There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 603 Hey, I was just pretending

"Just wait for your father and I will finish the disaster!"

Chen Banxian shouted at the Ying Gou Immortal Weapon Defense Formation, but several more thunderbolts struck him, causing him to scream in agony.

"Hiss! Ouch, it hurts, be gentle, be gentle!"


The thunder catastrophe in the sky changed from purple to black!

At this moment, Chen Banxian's face was extremely frightened, because the thunderbolt hit his head.


He couldn't dodge at all, and his head hit Ying Gou's formation so hard that a hole was made.

"Boom boom boom!"

He was forced to change various shapes in the formation, and his previous heroic words completely disappeared. This calamity was simply not something that a normal person could survive!

"Isn't this... too ugly?"

Zhang Han whispered in a low voice: "Mr. Sister, were you like this when you overcame the tribulation?"

Die Yunfei's expression changed. He looked away and said, "Of course I won't be in such a mess. Everything was normal during the tribulation."

"Then are you better than the boss?"

Faced with the inquiry, Die Yunfei thought of a reason.

"Because Brother Xian's Heavenly Tribulation is too powerful, mine is not as exaggerated as his."


"Look, Brother Xian has been hacked into the Yinggou clan!"

With a scream, everyone saw that the formation was completely broken into pieces, and Chen Banxian screamed and fell into Kunlun.

At this time, he also knew that he was not good-looking, and he couldn't help but think of Chen Changsheng.

Envy Chen Changsheng, fear Chen Changsheng, become Chen Changsheng, understand Chen Changsheng.

md It turned out that going through the tribulation would be really miserable. If I had known earlier, I would have gone through it quietly alone.

Originally there was a big city under him, but now the aftermath of the catastrophe caused the big city to disappear into thin air.

Several monks in the ninth realm were caught off guard and died in the blink of an eye.

The joy on Chen Banxian's face flashed away, but soon disaster struck, and the Yinggou Ancient Clan had several large cities nearby.

He moved with difficulty on the ground, approaching another big city in the Yinggou tribe.

We must drag Ying hook into the water and not forget our original intention.

"Don't come over here!"

An old man from the Yinggou tribe roared and shouted fearfully in front of Chen Banxian: "We have no grievances and no grudges. We have lived in peace for more than 100,000 years. It's not like that, not at all!"

"I want to come here and let you taste what it feels like to be struck by lightning."

Chen Banxian shouted and actually stood up in the midst of thunder!

All the people watching the ceremony were shocked. That was the thunder calamity that split all the immortal weapons. How could it still stand up?

What is this man's body made of? Immortal treasure?

Is this the human race? Is this a human race?

Everyone was shocked. Fortunately, Chen Banxian was struck down again in the next second, and he could only crawl on the ground.

Just the aftermath around him turned everything into powder, and the defensive formation of the immortal weapon was completely useless.

The Heavenly Tribulation split the formation and fell on Chen Banxian, unable to weaken him at all.

"Don't go any further!"

Ying Yin roared in front. He was also in the tenth level but he didn't dare to approach at all.

Immortal weapons can't stop it, so what can they use to stop it?

"I'm not!"

Chen Banxian was really approaching their second big city and was about to touch it.

The people of the Yinggou tribe were all trying to avoid it, but how could they avoid it in the city?

"You crazy person!"

Ying Yin's heart skipped a beat, he got into the underground of the big city, and was actually lifted up!

Han Li, who was watching the battle, clapped his hands fiercely and said, "I know this move well!"

Ying Yin held up the big city and ran away. Chen Banxian, who had been knocked down to the ground, jumped up like a carp.

"Don't run!"

He actually carried Thunder and chased after him. “You bastard, you’re actually faking it!”

At this moment, the Yinggou clan was furious. If Yingyin hadn't carried the city and ran away, who knows how serious the consequences would have been.

Chen Banxian would definitely run to the center of the city as soon as he got close. They didn't know how many people would die if the catastrophe fell.

"What's wrong with me pretending? Stop and don't run!"

Chen Banxian chased after him. He wanted to get closer but was blocked by the calamity. He really couldn't move.

He was gradually out of breath, but he still took a sharp step to reach Yingyin.

The life-and-death crisis struck instantly. Yingyin gave up the city and left without saying a word.

That is to say, at this moment, the entire city with a radius of 400,000 miles disappeared in an instant before it even touched the ground.

"Chen Banxian!"

Yingyin roared with tears in his eyes: "I will fight you to the death!"

There was his family and his younger generation in that city, but now they are all gone.

It disappeared in an instant.

"Then come!" Chen Banxian was eager for him to get closer and change direction towards other big cities.

This shocked the elders of the Ying Gou clan. These eleventh-level beings recovered their cultivation and began to run against city after city, not giving Chen Banxian a chance.

"You old fools, don't you dare face me!"

Chen Banxian couldn't chase him anymore. The calamity turned completely black, the sun and moon lost all light, as if the world was being torn apart.

Suddenly, he became motionless and froze in place.

"He is now going through the inner demon tribulation!"

A leader of the Yinggou clan was delighted: "Hurry, Ziyu, kill him with an immortal weapon!"

This is really a good opportunity. During the tribulation of inner demons, you enter into illusions and evil thoughts persist. This is the time when you are most defenseless.

In fact, Ying Ziyu had been waiting nearby for a long time. He quickly picked up a sacred elephant and smashed it at Chen Ning'an.

This holy elephant is definitely an immortal weapon. It locked time and space and quickly fell towards him without giving Chen Banxian the slightest chance to escape.

Suddenly, Chen Banxian's eyes regained clarity and he smiled evilly at him.

"I was fooled."

His figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already over a large city in Yinggou.

"Ah! Zhuzi is lying again!"

Ying Ziyu was shocked. His fairy weapon hit Chen Banxian but couldn't hit it.

"Brother Xian is pretending."

The great monks of the human race were stunned. Their hearts were clenching just now, thinking that Chen Banxian would encounter a crisis.

But the reversal came too quickly.

"I knew this kid was clever!" The sword spirit couldn't wait to clap his hands: "Okay, the co-author is just kidding us."

Jiaojiao frowned: "Isn't he worried that others will be scared?"

"How many other cities do you have?"

Ninth shouted to win the Gou clan, leading Die Yunfei and others around their evacuation route.

"Don't run out of Kunlun, otherwise we will definitely take action."

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If Yinggou wants to evacuate Kunlun, he will definitely put away the immortal weapon array.

Then they can definitely take action. Even if they have immortal weapons to resist, Chen Banxian can bring Thunder and completely destroy them.

"Human race, if you really want to kill them all, you will never succeed!"

A Yinggou tribesman who arrived a long time ago cried: "We were the ones who told you how to kill the lives in Jingxu. Don't you really want to show any kindness?"

As soon as these words came out, the human race all laughed.

But Wanzu's face immediately became ugly.

The venerable Spin Turtle Ancient Clan shouted angrily: "You are the one who leaked the secret and let the human race know how to deal with us?"

Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, this fatal news came from one of their own!

And it was the one they respected, the deceased Yinglang Prophet clan. This was really ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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