Shadow Spy

Chapter 10 Now I have money to settle the bill

Chapter 10 Now I have money to settle the bill

"Thank you very much for your compliment!" the room manager said hurriedly, "However, due to some difficulties in our operation, sir..."

"You want rent money, right?" Li Junhao seemed a little confused again, waving his hand, "Huzi, give this manager money, don't let people say that your husband is a deadbeat..." After talking for a long time, Xiaohu looked at I didn't make any move, and then I realized - this guy can't understand English!
Li Junhao slapped his forehead and said in Chinese: "Xiaohu, go to the front desk with the manager to settle the bill... Oh, by the way, I will also prepay ten more days of room payment, lest people say I am a deadbeat..."

"Yes, sir!" Xiaohu understood this time.

"Oh..." After burping, Li Junhao said again: "Mr. Manager, find a waiter to take me back to the room... I will send my little brother up later... Oh... don't forget it?"

"I understand, I understand, sir!" Upon hearing this, the room manager could settle the bill now. Then he saw Xiaohu, the follower, with bulging suit pockets on both sides. He even heard the sound of silver coins in it, and came immediately. He waved to the two waitresses and asked them to help Mr. Li go upstairs, while he personally took... Oh, Mr. Xiaohu to the front desk to check out!I sighed in my heart that I almost offended a big customer!

Li Junhao was sent to the penthouse suite by two good-looking waitresses, and they also brought him a rich breakfast... Thanks to his strong will, he didn't make any mistakes before Xiaohu went upstairs!

Xiaohu entered the suite, his expression was not very good, but he was still smart enough. After seeing Li Junhao's eyes, he kicked the two waiters out slightly, then put down his leather satchel, sat down and chatted with Li Junhao Share breakfast together.

There were no outsiders present, and Li Junhao no longer had to pretend to be drunk. He returned to normal. Seeing Xiaohu's expression, he couldn't help but smile and said, "What's the matter? Are you worried about money?"

"Sir, this International Hotel is so shady!" Xiaohu said angrily, "The rent for nine days plus your meals costs 415 French currency! It's a money grab!"

"People open such big hotels just to make money! Why are you anxious about this?" Li Junhao said nonchalantly. The main money earned from hotel rooms is service money. Of course, prices are much more expensive than in the outside market. Come here. What the people staying here want is the safety and service here. If one is willing to fight, the other is willing to suffer. It is fair.

Xiaohu was not good at talking back, so he could only acquiesce when he heard the words, but still muttered: "Later, I paid ten days' rent in advance and spent another 360 French coins...Brother Hao, how about I go out and find a house for you to live in?" Right? It’s cheaper than here anyway!”

"It's not necessary for the time being. There are still benefits to living here." Li Junhao didn't think about this question for the time being, and said no more. He asked another person and asked: "Xiaohu, why don't you use US dollars? That saves a lot of trouble?"

"Not cost-effective!" Xiaohu explained, "I asked, and the front desk said that one dollar can be exchanged for 4 yuan, which is much lower than the market price! Brother Hao, on the black market now, one dollar can be exchanged for 8 to 10 yuan. Dayang." "Oh, how did you know?" Li Junhao said with some surprise.He now knows that at this time, all the major banks and commercial fields in Shanghai and Shanghai are taking Mexico Yingyang as the standard, and Sun Datou, Yuan Datou and others need to change their colors.

"My brother said that he likes to pay attention to these things." Xiaohu said.His brother is the Simao who manages logistics in Fenghuang Village. I didn’t expect him to be so careful in this regard. It seems that he is also a talent that can be cultivated!

After dinner, Li Junhao told Xiaohu that he could rest in the attendant's room near the door. He would take a nap first and talk about other things in the afternoon, and he also wanted to take a rest.
Entering the master bedroom inside, Li Junhao took off his clothes and took a hot bath in the bathroom before he completely relaxed. The first two days since time travel were so exciting!

A few hours ago, in Warehouse No. [-], when he killed the second kid with a knife, there was a new display on the system panel in his mind, but he was in a highly nervous state at the time and did not pay attention at all. ; After more than ten minutes and vomiting, he recovered and realized that the preliminary task should have been completed!

At that time, he briefly checked and confirmed that the mission had indeed been completed and the system had been turned on. He didn't look carefully at anything else, but he was sure that a traveler's essential golden finger was in place - portable space!This was also the reason why when he finally left Warehouse No. [-], he delayed for a few minutes and collected all the supplies.Now that he has the opportunity, of course he will not let go of the free advantage.

Later, after returning to the warehouse in Phoenix Village, he made suggestions to Lei Leijun and asked everyone to disperse immediately, leaving a few members of the security team to continue to complete their duties of viewing the warehouse. Everyone else evacuated the city and returned to the suburbs of Phoenix Mountain. In the village, he temporarily avoided the patrol room investigation that would come later.

The Lei siblings accepted his suggestion and asked him to leave with them, but he refused, explaining that he had to return to the International Hotel first, otherwise he would really arouse suspicion!As for his safety, since he looks like a Westerner and is a long-term guest of an international hotel, there is no need to worry too much.

The brother and sister thought what he said made sense, but they sent Xiaohu to him as a bodyguard. Firstly, they could protect his safety, and secondly, they could maintain contact between the two parties - well, they had identified this master!

In addition, in view of the great success of his "master" for the first time, the brother and sister decided to give a heavy reward (they did not know about the disappearance of materials in warehouse No. 1500) and insisted on dividing the money found in the cubicle office. Give him half.However, Li Junhao did not ask for everything. He only took 700 US dollars, 1000 pounds, 3 yingyang, more than [-] French currency, dozens of large and small gold bars, and did not ask for anything. In addition, he also had the handy little sword.

Fenghuang Village gained a lot this time. Seeing that he only took one-fifth of the total money, the Lei brothers and sisters felt that they had treated him badly, so they thought about giving him something else, and finally selected a pair to be placed in a beautiful place. The gift pistol in the gun box was given as a gift; he also asked Xiaohu to be his bodyguard, and replaced Xiaohu with two brand-new shell guns to enhance his force value.

When returning to the hotel, Xiaohu specially found a cowhide satchel to hold these things. Except for the 500 US dollars and 700 pounds in the inner pocket of his suit, Li Junhao put everything else in Xiaohu's place because he found it too heavy.So when he went upstairs, he asked Xiaohu to check out. Although Xiaohu had his own reasons, settling the bill with legal currency still met his expectations. After all, legal currency would become increasingly devalued, so it was better to spend money early.

(End of this chapter)

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