There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 602: Overcoming the Immortal Tribulation

This day is finally here.

Chen Banxian sat steadily high in the sky, with the base of the Kunlun Yinggou clan at his feet.

"What else are you doing here!"

Ying Ziyu only dared to intimidate on Kunlun Mountain and did not dare to go outside the scope of Kunlun Domain.

There are immortal weapons protecting the boundary of Kunlun Mountain to prevent other ancient tribes from entering.

"I can come when I want and leave when I want."

Chen Banxian looked at him sideways: "If you dare, come out and beat me."

If you dare to come out, your brains will be blasted by him!

Ying Ziyu clenched his fists, but he really didn't dare to go out.

Now, he is in the tenth realm, which is the same realm as Chen Banxian.

But the distance between the two is more than one hundred and eight thousand miles?

"Win Gou, you have to be prepared today, maybe you will have to finish the game."

The aura on Chen Banxian's body was extremely unstable, and every move he made could lead to the intersection of avenues.

"Overcoming the tribulation..."

Ying Ziyu looked ugly, and Ying Yin came too.

"He is going to survive the tribulation."

Looking at the figure above, the two of them felt unwillingness and a touch of... fear.

Yes, it is fear. The two of them have thought about it more than once. Maybe when the disaster comes, they will have such inner demons and they may not be able to survive it.

"He's... so scary."

The elder of the Yinggou clan sighed: "This man has been walking in this era, and all living creatures can only see his back."

Another clan elder also sighed: "We are following the old path before, a path destined to failure, but he is different. He is taking his own path, the path of this era."

High judgment.

At this time, Chen Banxian placed a golden nanmu offering table high in the sky, with the words "The Way of Heaven" on it.

Three incense sticks with a height of 10,000 meters were lit, nine pairs of incense candles were burned, and 90,000 kilograms of paper money were burned.

He raised his hands high and prayed respectfully to the way of heaven:

"The Way of Heaven is above. Today, I have a believer, Chen Banxian, who has completed his meritorious deeds. I am willing to use this moment to overcome the tribulation and achieve enlightenment. I hope Grandpa Tiandao will approve it."

The breeze was blowing on his face. If nothing else, Chen Banxian had achieved the ultimate in etiquette at this moment.

Even before that, he fasted and bathed seriously, and complimented Heaven every day.

"Hmph, do you think that the way of heaven will make it easy for you to overcome the disaster?"

The ancient tribesmen sneered, thinking they were watching clowns.

However, when they thought of Chen Banxian's strength, they felt sad again.

It's basically a certainty that this kid will survive the tribulation.

A fairy sword floated in the void. Die Yunfei and the ninth group had already arrived, plundering the formation for Chen Banxian.

"This boy is going to be in trouble."

The sword spirit gloated: "Generally, when monks are going through a tribulation, they just wish that Heaven had not discovered it. This can minimize the difficulty of the tribulation."

"But the bastard actually took the initiative to strengthen the connection with Tiandao. It's really...hehe."

"Master Jian, is it possible that Xianxian is an exception and will have an easier time?"

Jiaojiao was wearing black clothes and a black skirt. She recalled that she once attracted the law of heaven leisurely, but there was no problem.


The sword spirit refused: "On the contrary, if Heaven really loves him, it will only strike harder!"

"Heavenly tribulation is a test, but it is also an opportunity. Theoretically, the more severe the tribulation, the more it can cleanse the monk's body and mind, and bring about a purer immortal body."

After surviving the catastrophe, you are no longer a mortal. Only the container of the immortal can carry the immortal body.

That's why the sword spirit smiled so happily.

"Wait, this reminds me of something."

Suddenly Lin Tian said: "I remember Brother Xian told me before that when Chen Changsheng, the leader of the Taoist Sect, passed through the most powerful tribulation, the world was destroyed."

This made him worried: "Is it possible that Brother Xian's disaster will cause big problems on the earth?"

This is not alarmist, but provides lessons from the past.

