Shadow Spy

Chapter 187 European Situation and Police Journal

Chapter 187 European Situation and Police Journal

Li Junhao learned about what was happening in Europe at the regular meeting of the Consulate General on Monday. The latest intelligence briefing contained news about the Danzig crisis. After reading it, he curled his lips and remained silent - although this was already an obvious signal. , but come to think of it, the situation will still be like that. The United States will not say anything, and Britain and France will just talk tough, but in fact it will be of no use!What is supposed to happen will happen, which means there is only one month left!

After the regular meeting, Consul General Ayers called Political Counselor Sheehan, Military Attaché Hobbs, Deputy Military Attaché Kelton and Li Junhao into his office to discuss the Danzig crisis in Europe...

Several people here knew about the White Project. After corresponding, they immediately contacted each other. They couldn't help but look at the assistant military attaché Pan Sen who had obtained the intelligence. The current situation is more and more confirming the intelligence. accuracy!
And Ayers even believed in the information about the start of the war on September 9st. If the European War really happened on that day... no, even if it happened within a few days, little Ogg's contribution would have been huge!

After everyone analyzed it, the common judgment was that war in Europe should be impossible to avoid, and the current policy of the US government would definitely not interfere in the early stages of the war...

But the more troublesome thing is that now Britain and France have promised to protect Poland. If a war breaks out, the two sides will definitely declare war on each other. Both the British and German forces are present in the public concession, and the British are one of the leading parties in the concession. ; And the Japanese outside the concession are allies with Germany, which will inevitably affect the survival of the concession...

Everyone is a little pessimistic about this, except Li Junhao.

Li Junhao expressed his point of view, "The Japanese don't have to worry too much. Although they are allies with Germany and Italy, they don't have the guts to fall out with European countries for the time being, let alone us, the United States! As long as we are not soft, in the Before the two countries formally declared war, little Japan did not have the courage to attack the concession..."

A few people were hesitant about his statement, and thought it made sense after thinking about it. However, a few people were not as sure as Li Junhao, so they could only wait and see!

However, next, everyone reached a consensus on his proposal to completely control the armed forces of the concession...

After the meeting, several other people left first, but Li Junhao left a little later and proposed a new idea to Ayres: after the war begins, control the French Concession before the Japanese do, because France will not last long!
Although Ayers did not agree with his low opinion of the French army's combat effectiveness, he did not veto it rashly because of a series of things that had happened before, and agreed to report it to him for instructions.

Although he did not express his position clearly, Li Junhao "understood" the spirit and went out laughing! ——
August 8st was the Army Day in later generations, but at this time, it was just an ordinary day. Li Junhao worked a day shift at the police station and processed a lot of documents.

When it was almost time to get off work, Willis called and said that the needed goods were ready...

In the evening, Li Junhao went to collect the goods, because now that Willis was one of his own, he didn't need to be too shy, which made it much easier for him to do things.In fact, the quantity of these goods is not enough, but as long as the variety is enough, his system mall will solve the remaining problems.
On August 8, under the planning and organization of Li Xiaoyu and Zheng Pingru, the first issue of the "Shanghai Police Newsletter", an internal publication of the Public Settlement Police Department, was officially released. The masthead in both English and English was inscribed by Li Junhao himself. One thousand copies were initially printed. , distributed to various departments and sub-capture rooms.

The content first introduces the current leadership of the police force, and then the full version of the "Police Order", as well as an introduction to the first phase of new police training, a briefing on the first round of patrol training, etc., as well as the responsibilities of the police department departments. , detailed introduction to the jurisdiction of each capture house.

These contents are actually the decrees, regulations, and departmental responsibilities that have been promulgated or implemented, but this time they are open to all police officers and patrol officers. Even the current salaries and benefits enjoyed by police officers and patrol officers at all levels are based on It is published in a clearly prescribed manner, written clearly in black and white on paper!
At this time, the first batch of new police officers who have been trained and the first batch of patrol officers who have passed the rotation training are collectively called police officers, and their salaries have generally been raised by two to three levels, making the veteran police officers regretful that they did not sign up to participate in the first batch of police officers. A training rotation!
Now, the second round of patrol training will be completed in a few days, and the remaining 1000 people can't wait!
At the same time, on this day, all major newspapers in the concession published notices for the second phase of the police recruitment of new police officers. Registrations were accepted at each arrest house throughout the next day. The time was only one day and the conditions remained unchanged.

This news received an enthusiastic response from the citizens of Shanghai and Hainan. Many people who had hesitated during the first round of new police recruitment became excited and decided to sign up this time; and those veterans of the National Army who had left the army were even more excited. For their own sake, they already know how well the comrades selected in the first round are being treated now!

Originally, according to the current concession area, nearly 700 rotationally trained patrol officers and more than [-] newly recruited police officers were sufficient to maintain public security. The reason why Li Junhao recruited the second batch of new police officers was actually to prepare for World War II. The situation after the full start.

His previous thoughts have been lingering in his mind - can the independence of the concession be maintained until the end of the war?The premise of this idea is that there must be strong force, so he wants to expand the number of armed personnel as much as possible before the outbreak of war.
In the afternoon, a telegram was sent from the Military Attaché Office of the Chongqing Embassy. Colonel Stilwell officially resigned and was transferred back to China. The former deputy military attache, Colonel Bao Ruide, was promoted to military attaché.

At the Consulate General in Shanghai, everyone believed that Stilwell returned to China this time to serve as the commander-in-chief of the army, and was unlikely to come to China again in the future. Only Li Junhao knew that this man's fate with China's war of resistance was far from over. He will return with a high profile in another capacity after the year.

At this time, he suddenly thought that before returning to China, Stilwell had to go to the Burma Road for a field trip, making him the American officer most familiar with this road. Is it for this reason that he was sent two years later? return?If you think about it carefully, it’s really possible!
Bao Ruide, who officially took over, immediately got into the mood and quickly sent a telegram asking various consulates for their views on the current situation, especially in Shanghai, Tianjin, Peiping, Wuhan, and Jiujiang, and asked the military attaches in various places to respond to the situation. The concession garrison should submit reports and suggestions.

On the Shanghai side, Li Junhao's suggestion is to significantly increase the garrison strength in the Shanghai Concession...

 It is officially on the shelves today, thank you book friends for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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