Shadow Spy

Chapter 9 The cold-blooded killer comes online

Chapter 9 The cold-blooded killer comes online
After sighing for a while, Lei Leijun remembered the business. He first asked Xiaohu to continue to protect Mr. Li, and then sent people outside to call in the four cats from the support team to see what they could take away. He himself took a few people with him. Return to the cubicle office that has been discovered, hoping to find the weapons that the previous prisoners confessed.

Lei Xiaofeng stayed at the gate, wanting to see how Mr. Li would interrogate the three prisoners.
Li Junhao didn't care about other things. He endured the discomfort in his heart and thought about the problem just now. The three prisoners were very abnormal. Even if they really didn't know, they would not react like that at the same time. This situation can only show that One point: Okada Trading Company is indeed affiliated with the spy agency, and the prisoners know something more or less!
At this time, he saw that the pain of the three prisoners had subsided a little, and he continued to ask: "No one answered the third question, so I punished you. Now is the fourth question. Who is the boss of Okada Trading Company? Who? Where does he live?"

The three prisoners were obviously hesitant, and even looked at each other...

Li Junhao was not in a hurry, but he raised the sword in his hand again. Before he could decide which prisoner to attack, he saw the prisoner on the left start to blink...

As soon as the cloth ball was taken out of his mouth, the prisoner on the left said: "I said, the boss of Okada Trading Company is Okada Hidetoshi. He lives in the backyard of the trading company. The trading company is on Tangshan Road in Hongkou..."

"Very good, you can add two points directly now." Li Junhao said and blocked his mouth again.

The prisoner on the left was very happy when he heard the extra two points, and even opened his mouth to cooperate. However, as soon as his mouth was filled with cloth balls, he felt a chill in his neck, and then a severe pain hit him... The last thing he saw out of the corner of his eye was two people. The sword flashed, and the other two people beside him also had their throats cut!

Li Junhao's actions frightened Lei Xiaofeng and Xiaohu who were watching from the side!Xiaohu was a little surprised when he killed a prisoner just now. Now that all three prisoners were killed almost instantly, he was immediately stunned; and Lei Xiaofeng saw Li Junhao kill someone for the first time, and he was almost shocked. Let her scream!At this time, the image of Mr. Li completely changed in her mind, reminding her of her brother's words: Mr. Li is very human!

In the eyes of the two people around him, Li Junhao swung his knife and killed three prisoners in a row as if he was preparing to kill. Just when they were lamenting his cold blood, they saw him throw away the knife, cover his mouth, run behind the gate and start vomiting... ...For some reason, both of them felt relieved - right!Mr. Li’s reaction is normal! ——
After vomiting heavily, Li Junhao took the water handed over by Xiaohu and rinsed his mouth carefully. He was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that the discomfort had finally passed. The severe discomfort just now made him extremely uncomfortable!He needed to admit that after killing the first Japs, he thought he could bear it, but when he killed the remaining three Japs at once, he couldn't control himself!

After taking a long breath, he asked Xiaohu next to him: "Hey, Xiaohu, have you ever killed anyone?"

"No, but I have been injured a lot." Xiaohu replied.

"It's different, it's very uncomfortable." Li Junhao said, "Xiaohu, listen to me, don't kill anyone unless necessary! Of course, killing little devils doesn't count."

"Oh...I remember." Xiaohu nodded.It wasn't until Li Junhao walked back to the middle of the warehouse that Lei Xiaofeng came over and said with disgust: "Mr. Li Da, you are too inferior! Didn't you just kill a few little devils? Look at you, vomiting like that , It’s really worthless!”

Li Junhao sat lazily on the chair next to the table and replied feebly: "Xiao Feng, just listening to your words, I know that your hands have not touched meat yet! And you pretend to be someone who is laughing at me! Humph, Xiao Girl, you are too young!"

"How do you know..." Halfway through, Lei Xiaofeng hurriedly covered her mouth, then realized that she had let it slip, stamped her feet angrily, and turned away to ignore him.

At this time, Lei Leijun had already found the batch of weapons that the prisoners had confessed to in the cubicle office, including 10 pistols, 4 submachine guns, 6 rifles, thousands of bullets and more than a dozen grenades, in addition to There are a lot of foreign currencies, gold bars, silver dollars, legal tenders, etc. It can be said to be a bumper harvest!The four cats who came over and their men began to transport the weapons back. As for the cotton yarn, grain, tung oil, etc. in the warehouse, they had no way to transport them away.

Seeing that the time had reached 03:30 in the morning, knowing that the time could not be delayed any longer, Lei Leijun ordered everyone to retreat. When he went out, he felt both pity and hatred in his heart. There was no way to transport these supplies, but it was really difficult for them to fall into the hands of the Japanese. I am not willing to give in!He was about to order his brothers to set fire to the place, but Li Junhao stopped him - the reason was that doing so would cause too much trouble and would be bad for everyone.As for the death of a few Japanese, this was in a public concession, so it was no big deal.However, to be on the safe side, all four corpses were taken away and Shen Jiang settled the matter, leaving the little devils to be suspicious!
Lei Leijun now had absolute trust in him. Hearing this, he thought it made sense and ordered his men to take away the four corpses and evacuate them all.

Li Junhao walked at the end and signaled Xiaohu who was following him to guard the door. He entered Warehouse No. 3 again, walked quickly around the warehouse, and emptied the entire place in less than [-] minutes!Then he immediately came out and followed Xiaohu a few steps to catch up with the team in front.
At seven o'clock in the morning on April 4, Li Junhao, who was smelling of alcohol, was sent back to the International Hotel in a Ford taxi. The person accompanying him all the time was the new personal bodyguard Xiaohu!

When passing by the front desk, the room manager stepped forward to greet them and said in fluent English, seemingly helpless: "Sir, you went out the night before yesterday. Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, it's you, Mr. Manager, I went to play..." Li Junhao said in a dazed voice, "Don't tell me, this Shanghai Concession is really a city that never sleeps... there are so... too many fun things! I... ...I don't even want to leave...Hahaha!" Xiaohu beside him helped him walk to the elevator without stopping at all.

The room manager took two steps forward, pressed the elevator button, and said with a humble attitude: "Sir, there's a little something... You have been staying at the International Hotel for almost ten days. How do you feel? If there is anything we haven't done well, Wherever you can, you can bring it up..."

"Well! It's very nice here! It's better than hotels in the United States and the British Isles!" Li Junhao seemed to be more awake and his speech became clearer.

(End of this chapter)

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