Chapter 287: Bullshit
Ma Huateng wanted to hear about live broadcasts first, and Xu Xin and the others were also curious about how an e-commerce company could generate revenue from live broadcasts.

Seeing that no one objected, Wan Qingshan said, "No problem, let me talk about the live broadcast first!"

Wan Qingshan pressed the remote control several times in succession, and the screen on the projection changed into - game live broadcast, fashion live broadcast, interactive live broadcast!
“I told Mr. Ma before that the development of Penguin and Alibaba relies on the energy storage pool of a large number of users to slowly expand.

Similarly, Maimai is also preparing to develop in this way. Penguin guides users to games, and Maimai prepares to guide users to live broadcasts.

Nowadays, everything is becoming more and more entertainment-oriented. You can enjoy all entertainment through a mobile phone. Live broadcast will also be a direction for mass entertainment. "

As Wan Qingshan said, he pressed the remote control and the screen changed from game live broadcast to game docking live broadcast and game sharing live broadcast!

“In terms of game docking and live broadcast, we will need to cooperate with Penguin.

Penguin has so many popular games and organizes competitions every year, so we can definitely match them.

The Penguins organize games and we broadcast the whole process live. We can form various teams and commercialize game competitions just like the NBA.

Then the game sharing live broadcast, well, in this aspect, there is nothing special. It is the same as the previous live broadcast on the computer, just playing the game live broadcast. "

Wan Qingshan pressed the remote control again, and the screen changed again, celebrities sharing, fashion competition!
“What I mentioned before about leading the public in dressing up depends on this fashion anchor.

For celebrity sharing, we will invite popular celebrities to collaborate, let designers create unique and low-priced styles for them, and then show them live. Nowadays, fans are a little crazy chasing stars. Through celebrities, we can inspire some people to dress up.

Fashion competitions are just like entertainment programs. Competitions like Super Girl and Fast Boy can completely use fashion.

Invite unknown fashion designers, or ordinary people who are talented in such areas, to compete in fashion design.

Of course, this kind of competition is definitely not as sensational as Super Girl and Fast Boy. After all, the costume design is definitely not as attractive as singing.

However, the two-pronged approach of sharing with celebrities can still guide many viewers to dress up, which can enhance the potential brand value of Maimai Company's clothing.

This brand value will not be reflected in price, because low-price sales will not change, but it will be reflected in user stickiness. "

Then Wan Qingshan pressed the remote control again, and interactions, sharing, and head movements appeared on the screen.

“Sharing the live broadcast means that our live broadcast is open to the outside world and anyone can live broadcast.

The live broadcast content is fine as long as it does not violate any laws or regulations.

I won’t talk about this aspect because it is the same as the previous live broadcasts on the PC and everyone knows it. "

Wan Qingshan put down the remote control and motioned to Chen Yumo about the water glass over there.

After taking the water glass handed over by Chen Yumo and taking a sip, Wan Qingshan continued,

"How big is the market for mobile live broadcasting? I don't know, because no one has done mobile live broadcasting yet.

But I think the live broadcast market is bigger than that on the PC side, because people can't be in front of the computer all the time. But on the mobile phone side, when smartphones become popular, everyone can watch live broadcasts on their phones all the time.

As for profit, it is basically the same as the current PC live broadcast, including endorsements, advertising, fan rewards, etc. "

Ma Huateng and others all frowned. Wan Qingshan explained this live broadcast in detail and was very interesting. The game team and fashion live broadcast were very good. In addition, the mobile live broadcast also has great prospects. After it is started, Maimai definitely has no shortage of profit points.

But there is one thing, and the most important thing, Wan Qingshan didn’t say!

"Mr. Wan, you explained the category of live broadcast very well. If you start a live broadcast company, based on your explanation, I am willing to be an angel investor.

But now we are Maimai Company. How do you guide Maimai e-commerce users to live broadcast?

Ali used to engage in social networking but failed. Ali, which has a large number of customers, failed to guide users. Mr. Wan, do you have any actionable way to guide Maimai e-commerce users to live broadcast! "Xu Xin asked directly the key point.

