Shadow Spy

Chapter 295 Your own birthday gift

Chapter 295 Your own birthday gift

On Wednesday, March 3, at noon, Li Junhao, who was a little busy, was not going to go to the canteen to eat, but Xiao Yu forced him to go there, saying that he had been sitting for too long and needed to move!
When he stepped into the canteen of the military camp, what he saw were hundreds of officers and soldiers from the headquarters and the 327th Regiment lined up in several rows. When they saw him coming in, they shouted in unison: "Happy birthday, sir!" and shouted repeatedly. Three times.

Li Junhao was surprised at first, and then realized that everyone was celebrating his birthday!After thinking about it, oh, yes, the birthday on his ID is today, just like in his previous life, it is 3.27.But he himself was so busy that he forgot about it, but his subordinates remembered it and were a little touched!
At this time, there was no custom of eating birthday cakes, but for the commander's birthday, the cooks in the canteen used their best skills and not only made an exquisite banquet for Li Junhao, but also gave two extra cakes to all the officers and soldiers. It’s a great dish, and I tell everyone that this is a special dish for Commander Panson’s birthday!

Li Junhao thanked everyone with a smile, walked to the table prepared for him with Chief of Staff Yang Shixiong, and invited Xie Jinyuan, Shangguan Zhibiao and other officers to come over and have a lively birthday banquet.

This was also the first time he celebrated his birthday in the military camp. Although he could not drink alcohol at noon, the officers and soldiers kept coming to him with cups of water and even soup bowls.
After returning home in the evening, Hart, who had been shopping all day, also came back. The first thing he said when they met was to wish him a happy birthday and gave him a special gift - the 1897 U.S. Naval Academy Graduation Medal!

Hart told him that this was his graduation medal that year and was giving it to him now.

The commemorative medal is made of brass and silver-plated, and its value is not high. However, since it is the graduation commemoration of General Hart, it is of great significance. Li Junhao is a little afraid to accept it...

But Hart insisted that he accept it, so that he could better remember that he was actually a member of the navy, and hoped that he could develop in the navy.
Early the next morning, Admiral Hart left the concession with his entourage, and even refused to let Li Junhao see him off. He rushed to Wusong Pier and led the fleet back to Manila.

However, he did not tell Li Junhao his decision until he left, leaving him in suspense.

Li Junhao would not put his eggs in one basket. When he was not sure about the Asian fleet coming to Shanghai to station, he decided to build high-speed torpedo boats as a means of dispatching Japan's first fleet to China.

Although he now has no way to put the warships into his personal space without anyone noticing, in the past few days when the Asian fleet visited, he took the time to board the ships twice and copied the engineering drawings of these warships. After Hart left, he went to collect relevant information on the Yangtze River Fleet and made a copy of the technical information on several gunboats, torpedo boats, minesweepers, and patrol boats.

After preparing the information, he began to design a high-speed torpedo boat in the Yiqu Building at night...
At noon on the 29th, Li Junhao received a telegram from Wen Qiang from Xi'an, saying that he had arrived safely and did not need to worry about him. He also said that he had prepared a birthday gift for him and had put it in the safe of Shanghai Citibank. Secret key is activated.

Although Li Junhao hadn't seen the gift yet, he still thanked him in his call back, asked him to pay attention to his own safety, and told him that if he was in danger, he should find a way to ask for help as soon as possible... Well, maybe he would be able to help. busy.

He arranged for Xiaohu to go to the bank to retrieve Wen Qiang's gift, which was a large suitcase. Inside it turned out to be detailed files on the Shanghai Military Command, its direct-affiliated stations, and the Loyalty and Salvation Army, as well as various files collected by these three units over the years. Information includes information from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Second Office of the Central Military Commission, Japanese secret service agencies, various foreign intelligence agencies stationed in China, underground intelligence markets, Qinggang, Hongmen, Caogang and other organizations!
This gift moved Li Junhao. Is Wen Qiang planning to join the army?If anyone knew that he leaked this information to outsiders, Boss Dai would go crazy!Even if Chairman Chiang disagrees, he will secretly send someone to kill Wen Qiang!Thinking of this, he had a hunch that Wen Qiang must have made a decision... and all he could think of was that Wen Qiang really wanted to leave - not just leaving the military, but leaving China!

Well, he has to prepare it in advance! ——
On Saturday, March 3, a piece of news shocked the country and even the world. The "National Government of the Pseudo Republic of China" headed by Wang Nijingwei was established in Nanjing, openly opposing the National Government of Chongqing!

This news aroused all public opinion, and all the Chinese people who knew the news started to curse. Wang Ni was confirmed to be the biggest traitor in history. Countless people wanted to kill this beast and couldn't wait to eat its flesh!

In order to protect its safety, the Japanese army specially dispatched a brigade of military police and hundreds of spies to protect it at all times, and a brigade was added to the garrison in Nanjing.

Although he had known that this day would come, when he actually saw the news, Li Junhao was still furious and couldn't understand, how could there be such a shameless person?It is a pity and hateful thing that this big traitor is now hiding in Nanjing, and he is now out of reach... Thinking of this, I couldn't help but scolded the military commander again.

With hatred in his heart, Li Junhao suddenly became malicious and decided to give the Wang puppet regime a "big gift"! ——
That night, when Li Junhao came home from get off work, it was exactly the same as usual, with two armored vehicles and two bulletproof cars. In the eyes of outsiders, they looked no different from usual.

At around two o'clock in the middle of the night, Xiaohu led a group of guards to erect a four-meter-high soundproof curtain wall panel supported by external aluminum plates and covered with sound-absorbing felt blankets inside the courtyard wall. He took out four newly taken out Li Junhao vehicles equipped with 70mm automatic mortars. Police armored vehicles surrounded the center, and eight gunners from the 327th Regiment Armored Battalion who were seconded from the military camp during the day quickly boarded the vehicle to prepare...

At three o'clock sharp, the four vehicle-mounted automatic mortars were ready and aimed at the intended target in the north. Li Junhao ordered to fire!
"Everything..." A low, slightly weak sound of firing was heard, and four mortar trucks fired 5 rounds in 120 minutes!

Afterwards, the gunners quickly jumped out of the car and joined the process of cleaning up the soundproof curtain wall panels. Continuous explosions were heard from the north...

Li Junhao put the four armored vehicles into his personal space, and quickly stepped forward to put away the wall panels that had been unbuckled by the guards one by one...

In less than 10 minutes, the courtyard returned to its original state, and everyone went back to their rooms to rest, ignoring what was going on outside.

Li Junhao smiled and went back to his room to continue sleeping. This birthday gift he brought himself was very good!
(End of this chapter)

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