Shadow Spy

Chapter 261: Reward for publishing secret agreement

Chapter 261: Reward for publishing secret agreement

The key members have already arrived. Li Xiaoyu concurrently serves as the communications director of the headquarters as his military secretary. Trepp Hoven, the former internal affairs section chief of the police investigation department, serves as the chief of the telephone section. Pan Juntao, the newcomer, serves as the telecommunications section chief. A service department is also set up to handle logistics, security and other support work.

After the Communications Division was formally established, the Telephone Division took over the newly built Shanghai-Haihai telephone monitoring network from the Police Investigation Department. Wang Renqiang generously handed over the relevant personnel, including Wu Yusheng and thirty monitors; however, the Telecommunications Division currently only has Pan Juntao. The three masters and apprentices are in urgent need of additional personnel; the service department needs to be established from scratch... These tasks will keep Li Xiaoyu busy for a while.

Li Junhao found that he was in a cocoon, so he asked Li Xiaoyu, the military secretary, to serve as the director of the department, and his work became busy; fortunately, Xiaoyu grew up quickly and successfully took over most of Xiaoyu's work.

What’s interesting is that Xiaohu originally just wanted to be the captain of the guard, but now he was picked up by Xiaoyu from time to time to help with the work. Faced with this sister’s oppression, although he was more skilled, he didn’t dare to resist!So, this is painful!
In the afternoon, in a large office on the third floor of the north third floor of the police headquarters building on Fuzhou Road, the editorial department of the "Shanghai Bulletin" sponsored by the Concession Industry Bureau was officially formed, temporarily cooperating with the editorial department of the police station's internal magazine "Shanghai Police News" The printing office directly under the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry is responsible for printing and distribution.

This newspaper is in charge of the Cultural Office of the Consulate General, and is reviewed by Cultural Counselor Barrett. The reason why the editorial office is located in the police station is, firstly, for confidentiality, and secondly, to facilitate the use of the editors of the already well-functioning "Shanghai Police Newsletter" strength.

The first issue will be published tomorrow, with four pages and eight pages, bilingual in Chinese and English. The first page is the inaugural message written by Consul General Ayres himself. The second page is the municipal plan and work progress currently being implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Industry Bureau. The third page after It introduces the organizational structure and related department functions of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, and the introduction of the police station takes up half of the page.

In fact, everyone knows that the circulation of the first issue will not be ideal. The emergence of this newspaper is not to make money, but to give the Ministry of Industry and Industry Bureau its own voice channel as an official mouthpiece.

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, all subordinate public agencies and legally registered enterprises and associations must subscribe to the "Shanghai Communique". The administrative principles and policies that the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau can announce to the outside world will be disclosed through this newspaper, so there is no fear that no one will read it.

The idea of ​​publishing a newspaper was first proposed by Li Junhao to Ayers, but it was not officially implemented until the United States took full control of the concession management; and the reason why this time was chosen to officially prepare for publication was to publish the first issue on the [-]th, and on the [-]th Prepare to publish "Wang Ri's Secret Pact".

In the past few days, there has been no movement in Chongqing. The Nationalist Government has done a good job in keeping secrets this time. The U.S. Embassy has not received any information. Ambassador Johnson and Military Attaché Bao Ruide only found out about this matter after being notified by the Consulate in Shanghai.
In fact, Chairman Chiang was hesitating.After Du Yuesheng sent the photo of the secret agreement text, he immediately instructed Xiao Tongzi, the president of the Central News Agency, to be responsible for the publication of the original draft of the "Japan-China New Relations Adjustment Outline" and its attachments. However, at the last moment before it was to be published in the newspaper, he But he hesitated, fearing that if he released the contents of the secret agreement rashly, it would be refuted by the Japanese side and Wang Ni, which would put the national government into a passive position.

He hesitated for several days. Not only was the US side impatient, but Gao Zongwu and Tao Xisheng, who were hiding in Hong Kong, were also uneasy.They went to find Du Yuesheng who had returned from Chongqing and learned that when Chairman Chiang was still thinking about it, his words seemed to doubt the authenticity of the secret text, and they suddenly became angry.

On the afternoon of the [-]th, after discussion, Gao and Tao decided to take the initiative on their own side.The two men split into two groups. Gao Zongwu took a set of photos to the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong and asked for help in contacting Attaché Pan Sen at the Consulate General in Shanghai...

Tao Xisheng went to visit the editor-in-chief of Hong Kong's "Ta Kung Pao"...
At 1:10 in the morning on Wednesday, January 06, the "Shanghai Communiqué" which was just launched in Shanghai and the "Ta Kung Pao" in Hong Kong published heavy news on the front page, shocking the two cities!Immediately began to radiate outward at an alarming speed!
The two newspapers published original photocopies of the "Wang-Japanese Secret Agreement" (i.e., the "Outline of Adjustment of the New Relations between Japan and China") and its attachments prominently on the front pages, along with the boldface headlines:
"Gaozong Wu Tao Xisheng published the full text of Wang Ni Zhaoming's traitorous conditions!
"The culmination of many years of dreams of the Japanese clan! The crime of historical treason outside the Central Plains!"

A few hours later, other newspapers and periodicals in Shanghai and Hong Kong immediately followed up, all launching urgent notices to expand publicity... Then, Chongqing, Chengdu, Kunming, Guiyang, Changsha, Wuhan, Peiping, Tianmen and other places followed suit. It only took half a day for the news to spread throughout the country.

In the afternoon, this shocking news was reported by media from various countries, causing a sensation around the world!
Countless kind-hearted people believe that this secret agreement is extremely shameful. It not only completely exposed the ugly faces of Wang Ni and other treasonous traitors seeking glory, but also exposed the despicable surrender plot used by Japanese imperialism to enslave China for a long time, and completely shattered it. It has captured the fantasies of some people in the National Government! ——
Li Junhao in the office looked at the newspaper in his hand that smelled of ink, and the system prompt sounded again in his mind: "The action participated by the host revealed the content of Wang Ri's secret agreement 12 days in advance, slightly changed the course of history, and rewarded penicillin on a large scale. Manufacturing technology (registered global patent).”

Huh?This reward is not bad!Before, he had contacted Lister in the United States and mentioned the matter of penicillin, but there has been no news back, indicating that things are not going smoothly!Now that he has a complete set of technical information, he can send it directly to Riester and start quickly entering the production process.

Although I don't want to say it, in fact, the war sweeping the world will begin in a few months. The advent of penicillin at this time is definitely good news for seeing a great "money scene".

He was so happy that he went into the break room regardless of whether it was during working hours, took out a high-power radio and started transmitting. The radio waves passed through several U.S. Navy transfer stations and were finally sent to the mainland...

For him now, there are two special advantages when sending a message. One is that he can use smart glasses to automatically encode and send messages. The other is that he has frequency hopping technology at the transmitter so that no one can monitor it.With these two advantages, his transmission security is unique.

There was a lot of technical information, and it took most of the afternoon to send it. When the telegram was finished, it was already dark!

(End of this chapter)

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