Shadow Spy

Chapter 28 The Dilemma of German Businessmen

Chapter 28 The Dilemma of German Businessmen

When leaving, Franco personally sent them downstairs and promised that before there was a formal trial and conviction, he would protect Lei Shizhu's safety in the detention center and would not let those gang members hurt him again - for the favor Li Junhao said , he values ​​​​it very much.

After driving away, Li Junhao asked Brown to drive to Main Road (Nanjing Road) and find a German store named "Ibao", while he was thinking about the detection results of smart glasses when patrolling the house in the French Concession.

When he entered the police station building, most of the light spots were gray unrelated personnel, but there were more than a dozen yellow light spots on the second floor in the north of the main building, which surprised him - there were so many here. Do adversaries exist?When he went upstairs, he asked, and Brown enthusiastically introduced the settings of the police station, which told him that the location on the second floor in the north of the main building was the infamous "Political Department"!
When he met Franco, the other person's light spot was also gray at first, but as Brown introduced and the two talked, it turned into light green, which let him know that the other person really wanted to make friends with him, not Deception or perfunctory, this is actually very important; in the same situation, the Lei Shizhu who was imprisoned in the detention center first turned gray and then turned green, which was much darker than Franco's light spot.

He is now studying the detection function of smart glasses and found that their judgment of the people around them is still very strict, just like a group of colleagues in the Consulate General, including his bosses Thain and Hanprey, and his subordinates Brown and Milly Ya, they are actually all light gray!The only person with green light was Nelson Ayres, the Consul General whom he met briefly!There are some characters with different shades of yellow light spots.

However, he has not yet fully understood the specific category definition of the yellow light spot representing the "hostile", especially what kind of hostile factor it means, which needs to be clarified in subsequent observations.
Brown was good at finding places, and he quickly found Yibao Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. in the middle of the road, and parked the car a little further away according to Li Junhao's instructions.

Li Junhao originally wanted to go to the foreign bank to talk to the Jewish businessman in person, but due to the reminder from the smart glasses and his subsequent observations, he discovered that there were yellow enemies inside and outside the foreign bank, as many as six in number, which aroused His vigilance - what organization is controlling it?This is not what surveillance looks like with so many people.

At this time, the first thing he thought of was of course people from the German government. After all, his mission target was a Jew, and he was also thinking of using information to exchange his family's naturalization qualifications for the United States.

The car stopped 30 meters away. Li Junhao asked Brown not to get out of the car. He bought two newspapers from a mobile newspaper vendor at the car window, and then drove back to the Consulate General. The two of them neither got out of the car nor showed up during the whole process.

During the whole process, although Brown did not understand what was going on, he behaved very professionally. He neither asked unnecessary questions nor hesitated or delayed. He completely followed his instructions and completed it naturally.Even after returning to the Consulate General, there were no unnecessary questions, which made Li Junhao's evaluation of him higher.
After returning to the office, Li Junhao did not ask Brown to keep it secret. It was not that there was no need to keep it secret, but he was using this opportunity to test Brown to see if he met the standards of a professional small company. This would have implications for the way the two of them get along in the future. Great impact.

Secretary Miliya saw them coming back and reported that there had been a call from American businessman Franklin Willis. She did not explain what it was about, but she left her phone number.

Sitting behind the desk, I took a sip of the coffee brought by Miliya, curled my lips, and still felt bitter, so I decided to put the work of preparing tea sets and tea leaves on the agenda.On the table was the information prepared by Miliya, which was Franklin Willis' file. After briefly browsing it, he picked up the phone and dialed.

The bell only rang twice before it was picked up, and a voice with a California accent said: "Hey, I'm Franklin Willis, who am I?"

"Hello, Mr. Willis, I am Ognyan Panson from the Commercial Section of the Consulate General." Li Junhao said.

"Hi! Hello, Mr. Panson, time is a little tight. I need to interview you now. Are you at the consulate now?" Willis asked.

"Yes, I'm at the consulate, where are you?" Li Junhao said. "Great, I can be there in 10 minutes..." Willis said.

"OK, I'll wait for you." Li Junhao said.After putting down the phone, he called Brown and asked him to go downstairs and wait for Mr. Willis in 5 minutes. After receiving the call, he would bring him to the office.
Ten minutes later, Brown led a short white man about 10 years old to knock on the door and enter his office, introducing: "Boss, this is Mr. Franklin Willis. Mr. Willis, this is my boss... …”

"Attaché of the Commercial Department, Ognyan Pansen." Li Junhao took the initiative to extend his hand.

"Hello Mr. Panson, I am Franklin Willis, nice to meet you." Willis hurriedly took two steps forward, stretched out his hands to hold his hand, and said excitedly.

The two sat down inside and outside the desk. After Miliya served the guests coffee, she went out with Brown and closed the door.

"Mr. Panson, because things have changed, I have to come to see you right away. I'm sorry for disturbing your work..." Willis said anxiously as soon as he sat down.

"Hey, Mr. Willis, calm down, drink some coffee, and speak slowly!" Li Junhao comforted him.

"Oh... thank you!" Willis also felt that he had lost his composure. After thanking him, he took a sip of the coffee. The Malaysian coffee, which had a slightly bitter and sweet and sour aroma, made him feel delicious and calmed down.

Li Junhao said nothing, waiting for him to continue speaking.

After a few minutes, Willis became visibly calmer and said in a normal voice: "Mr. Panson, the thing is like this..."

According to his description, the German-born businessman Aaron Cooper is of Jewish ethnicity and has been doing business in Shanghai for nearly ten years. The Ipoh Company he runs has grown from small to large, and is currently considered to be an upper-medium-sized business in the concession. It sells a wide range of products ranging from German machinery, electronic devices, and chemical products to light weapons and medical drugs. Its reputation is also very good, and it is well-known in the business circle.

In the past, one thing Cooper often lamented was that he left his home country early and took his family to live in Asia to avoid the anti-Semitic turmoil in the country. However, in the past two or three years, more and more Jews have come to Shanghai to seek refuge. , he also provided some support to his compatriots to the best of his ability, but was targeted by the German Consulate in Shanghai...

(End of this chapter)

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