Shadow Spy

Chapter 30 Things are not so easy to handle

Chapter 30 Things are not so easy to handle

When he got off work, Li Junhao learned his lesson and finished his meal in the restaurant before leaving. On the way home, he also bought a dozen German beers to enjoy when he was thinking about something in the evening.

After returning to Dequ Building, I washed up and sat in the study, drinking beer while thinking about the two problems I was facing at the moment.Lei Shizhu's matter involves the Qing Gang, and he hasn't figured out the way at this time; he can analyze Aaron Cooper's matter pretty much. According to the current time period, if Cooper really has German military intelligence, it should be the German attack The plans of various European countries, but he has some doubts about their authenticity!
In today's Europe, news of Germany's massive attack on France has been spreading for a long time. There are not ten but eight different versions. Li Junhao is skeptical that Cooper, a Jewish businessman, can obtain accurate military intelligence.This is also the reason why he doesn't care much.

Intelligence, especially international strategic intelligence, no matter which country it is in, has a set of detailed screening measures. He does not believe that false information can deceive the U.S. intelligence agency. If he easily believes Cooper and hands over the intelligence, it is very likely that You have to take the blame!Thinking of this, he began to doubt Commercial Counselor Thain's intentions in entrusting him with this matter - was he trying to trick him?

Now he is adopting a cold approach to Cooper. Firstly, he does not trust him very much, and another reason is the issue of time. It is already April 1939, and in less than five months, the European War will begin. The prologue is about to begin, the Second World War will begin in full force, and half of the countries in the world will be involved; but in the Shanghai Concession, as soon as the European War begins, Britain and France will definitely be Germany's enemies, and the United States is still The state of ambiguity will remain for a period of time. At that time, the two major concessions will begin to clean up the German influence. Jewish businessmen like Cooper who are targeted by the German government only need to hire two bodyguards and pay attention to personal safety. At the national level The pressure of force is gone, and I can still be stable in the concession for nearly four years.

Thinking of World War II, Li Junhao could only sigh.

Objectively speaking, with the full start of World War II, the powerful countries that were threatened by their existence finally united as much as possible, thus forming the world anti-fascist front, which finally defeated the Nazi Axis system headed by Germany, Japan, and Italy, and also At the same time, China achieved victory in its anti-aggression war;

But the scale of this war is far greater than that of World War I. From Asia to Europe, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 61 countries and regions and more than 20 billion people have been involved in it. The combat area covers an area of ​​2200 million square kilometers. The military and civilians of each country have participated in it. More than 9000 million people were killed or injured, more than 4 trillion US dollars of wealth and assets were wasted, and the post-war trauma has not healed for decades. It is a great tragedy in human history!

Now Li Junhao has gone through the period of confusion when he first came to this world. His identity has become an American diplomat, and his physical fitness has also improved. If you pay attention, even in this war-torn era, your safety will be better. It can be guaranteed, but if he is allowed to ignore the war suffering of the Chinese compatriots, it cannot be done no matter what!Now that I have the "Republic of China Survival System", a portable space and a shopping mall, if I make good use of it, I should be able to do a lot of things in this world... Well, that's how it should be! ——
On Tuesday, April 4, Li Junhao drove to work.This time, he found a place to have a completely Chinese breakfast on the road. Fried dough sticks, pan-fried fried dough sticks and soy milk were delicious, hot, and very comfortable and heart-warming.

As soon as he sat down in the office, the black guy Brown knocked on the door and came in. He handed over an envelope, said "have breakfast" and ran out again.

The envelope contained two pages of information in English. It contained detailed information about a Qinggang gang called "Leihuotang." From its leader and other main leaders to its main businesses and markets, I remembered it clearly, and even There is also the background information of several parties involved in the conflict with Lei Shizhu that day, which can be said to be comprehensive and detailed.This information also proved Brown's personal ability, and Li Junhao gave him a big "good" rating in his heart!
However, after reading this information, he had a headache. The leader of Leihuo Hall is Zhang Wusheng. Although he is not too old (28 years old), he is a figure with the word "enlightenment" in the Qinggang. He is the same as the Qinggang. Du Yuesheng, one of the three great interests, has an uncle named Zhang Renkui of the "big" generation, and Qi Ye is the famous Huang Jinrong, the first of the three great interests. This background is too strong in Shanghai, and in the Qinggang Known internally as "Little Grandpa"!
Although Li Junhao has not realized the strength and influence of the three major members of the Qinggang in Shanghai, he definitely wants to know that if there is such a person behind the Lei Shizhu case, it will definitely not be solved easily, and it is not even about using money and power. It can be settled!He didn't expect that a street fight would cause so much trouble, and he couldn't think of a way to solve it now.After thinking for a while, he couldn't help but grit his teeth. If it didn't work, he would rob the prison!

Of course, this will be very difficult, but if there is really no other way, we can only resort to dangerous tactics. Presumably, the two leaders of Phoenix Village will also think so, but they have the help of dozens of people; as for He can handle other matters such as weapons, ammunition, and transportation. The worst thing is just spending money!
After thinking about it like this, he calmed down and took it one step at a time!
At 8:25, before going to work, Brown returned to the office. When he went out and saw the inner office door open, he said hello to Li Junhao inside, and then took the initiative to pick up the coffee that Miliya had brewed and sent it in. , asked: "Boss, you have read the information. Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"Brown, the data collection is good, I am very satisfied." Li Junhao said, "There is nothing to do now, you can rest!"

"Okay, boss, you can talk anytime if you need anything." Brown said with a smile, put down his coffee, and walked out.

Just a while after she got to work, the phone rang. Milia from outside answered it, looked at the inside and smiled, and said: "It's Mr. Willis, hello... Oh, Mr. Panson is upstairs for a meeting. Went... um, yes! The meeting just started... I don't know when it will end... Okay, I will tell the boss... Okay, goodbye!" After putting down the phone, she faced Li Junhao in the back room. He spread his hands to show that he had completed what he was told.

Li Junhao gave her a thumbs up to express his appreciation, thinking: Cooper must be worried now, right?
(End of this chapter)

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