back then, they were weak and could only watch the ancient tribes and alien tribes show off their power and dare not resist.

But looking at it now, the ancient clan cannot threaten the power of the human race, but will be squeezed.

"You're right, it would be a pity for me to survive the tribulation."

Die Yunfei lamented that when he was going through the tribulation, he only thought about becoming an immortal and didn't think much about it at all.

"If you don't tell me this, isn't your sister reincarnated? How is she doing now?"

After finally getting everyone together, Chen Banxian quickly asked.

"She... now there is always a yellow guy calling me Lao Deng'er."

Thinking of this, Die Yunfei got a headache: "When I was going through the tribulation, my inner demon arose. I killed Huang Mao thousands of times and almost didn't make it through."

"There are still inner demons in the tribulation?"

Chen Banxian was very shocked and asked quickly.

"Please tell me carefully, I'm afraid of this thing."

If he doesn't do bad things and is not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, Chen Banxian feels that there is no room for ghosts to knock on his door.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that the mysterious light falls from the heaven, and countless fantasies appear in front of your eyes, as if you have completed your tribulation."

Die Yunfei talked about his own experience: "Then the thing you are most afraid of and perhaps the most worried about will happen, causing your Taoist heart to collapse. At this time, the natural disaster is still falling."

Die Yunfei was very serious: "If you can't get out of the catastrophe, the tribulation will kill you alive and you don't know it. This is the inner demon."

"That's difficult."

Chen Banxian's heart beat: "I have too many inner demons."

He had so many things to worry about that he couldn't even count them.

"Why don't you go to the ancient clan?" Lin Tian advised: "We must survive the disaster first."

"No! I just want to go!" Chen Banxian gritted his teeth: "I won't give up until I completely kill the ancient clan!"

His teeth were almost broken and he felt a little pain on the top of his head.

(End of this chapter)

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