Shadow Spy

Chapter 217 Discussion on the Current Situation of the Concession

Chapter 217 Discussion on the Current Situation of the Concession

The next day was Sunday, and Li Junhao went directly to Ayers' official residence to visit, bringing expensive cigars, red wine, Hunan embroidery and other gifts.The old man liked his behavior of blatantly corrupting the leadership. This is what a junior looks like!
When talking about the issue of political prisoners in custody, Li Junhao expressed his thoughts. Regarding the handling of underground party members, Ayers was noncommittal.

As for the Kuomintang personnel, the old man expressed appreciation for his idea and believed that he had considered it well. It was in the best interest of the country to hand over these detained government personnel to the US diplomatic system.

Moreover, everyone involved in this matter from the United States and China will know that this is actually the work of Director Pan Sen, the current controller of the Shanghai and Hainan police, and no one can deny it. This will give him a lot of political points.

Next, Ayers asked him how he planned to deal with the captured gang members. Li Junhao explained his measures and made it clear that Zhang Xiaolin would be the first to crack down on pornography, gambling, and drugs in the concession area. The property under his name is, firstly, to punish him for sending people to cause trouble in the concession, secondly, to clean up the public security chaos in the concession, and thirdly, to seize the opportunity to confiscate his illegal property to make up for the consequences of the restructuring of the police station and the establishment of the Marine and Land 327 Regiment. huge expenses...

Originally, the old man thought his plan was a bit radical, but when he heard the last reason, he fell silent and nodded in agreement - because this little Ogg is really good at spending money!

The restructuring of the police station can also be paid for with the free reserves of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. However, the formation of the 327th Marine and Land Regiment was spent on the reserve funds of the Consulate General. Although the Ministry of National Defense promised to bear the cost, it would be necessary to transfer it from China to Shanghai. During this time, the consulate's logistics and financial staff had already warned him: the reserve fund was seriously insufficient!

In fact, Li Junhao proposed that he be prepared to bear the cost of establishing the 327th Regiment himself, but the old man categorically rejected it, and taught him: In the future, when it comes to the military, he must be cautious. Small subsidies and care do not matter, but military expenses are involved. You must not pay for it yourself, not because of the amount of money, but because it is taboo - the army belongs to the country, not to individuals!If the generals spent their own money to build the army, wouldn't it be the same as the local warlords in the Republic of China now?
This incident taught Li Junhao something. Military issues must be resolved within the framework of his current identity, and he must not do anything that will be criticized!As long as you are within the scope of military regulations, you can do it regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, but not the other way around - do it secretly, and you will be fine if you make sure not to be discovered!

At this point, Li Junhao pointed out that in addition to the illegal businesses that need to be cracked down on in the public settlement, the biggest problem is the military issue, mainly the three established armies that are not controlled by the United States: 1700 British troops and 700 Italian troops. army and a 1500-member merchant group from all over the world.Although the latter is now the American commander, the United States cannot fully control it because of its special composition.In addition, the overall military strength is weak. If the Japanese army attacks, the current military strength will not be able to defend the entire concession area.

Hearing this, Ayers fell into thinking... Britain is an ally. This is caused by historical origins and cannot be changed. Under the current situation, the war in Europe has already involved Britain, which has declared war on Germany, and Germany, Japan, and Italy are allies. Although Japan has not yet declared war on Britain, it can happen at any time.

Under such circumstances, the presence of 1700 British troops became a dangerous factor in the public concession because it would arouse the hostility of the Japanese army.

The situation of the 700 Italian troops is the opposite of that of the British army. Their country is an ally of Germany and Japan. Although it has not officially declared war, due to camp relations, it is actually an enemy of Britain!
Under such circumstances, two armies that could fall out at any time due to domestic policies existed in the small concession and became a factor of instability.If trouble breaks out, I'm afraid the Japanese army won't even need to attack, and the concession itself will be in chaos!

Ayers is also clear about the situation of the Merchant Group of All Nations. This militia force, established in 1853, has become very internationalized after more than 80 years of development. Including the Chinese, there are currently a total of 27 regiments, squadrons, and detachments. , the members involve more than 20 ethnic groups and countries. The translation team and the Chinese squadron are all composed of Chinese men, each with a formal establishment of 125 people and a reserve establishment of 200 people; the title of "Ten Thousand Nations" is worthy of its name.But as Little Ogg said, this complex militia force cannot be completely controlled by an American commander.Before Colonel Art Schneider took office, the commander of the Merchant Group of All Nations was always British, and more than half of the mid-level officers were also British. Until now, the British side still has more actual control over the Merchant Group of All Nations than the United States. This is actually for It is also dangerous for public concessions.

"What do you want to do?" Ayers asked after taking a puff of his cigar.

"I think the European War has started. According to the British style, these 1700 British troops will not be in Shanghai for too long, because facing Germany, Britain does not have a population advantage and the number of troops is not enough..." Li Junhao said, "I estimate that this British army will be transferred back to the country in April or May next year at the latest."

Ayers nodded in approval of his judgment.

"The situation of these 700 Italian troops is a little more complicated..." Li Junhao said, "Under the current situation in Europe, Italy will follow Germany and declare war on Britain and France at any time. However, it does not have any decent naval power in Asia, and it is simply impossible to bring these Italian troops to the rescue in time. The troops were transported back to the country, but Britain and France, which have this capability, are enemy countries, while our country is a neutral country!

"In this way, these 700 Italian troops cannot leave. They stay in the concession but become the enemies of the expatriates like the Germans. They are in an embarrassing situation..."

At this time, Ayers interjected: "Will these Italian troops go directly to the Japanese?" In his mind, since they are allies after all, this is very possible.

Li Junhao shook his head and said: "The Italians should have this idea. After all, it is a normal choice for a small army of 700 people to join the allied camp, but I guess the Japanese may not be willing to accept it. After all, East and West The culture is different..."

He did not say much. In the past history, this Italian army really wanted to join the allies' combat order, but was not trusted. Not only was it disarmed by the Japanese army, but it was also imprisoned in a prisoner of war camp. It was incomparable. How much better are the US military and expatriates from other countries? It’s super sad!

(End of this chapter)

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