"For ordinary people, there is no need to consider this issue at all. No matter how strong a monk is, can he be stronger than the world?"

But the sword spirit changed the topic: "But this boy, this... um... maybe..."

"I'm not sure either."

it's dark.

When the incense burned out and the incense candles and paper money were extinguished, the world became dark. Chen Banxian glanced at Gao Xiang and saw that it was all burned out, very good.

A calamity fell from heaven. In an instant, the earth was shrouded in darkness, the sun and moon were invisible at all, and the stars in the sky also lost their brilliance.

"This isn't quite right."

Die Yunfei's thoughts swept across the entire earth: "Why is the entire earth dark?"

This was truly astonishing. They looked up and saw that Chen Banxian had returned to his true appearance, truly looking like an immortal.

"Human Prophet, aren't you afraid of us sneaking up on you!"

The elders of the Yinggou clan stared wide-eyed. The disaster was still brewing that day. It was just the beginning and it made them panic, as if a disaster was imminent.

No, it doesn't seem like it, or it's a disaster.

"He is trying to break our defense with the help of Heavenly Tribulation!"

A clan elder saw the truth and felt depressed.

"Empress Yinglang, you left too early."

If the prophet was still there, how could Chen Banxian suppress them in everything?

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, they have kept a low profile, not daring to show off their power as before, and even did not dare to take action when the human race wandered nearby.

As long as it's outside Kunlun, they don't dare to interfere.

"I'm not afraid of you if I dare to survive the tribulation here."

Chen Banxian sneered: "I am already invincible, so what about the catastrophe? It will only become in my hands...


A thunderbolt fell, appearing purple, and the sword spirit was suddenly shocked: "The first one is the purple sky thunder?"

His sword trembled: "It's numb. This time the earth may really disintegrate."

It’s not that He is alarmist, but the reality is too terrifying.


The second thunder fell, giving no chance to breathe, and the thunder became even more purple.

"It's confirmed, it's Zixiao Divine Thunder's move!"

The sword spirit shouted, but there was dead silence in the Yinggou tribe.

"Purple Sky Divine Thunder..."

A clan elder stared with big eyes: "In our era, the last thunderbolt to overcome the tribulation and become an immortal was the first level here?"

This contrast makes people feel unbalanced, and the eyes of other ancient tribes are also looking here.

"The human race prophet has made it clear that he wants to drag Kunlun into trouble."

Within the Shuiyi Ancient Clan, Qi Dongqing is already the clan leader. He can see through space and distance with tired eyes.

"He is too strong. I think Kunlun may be tied this time."

"Boom boom boom!"

The thunder struck one after another, and Chen Banxian was struck so hard that he could not even speak.

It was too fast, too cruel. His cultivation was already extremely advanced but he was still caught off guard at this moment.

The repetition of the idiom "thunder force" proves the situation at this time.

He was knocked down high into the sky, and his face was pressed against Kunlun's fairy barrier.

The Yinggou clan didn't dare to let him in. The catastrophe would kill them all.

If Chen Banxian is not allowed to come in, the immortal weapon will continue to bear the damage from being hit by the thunder tribulation, and it will continue.

"This first level is too exaggerated!"

Lin Tian's eyes widened as he saw the thunderbolts getting faster and faster one after another, from one blast per second at the beginning to ten blasts per second now.

"This is a blow to death. Brother Xian has done too many outrageous things."

"You said that, aren't you afraid that Old Chen will beat you up afterwards?"

Ninth glanced at him: "Do you think Lao Chen can't hear what you are saying now? Just look at him if you don't believe me."

To see him?

Lin Tian looked over, and sure enough, Chen Banxian was staring at him under the thunder.

Lin Tian's face fell: "You are about to become an immortal, why are you still so stingy?"

"I don't believe Brother Xian is such a person, don't you think so?"

Everyone looked away, unwilling to answer his words.

This guy just doesn't have a long memory.

(End of this chapter)

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