"Mr. Xu, you may not have noticed, but I just said that the fashion live broadcast should be like a super girl and a fast boy.

For the game to become bigger, the audience needs to feel involved.

I have a rough idea in this regard. Due to time constraints, I didn’t have a complete plan, so I didn’t put it on the PPT.

I can roughly say that for the top few in the competition, the clothing will be very low-priced, almost only at cost price.

As for the results of the competition, we do not hire professional judges to judge. We hold a vote on the live broadcast. Every user can vote, and we determine the ranking based on the number of votes.

Then we will place ads on the Maimai App and display some styles of clothes. If the user likes the style of one of the clothes and wants it to be cheap, then the user will naturally enter the live broadcast room to vote for the style he likes. This is E-commerce users’ sense of participation.

As for the guidance of game live broadcasts, I don’t think I have any plans to do it. There are many people playing games now. As long as the promotion is done well and there is already a fashionable live broadcast channel to guide users from Maimai, there is no need to do it again.

Too many openings will make users feel too cluttered. Although sometimes it is said that multiple channels can enrich users' gameplay, the premise is that these channels cannot deviate from the theme.

The theme of Maimai is e-commerce. Users come here to buy things and vote for their favorite clothes at ultra-low prices. That's no problem. But games are a bit far from e-commerce, so I won't give any guidance. "

As soon as Wan Qingshan finished speaking, Xu Nanpeng immediately said, "Mr. Wan, what do you think about Penguin's success in gaming, its failure in e-commerce, and Alibaba's failure in social networking?
In other words, why do you think they failed? "

Ma Huateng and others looked at Wanqing Mountain with bright eyes. Ali's social networking and Penguin's e-commerce failed. Many people have analyzed why this is the case.

But those analyzes cannot be agreed with by everyone, and Wan Qingshan's words just now made them suddenly have some vague thoughts, so they really want to know Wan Qingshan's views.

Wan Qingshan thought for a while and said, "I think users have a familiar circle for everything, just like people have their own life circle.

The game itself has social attributes. People who use Penguin use it to socialize. Penguin leads them to the game, and it can be linked to social circles, so it is successful.

Taobao is about shopping, no matter how you guide it, you cannot leave the shopping circle.

Once out of the circle, users will resist. This is like a person's life circle. The life circle is also called the comfort zone. I am familiar with everything in this circle, so I feel relieved.

Things outside the circle are full of unknowns, so I will resist people.

Also in order to prevent the live broadcast from causing trouble to Maimai e-commerce, I will later ask the company to set up a subsidiary to specialize in live broadcast and have a dedicated App.

After all, guidance is guidance, but the most important thing is for an App to have an App positioning so that users don’t feel confused. "

clap clap!

As soon as Wan Qingshan finished speaking, Zhang Lei applauded in amazement, "Mr. Wan, your idea of ​​a circle of familiarity is wonderful!"

“My humble opinion, I don’t know if it’s right or not, and I don’t know if you have any questions about the direction of the live broadcast!”

"No, Mr. Wan, you have explained it so clearly, why do I have any questions?" Xu Xin said with a smile.

Seeing the others shaking their heads slightly, Wan Qingshan picked up the remote control and quickly pressed it a few times. The screen changed to, Invite merchants, invite brands!
"Okay, now let me talk about non-self-operated products. Maimai's self-operated low prices alone cannot satisfy all users, so we will also launch non-self-operated products.

There is nothing to say about not being self-operated. The only thing is that Maimai will not let individuals open stores like Taobao, because individual merchants cannot control the quality of products and cannot introduce products through live broadcasts.

So my idea is that we only invite big brand merchants who are not self-operated, and we don’t take any commission at all. It’s just to facilitate users and increase user stickiness, so that users don’t need to go to other apps when they want to buy things like electrical appliances and mobile phones. "

After Wan Qingshan finished speaking, he pressed the remote control to turn off the projector, picked up the water glass and sat back in his seat.

