Shadow Spy

Chapter 218 The idea of ​​military strength in the concession

Chapter 218 The idea of ​​military strength in the concession

Ayers likes to formally discuss issues with Little Ogg. Every time he feels that he can hear new theories and insights, just like now, he feels that what Little Ogg said makes sense.The Italians were the same in Europe, but they were indeed in a dilemma here in Shanghai. He was worried about the Italian Consul General.

"I understand what you mean!" Ayers said, "The 1700 British troops don't need to worry about him for the time being, because the relationship between Britain and us is there, and even if they don't help, they won't cause trouble; these 700 Italian troops There is some trouble and we need to find a way to solve it. Well, what about the merchant group of all nations?"

Li Junhao hesitated for a while, and finally decided to tell his truth, and said seriously: "Uncle, I have come up with a package solution and need your support..."

"Oh?" Ayers cheered up, "Tell me about it!"

Li Junhao's plan is a bit big, very innovative, and very risky, but if it succeeds, it will definitely be beneficial to the United States!
First, the United States persuaded the United Kingdom to completely hand over control of the concession, and nominally asked the United Kingdom to take the lead in doing three things:

First, 1700 British troops disarmed 700 Italian prisoners in the name of a hostile country, and then, under the "mediation" of the United States, agreed to treat the 700 disarmed Italians as civilians and release them;
Second, the British came forward to force the French Consulate General to re-merge the French Concession into the public concession and hand over the command of the French military force of more than 4000 people to the United States;
The third is to completely hand over the control of the Merchant Group of All Nations to the United States, and then the British and the French will withdraw from the management of the public concession. The United States, a neutral country, will manage the entire concession after the merger. This advantage will not give the Japanese an excuse to go to war. !

After listening to what he said, Ayers felt that he could no longer hold his cigar in his mouth. How could this kid be such a thief?This set of links is used to kill the British!And go straight to grab the French territory!But if you think about it seriously, it really makes sense!
Now, Britain and France have declared war on Germany. Not to mention the long-standing grievances, the hatred forged in World War I cannot be easily resolved!In this case, whether it is the public concession or the French Concession, facing Japan, the German ally that has completely occupied the periphery of the concession, its own security is simply at risk!Even all foreigners living in the concession, including British and French expatriates, faced the dangers of war...

Unless... the person in charge of the concession is replaced by a powerful neutral country before these warring countries declare war on each other - well, is there anything more suitable than the United States?
At first he thought it was unreliable, but then the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he became. Ayers' thoughts changed rapidly, and he even further imagined: "In this case, let's just keep these British and Italian troops, and add the sea and land forces." The Fourth Regiment, the 327th Regiment, and the Wan Guo Merchant Group formed a combat division..."

Li Junhao expressed appreciation for the old man's suggestion, but he still said very objectively: "Uncle, there is still a possibility with the Italians, forget it with the British! If there is a real fight, I estimate that Germany will attack the British Isles soon. They It’s such a big place. If we don’t pull people back to defend it, we will be beaten down by Germany. Even if we in the United States join the war in the future, we will have to fight against Germany alone!”

Ayers nodded in agreement with his words, but when he thought about it, he still felt that it was a pity...

Li Junhao comforted him and said: "Don't worry about the strength of the troops. No, 2000 soldiers to form the 327th Marine and Land Regiment and 1700 soldiers to supplement the [-]th Marine and Land Regiment are arriving by boat. We will have a new force here soon." , I just don’t know how well these new recruits are trained, whether they can be used as they come... Well, that’s a question, I have to think about it!” He really ignored this issue before, and he didn’t know whether this new batch of recruits needed to be retrained. ?
Although Ayers was not a soldier, he immediately recognized this problem. The quality of the 3700 new recruits was unknown!But according to normal thinking, recruits cannot be used as soon as they arrive. They all need to be trained again. So what if there is a fight during this time?
He knew that one-quarter of the newly formed 327th Marine and Land Regiment were veterans of the "Lone Army Battalion", and the other three-quarters were all newly recruited soldiers who had been trained for less than two months. They definitely had no combat effectiveness; then If we really want to fight, can we only count on the four sea and land regiments with only 1300 people?

No, since Little Ogg has worked so hard to keep the concession in Shanghai and is doing very well now, as an uncle, he can't just rely on his words to say no, he has to find a way to increase the strength of the Shanghai garrison...

At this time, he remembered that 1800 of the additional recruits from the mainland were to expand the 15th Infantry Regiment of the Army stationed in Tianjin. However, he knew that Jinmen was the most important external port that the Japanese relied on after they occupied North China. and industrial cities!

For this reason, the 27th Division of the Japanese North China Front, the North China Military Police Headquarters, and the Navy's Second Chinese Expedition Fleet were all stationed in Tianjin. Under the suppression of their powerful force, the 1200-person force stationed in the Tianjin Concession was The 15th Infantry Regiment has done nothing at all, and there are already plans in China to evacuate it from Tianjin.

Since this is the case, wouldn't it be better to simply transfer the 15th Infantry Regiment to Shanghai? Well, 1200 plus 1800 is also a large regiment of 3000 people, which can enhance the military strength of the concession a lot!
Thinking of this, Ayers ended the conversation and sent Li Junhao away, without even leaving lunch...
Li Junhao didn't know the old man's last genius idea. He was still muttering "stingy" when he went out. Of course he was just joking. He had already accepted He Dongming's invitation to have lunch and decided to stay at Wang Baohe Restaurant. At this time, it was Don’t miss it when eating crab!
He Dongming's treat was to thank him for supplying cotton yarn, which ensured the production of 28 cotton spinning mills of the Chinese Textile Association and the livelihood of [-] textile workers. You know, this means that [-] families can survive in this troubled world. It can be said to be a matter of immeasurable merit!Moreover, Li Junhao also placed an order for tens of thousands of quilts with the Textile Association, which made them a lot of money. It would be unjustifiable if he did not express his gratitude!
This time, He Shaodong explained in advance that he was attending with his wife, but Li Junhao had some difficulties. Which one should he bring, Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu or Pingru?His guard captain Xiaohu and bodyguard Nick were very "understanding" and picked up all three of them. The reason was that "someone was treating" and there would be no need to cook in the mansion!
In response, Li Junhao said...well, very good!They all know how to live their lives!They are all talents and deserve "praise"!
(End of this chapter)

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