Shadow Spy

Chapter 29 The ignorant Willis

Chapter 29 The ignorant Willis

Since last year, C’estbon’s purchasing channels in Germany have been frequently restricted and its operations have become difficult. At the beginning of this year, the German Consulate has sent people to the door many times to conduct so-called "special operations" on Aaron Cooper's family. "Registration" not only family member information, but also their properties, deposits, foreign bank assets, etc. must be registered!

Cooper sensed something was wrong and began planning to escape. After careful consideration, he decided that North America on the other side of the ocean was the best place to take refuge, so he secretly contacted his best friend of the past ten years, American businessman Franklin Willis. , through him, he secretly requested help from the US Consulate; but because the current relationship between the United States and Germany is still normal, the US Consulate did not give a positive reply...

When the time entered March, Cooper began to realize that someone was following and monitoring him, which made him panic. He thought that the German government was going to take action against him!The only good thing is that his home and business are located within the French Concession, and France and Germany have always been at odds with each other. This allows him to temporarily avoid the pursuit of the German consulate; but it is located in a public area. The German Consulate in the Concession had a close relationship with the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Industry and Industry. He was very worried that it would instigate the public concession to negotiate with the French Concession authorities to take measures against his family.

Under such circumstances, Cooper threw out his trump card, claiming that he had top-secret military intelligence from the German government, and made a transaction request to the U.S. Consulate General in order to escape as soon as possible.

In particular, just today, a number of suspicious European faces appeared near Yibao Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. The scared Cooper secretly left through the back door and did not even dare to return home. He ran to his friend Willis's house for help. ...So, Willis urgently contacted the Consulate General.

To be honest, Willis is not in a good mood right now. At first, he just helped Cooper out of friendship, but he didn't expect that military intelligence issues were involved!Moreover, looking at the posture, the German consulate seemed determined to win, and it was impossible to tell whether it was for Cooper's property or intelligence, which made him feel very dangerous.

On the other hand, the US Consulate clearly did not take this matter seriously. It had delayed for several months without replying. Not long ago, it agreed to negotiate after hearing that there was important information. Unexpectedly, it only sent a young first-class officer. The Attaché will take care of this!This made Willis feel the perfunctory attitude, but now he was riding a tiger and had no choice but to bite the bullet and do this!For him, he really hoped that this matter would end soon.
While Willis was telling the story, Li Junhao listened carefully and compared the information he had just seen in his mind, constantly making judgments in his mind and weighing the pros and cons of this matter.

While waiting for Willis to finish talking and look at him expectantly, Li Junhao said: "Mr. Willis, I personally admire your friendship for your friends, but as an official position, I must make a statement. At present, the diplomatic relations between our country and Germany are still normalized. The consulate cannot directly operate on this matter. Mr. Cooper must also understand this, so he entrusted you to negotiate in private. Therefore, here, what I will explain below All attitudes are my own and will not be officially recognized by the Consulate General. I must declare this in advance. Is Mr. Willis clear?"

"Of course, of course, I understand it very well." As an American who has been in business for more than ten years, Willis certainly understands how his country's government operates, and he clearly knows that the personal attitude that the young diplomat opposite him wants to express next is the most important thing. It is important and even directly determines the success or failure of this matter.So, he immediately lowered his voice and said: "Mr. Panson, Mr. Cooper asked me to tell you that as long as he can facilitate this matter, he will definitely thank you..."

"What are you talking about! This is my job, and I should do my best. As for the matter of thanking you, there is no need to mention it again!" Li Junhao shook his head and smiled, but in his heart he was scornful: What can I say after everything is done? Thank you very much. Are you fooling the children?I do my own marketing training, and I know all the formal and informal trading rules, but you still want to lie to me!
"Mr. Panson, um... when can you please go see Mr. Cooper? He is very anxious now!" Willis said with a smile.

"We can meet at any time!" Li Junhao also smiled, "As long as it's not a day off, I usually work at the consulate. Mr. Willis also knows the consulate now. Just call a few minutes in advance. You can bring Mr. Cooper over at any time. When the time comes, I will definitely receive you warmly." "Huh?" Willis was confused. This is wrong!He hurriedly added: "Mr. Panson, but as I said just now, Mr. Cooper is currently under surveillance by the Germans, and it is impossible for him to come to the consulate!"

"In that case..." Li Junhao muttered, "Okay, Mr. Willis, you can make an appointment with my secretary later and find a place that is convenient for both Mr. Cooper and me. I will try my best to make it as soon as possible." The past... well, that's it! Come on, Mr. Willis, have some coffee!"

"Oh, thank you Mr. Panson." Willis has been in China for a long time, so he naturally understands the etiquette of serving tea to see off guests, but this result doesn't seem right! ——
After Willis said goodbye and left, secretary Miliya came in and reported: "Boss, Willis said that he will confirm a time and place as soon as possible, and then contact me to ask you to attend the appointment."

"Well, I got it, let's show him off first!" Li Junhao said, "I'll tell you my schedule is full then!"

"Understood, boss!" Miliya smiled, knowing that her boss didn't like this guy named Willis, and this was an expression of dissatisfaction.Although she didn't understand the reason, of course she had to obey the orders of her superiors.

Later, Li Junhao called Brown in and assigned him a task: to find an informant who was familiar with the Shanghai Qing Gang and inquire about the gang leaders involved in the Lei Shizhu case. For this purpose, he also gave him one hundred French coins. Even if he provides the funds, the emperor cannot send hungry soldiers!

Brown took the French currency, patted his chest and promised to find out clearly, and hurried out.

Li Junhao laughed from behind. He didn’t know how confident this black guy was. Let’s take this as a test!Compared to the German businessman Cooper, he was more concerned about Lei Shizhu, and was trying hard to think of how to deal with this matter, so that his encounter with Phoenix Village was not in vain.However, he is new here. Although he has a lot of historical knowledge, he does not understand the specific practices and can only operate based on his imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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