After taking a sip of water, Wan Qingshan put down the water glass and looked at Ma Huateng and the others, "Guys, do you have any questions?"

Ma Huateng and others shook their heads, Zhang Lei said with a smile on his face,
"No, Mr. Wan, I can give a valuation for Mai Mai right away."

"Haha, cooperation. A total of five investors participated in the financing. In order to avoid suspicion, my wife did not participate and evaluated the market value of Maimai Company. But there are still four, and the opinions of the four may not agree. Let's do this to prevent disagreements. Later It’s a waste of time talking.”

Wan Qingshan reached out to Chen Yumo, who immediately took out several A4 papers from his bag.

Wan Qingshan stood up, pulled out four A4 papers and pushed them toward Ma Huateng.

“The four of them each wrote their valuation of Maimai Company on a piece of paper, and I took the average.

If the average is in line with Mr. Zeng and I’s psychological expectations, then we can continue talking.

If it doesn’t meet the expectations of me and Mr. Zeng, then rewrite it!
Three times, if we don’t meet our psychological expectations three times, then I’m sorry, maybe we are not destined to cooperate. "

Wan Qingshan's words made Zhang Lei and the others frown.

Not to mention the average valuation, which is already weird enough, why three chances!
After working in the investment industry for so many years, they have always been the dominant ones, and others are begging them to invest. Here in Wanqingshan, damn, giving money is like begging!
Although they felt very unhappy, they still accepted it.

There is no way, Maimai is developing too fast, and according to Wanqingshan's plan for Maimai Company, Maimai Company is very likely to succeed.

And if the live broadcast is done well, the prospects are very bright.

And Maimai has no shortage of investors. If they don’t invest, but some people do, they can only accept it.

The four of them got up and took the A4 paper, sat down, took out their pens, and started writing numbers.

A few seconds later, Wan Qingshan took four A4 papers. After reading them, he raised his head and said, "Sorry, I have to do it again."

Zhang Lei and others frowned. When Wan Qingshan pulled out four A4 papers again, Xu Nanpeng said,
"Mr. Wan, this is the first time I've seen this method of financing a company's valuation in all these years of working in the industry. I think it's also the first time I've seen it, Mr. Ma and others.

Although it's strange, I accept it because it's directed at you, Mr. Wan.

But these three times, we definitely wrote higher and higher, not lower.

For the sake of fairness, Mr. Wan, you should also write down your valuation of the company, put it aside, and let us take a look at it after it is over. "

"Sorry, Mr. Xu, it was my negligence. Your request is appropriate."

After Wan Qingshan finished speaking, he took out a piece of A4 paper and wrote the number, then turned it over and covered it.

After Wan Qingshan finished writing, Xu Xin and the others started writing the valuation again.

This time, Wan Qingshan looked at the numbers of the four people, then took out the covered paper and raised it to signal to Xu Xin and others.

Seeing that Wanqingshan was written with 400 billion, they felt slightly relieved. Wanqingshan was not considered a lion's mouth.

"Everyone, your average value is around 400 billion, so just calculate it as 400 billion!"

After the valuation is calculated, the next step is how much money needs to be raised. Wan Qingshan and Ma Huateng discussed this quickly and raised 20 billion to quickly spread Maimai across the country and establish a live broadcast company.

20 billion, the five investors are not competing for it. Anyway, they can get a spot first, and then they can follow in the B round of financing or whatever.

20 billion, divided equally among five people, each investing [-] million!
As for Zeng Maojun and Wang Changtian, they did not follow suit.

Zeng Maojun has no money, and Wang Changtian doesn't have enough money. Although he sold some shares of Enlight Media some time ago.

But the valuation of 400 billion is too high. It doesn’t make any sense to invest tens of millions. If you invest too much, you don’t have enough money, so forget it!
After the discussion, Wan Qingshan, Ma Huateng and others had a meal together, and then agreed to sign the contract in three days and then go home.

