Shadow Spy

Chapter 260: There are a lot of secret identities

Chapter 260: There are a lot of secret identities

On this day, while Li Junhao was busy setting up a new department in his headquarters, Gao Zongwu and Tao Xisheng's family arrived safely in Hong Kong.

From the moment they boarded the ship in Shanghai, Gao and Tao breathed a sigh of relief and agreed to write a letter to the editor-in-chief of Ta Kung Pao after arriving in Hong Kong to make the secret agreement between Wang Ni and Japan public.The two then drafted the letter.

After arriving in Hong Kong, Gao and Tao were escorted to Du Yuesheng, and handed over the manuscript of "Wang Ri's Secret" and the attached photos to Du.Du Yuesheng did not dare to neglect, and immediately flew to Chongqing and handed these photos to Chairman Chiang.

After receiving the news from Hong Kong, Wen Qiang from Shanghai immediately informed Li Junhao, claiming that he owed him another favor this time.

Li Junhao smiled and said: No need to worry anymore, he has already asked Boss Dai for payment!
Although Wen Qiang didn't know what it was, he knew that Boss Dai would take over the matter, so it would be none of his own business, so he smiled and said yes.
On the morning of January 1, Wen Qiang called and said: The technician has already set off and is expected to report for work tomorrow.

Li Junhao did not tell the other party that the security of the phone had been greatly improved - of course, this was for himself, so it was a bit funny to hear him using code words to convey information.

Of course he understood what Wen Qiang meant. This was the person he wanted from Boss Dai.Because he helped in the Gao Tao incident, Dai Ling agreed as soon as he heard his request - the military command had no shortage of intelligence personnel, and using a few technicians to repay this big deal, Boss Dai thought it was worth it!
Li Junhao could understand Dai Li's thoughts and thought on the bright side. This was Boss Dai returning the favor and showing kindness. If he thought maliciously, this would kill two birds with one stone. Can it also put a nail on his side?
However, this is not important to him at all, no matter what the purpose is, as long as the person comes! ——
In the afternoon, Ayers summoned Li Junhao to the Consulate General and told him that the secret agreement had been reported to the country. The White House, State Department, and Naval Intelligence were all satisfied with his work, so they rewarded him:
First, based on his outstanding performance in the Far East, the White House will award him the "Distinguished Service Medal";
Second, because of his many contributions in the diplomatic field, the State Council upgraded his diplomat level to the rank of counselor, authorizing him to directly contact the Far East Division of the State Council by telegram with the dedicated diplomatic call sign "East China Sea No. [-]";
[-]. The Office of Naval Intelligence promoted his naval rank to lieutenant colonel, authorized him to form his own intelligence team, codenamed "Eastbounder", with direct contact with the Intelligence Far East Branch in Hawaii, and authorized him to request a station in the Philippines if necessary. The U.S. Navy Asia Fleet provided assistance.

After reading the domestic orders, Li Junhao had a strange look on his face - the "Eastlander" intelligence team leader of the Naval Intelligence Agency's Far East Division had a code name of "A-07" when contacting the Chinese military command, and a code-name of "I-05" when contacting Yan'an. , there seems to be a lot of identities!

If it weren't for my good memory, I wouldn't be able to remember so many special call signs!
Ayers looked at him with some emotion: This little guy is really capable of doing things. He only came to Shanghai in April last year, and he has reached this point in eight months, surpassing 90.00% of his peers. He can only be said to be an outstanding city. Not enough, is it too evil?
Subsequently, Ayers conveyed domestic instructions and waited for news from the Chinese government. If it did not announce the secret agreement before the 9th, the Consulate General in Shanghai would arrange to announce it in the Shanghai Concession media. However, the United States temporarily No comment.

Li Junhao nodded to express his understanding, asked again, and left with peace of mind knowing that Political Counselor Sheehan would be responsible for the matter.Regarding this matter, I have benefited from it and don’t have to work anymore, which is a good thing!
On Sunday, the duty officer of the Joint Command in Jiaozhou Park called the Junhao Mansion and said that three people had come to report.

Li Junhao knew that this should be Pan Juntao from the Nanjing District of the Military Command, but why were there two more people?He ordered the person on duty to receive the three people and arrange for them to stay in the military camp first, and he would meet them tomorrow.
On Monday, January 1, after Li Junhao arrived at the Jiaozhou Park Military Camp, he first presided over the opening ceremony of the third batch of newly recruited police officers at the newly built police training center.There are 8 students in this batch. The training time is up to five weeks, one week longer than the previous two batches. It is mainly military skills training. The outstanding ones will be selected to expand the Wolf Warrior Brigade, and the rest will be used to form civilians. The backbone of the Army Self-Defense Corps.

Therefore, although this batch of police trainees is said to be new to the outside world, they are actually trained according to military standards and are much more intensive than the previous two batches.Therefore, in terms of personnel selection, more than two-thirds of this group of trainees are veterans of the national army living in Shanghai, and there is no requirement for educational level.

Of course, the cultural standards of the other third of the trainees have not been lowered, and literacy learning projects will be included in the training to ensure that the Self-Defense Corps composed of these people will not become an uneducated force.
Next, Li Junhao met with the three people who reported yesterday. The leader was indeed Pan Juntao, the former director of the Nanjing District Radio Station of the Military Command, and the other two people who he introduced were his students and came with him.

After reporting in yesterday, Li Xiaoyu asked them to write down their resumes. Li Junhao took it in his hand and briefly read it. These things were not as detailed as what he heard from Wen Qiang yesterday.

Pan Juntao is 29 years old and of medium build. He once studied in Germany and learned electronic communication technology. After returning to China, he joined the military command and served as a training instructor in the military command telecommunications department. Because of his upright personality and not good at uniting his colleagues, he was not treated well at the bureau headquarters. See.Therefore, when the Nanjing District was reorganized, no one in the department wanted to go, so he was pushed out.

Two 24- and [-]-year-old young people, one boy and one girl, named Luo Chengbin and Mei Ying, were students he taught personally and were assigned to Nanjing District together at that time.

This time, when Pan Juntao received an order from the headquarters to leave Nanjing and report to Shanghai District, he made a request to take two students away.The Personnel Section Chief of the Telecommunications Division of the headquarters, who was responsible for notifying him, checked the files of the two people and agreed to his request because he felt it was not important.

When the three people were brought in, after accepting their salutes, Li Junhao motioned for them to sit down in the reception area, and then said: "I know that the Shanghai District has told you that now you are completely separated from the military. , he will be my subordinate from now on..."

(End of this chapter)

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