Shadow Spy

Chapter 186 Highway and Danzig Crisis

Chapter 186 Highway and Danzig Crisis

On July 7, Li Junhao informed Wen Qiang that he expected to trade in Changsha on the 25th or [-]th of next month.

After receiving the notice, Wen Qiang immediately contacted the headquarters and reported the information.In his opinion, Pan Sen's side should have arranged for the goods to be shipped. Although he did not know the mode of transportation, he thought it should be water transportation.

After the Chongqing headquarters received the telegram from Wen Qiang, Dai Li still told Mao Renfeng to be responsible for the transaction. The goods organized by the military commander were also transferred to Changsha from various places in the southwest. The road was difficult and the time was tight; and on the way There are also various forces setting up card checks, which means that the strength of the military commander has greatly increased, otherwise it would really be impossible to do this business! ——
On the Shanghai side, that night, Li Junhao organized another temporary runway construction at the racecourse. This time it was more efficient, taking one hour to set up and one hour to dismantle.In this way, the process of paving the runway, taking off, dismantling the runway, and evacuating can be completed within two and a half hours, allowing him to accurately control the time.

In order to keep confidentiality, he gave each of the Marines and Marines who participated in the operation $20 in overtime pay last time. This time, he directly gave them Coca-Cola with "flavored" ingredients, turning these 150 people into true members of his own family. !
However, during this process, the duty manager of the racecourse obviously looked a little embarrassed, and he was obviously unwilling to allow them to use the racecourse frequently for free.

This made him a little unhappy, but he understood it. After all, this was the territory of British businessmen. It was a bit too much for him, an American, to always come to "take advantage"!So he started thinking about other possibilities.

Taking over the racecourse and building a permanent airport runway inside is the most appropriate way. However, we can't do it at this time, but we should be able to do it in the future. At the moment, we should find a suitable venue to build a runway elsewhere!He had already seen the three military camps of the Fourth Marine and Land Regiment before, but none of them were suitable. He thought of a new place - Jiaozhou Park, located at the west end of Jing'an Temple Road, at the junction of Jiaozhou Road and Changping Road!
It was a special place. The last eight hundred warriors who persisted in fighting in the Battle of Songhu were imprisoned in the park, and were guarded by the Italian army.

Li Junhao really wants to rescue these heroes immediately, but the time is still a little short of time; of course, he can forcefully rescue them, but what happens after he is rescued?Firstly, he cannot place them, and secondly, he will completely turn against Britain, Italy and other countries because of this matter. Although he is not afraid of the consequences, there is a high possibility that he will be transferred out of Shanghai because of this. In that case, all his previous achievements will be lost. The layout is in vain!

Forget it, don’t be happy if someone is unhappy!Anyway, the board of directors of the Horse Racing Association can't stop him. Let's complete this transaction first!
Also on this day (July 7), the Burma Highway, an important transportation line for international aid supplies to China, was opened to traffic.As the military attache of the U.S. Consulate in China, Joseph Warren Stilwell attended the national celebration reception held in Chongqing and said goodbye to his "friends" here.

In a few days, Stilwell will leave Chongqing, go on a trip to the Burma Highway in person, conduct an inspection, and then return to China to report on his duties and officially take over as the brigade commander of the 2rd Brigade of the 3nd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army.

Its planned route is to start from Kunming, pass through Chuxiong to Xiaguan, and determine the road condition of the 411.6-kilometer eastern section; then continue westward, from Xiaguan through Baoshan, Longling, Wanding to Lashio, Myanmar, and then walk 547.8 kilometers. For the western section, let’s take a look at the actual situation of the eastern section that Myanmar is responsible for constructing.

He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that he was very interested in this road and was already eager to set off!
On July 7, Li Junhao received a telegram from the Chongqing Embassy. Stilwell said goodbye to him, explained that he was about to return to the country, asked him to take care, and hoped that there would be a chance to meet again in the future...

Li Junhao replied with some emotion: I wish Mr. Stilwell to return to the military camp, show his ambitions, and be promoted to general as soon as possible!Looking forward to seeing you again...
On July 7, the Danzig Crisis occurred in Europe.

Due to the defeat of World War I, the former Prussian city of Danzig became a quasi-independent city-state, and because of the Danzig Corridor formed by this seaport city, it divided the German mainland and East Prussia into two areas that could not be connected, which became Germany The pain in people’s hearts!In the following years, Danzig was administered by the local parliament and supervised by a high commissioner appointed by the League of Nations. Since it was surrounded by Polish territory, the port facilities were also open for Polish use, but the Poles did not feel the need for mere use. To reassure themselves, they wanted to truly include Danzig within their borders, while the predominantly German city wanted to maintain the status quo.

When the Nazi Party came to power in Germany, the party's recruitment drive was active in Danzig.By 1933, 38% of the members of the Danzig Parliament were members of the Nazi Party, and a similar proportion of the population expressed a desire to become part of Germany, with some members even proudly wearing Nazi swastikas on their arms.

Unlike the annexation of Austria and Merland, Germany's attitude towards Danzig was different.

During the annexation of Czechoslovakia, Hitler was prepared to use force, but a diplomatic victory prevented military action, and his foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop even called the Czechoslovak crisis a failure because he could not help the German military Provide an opportunity to wage war.

Hitler intended to use Danzig as a catalyst for war with Poland, and through his diplomats he made several demands that he knew would worsen relations with Poland, including allowing Danzig to enter Germany's sphere of influence and building a "Polish Corridor" Deutsche Autobahn, Deutsche Bahn and Poland's participation in the anti-Comintern Pact.

Hitler knew he had to continually keep the demands slightly above what Poland would tolerate, but reasonable enough to extend the negotiations so that he could keep the issue open as Germany prepared for war.

As a result, the hotly contested and strategic Danzig became the latest flashpoint of tensions in Europe.

Both the French Foreign Minister and the British Prime Minister warned Hitler that his actions would lead to another war and hoped that he would respect the status established for Danzig by the Treaty of Versailles.

But Hitler paid no mind to this, and his generals had amassed a force of tanks and mechanized troops that could easily invade Danzig and the stretch of Polish territory known as the Corridor that stretched into the Baltic Sea...

Just today, the League of Nations high commissioner in charge of the Danzig region told a Reuters reporter that there is currently no danger here, but this official watched nonchalantly as the German Nazis gradually took control of the city!

(End of this chapter)

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