After getting into the car, when Duan Tong drove the car home, Chen Yumo held Wan Qingshan's arm and whispered in Wan Qingshan's ear,

"The plan you mentioned should be possible. I think they all believe it."

"They believe it, but it may not work. If they think it works, it will definitely work. Their investment success rate will be 100%, and they will have become mythical investors in the world."

Wan Qingshan used PPT to talk about how many users Maimai will have after it is launched, how many sales, how much profits there will be, and what traffic live broadcasts and fashion live broadcasts will be made. It is all nonsense.

He has no confidence, the data are all wild estimates, and every statement is taken for granted.

Ma Huateng and the others were shocked by Mai Mai's development speed. In addition, he had never lost money in business before, which made them have some preconceptions about him and Mai Mai. If you think about it carefully, Guan Guan's ppt and his If they did, they would definitely not say that Maimai would be valued at 300 billion upon arrival.

But it's fine now. No matter how it does in the future, as long as Maimai e-commerce is launched, even if the live broadcast is not profitable, investors like Zhang Lei will send Maimai to the market. Otherwise, such an investment of hundreds of millions will be wasted. .

As long as it is listed, his shares can be cashed out.

Chen Yumo frowned and whispered, "I think it's feasible. The method you mentioned to attract traffic to the fashion live broadcast, I think it's feasible."

"Okay, no matter if it works or not, don't think about it now. No matter how tempted you are, you have to wait until Wan Mo is weaned!"

Chen Yumo turned pale, pinched Wan Qingshan's arm gently and stopped talking.

Three days later, the contract is signed and the media begins reporting.

'Refreshing the record for the highest valuation in domestic Internet Series A financing! '

'Less than half a year after its establishment and less than ten days after the App was launched, Maimai's valuation reached 400 billion! '

'Wanqingshan has recreated its business miracle, Quanzhi was valued at 300 billion a few months after its establishment, and Maimai was valued at 400 billion less than half a year after its establishment! '


Amid heated media reports and heated discussions among netizens, Wan Qingshan's family left the capital and flew back to Pengcheng.

The winter in the capital is really cold. If there were only Wanqingshan and Chen Yumo, it wouldn't matter.

But now there is Wan Mo, and Li Ru and Wan Hai are also older, and they have not spent the winter in the north, so they are not used to the winter in the capital.

If it hadn't been dragged down by the matter of Maimai Company, Wan Qingshan and his family would have returned to Pengcheng to live long ago.

Back in Pengcheng, a few days after the Spring Festival, Wan Qingshan flew back to the capital alone on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

This time I returned to Beijing to attend the premiere of "Derailed"!
"Derailed" was produced a month ago and was not originally scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival.

After all, who is celebrating the Chinese New Year likes to watch heart-wrenching movies, and in order to grab the Spring Festival slot, they are usually released before the Chinese New Year, and how can they be released a few days after the Chinese New Year?

Originally, "Derailment" was planned to be released in March. At that time, the Spring Festival had just passed and there were no blockbusters released. "Derailment" did not need to be squeezed in to grab the box office.

But unfortunately, there happened to be a cheating on the coat of arms a few days ago!
Since the filming of "Infidelity" began, Penguin has been hyping the topic of infidelity.

Slowly, everyone is paying more and more attention to the news of cheating, and it has even caused many lovers and couples to be suspicious of each other.

Nowadays, every time a piece of cheating news comes out, it doesn’t take more than half a day to get over [-] comments. The most popular comments are those who have personally experienced being betrayed by their wives (husbands) or girlfriends (boyfriends)!
It can be said that this topic has been discussed, causing a certain crisis of trust in social marriage.

Now he is being portrayed as a good man and a good husband by the economic team. He has always been regarded as a good husband by the public and has cheated on her. This has even triggered the topic of cheating, and Penguin is having a hard time suppressing it.

Since it’s too late to press the film, we can only release it as soon as possible. Don’t pick a time. Release it as soon as possible. The publicity will be done by Penguin and Aoyama Distribution. Just roll it out as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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