Shadow Spy

Chapter 296 Fury and thunder descend from the sky

Chapter 296 Fury and thunder descend from the sky

When it was getting dark, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, who had rushed to Nanjing to attend Wang Ni's inauguration ceremony, returned to Shanghai feeling depressed. They touched each other when they got off the train at the train station, looked at each other and smiled bitterly, and then left. !

At the establishment of the new government and the inauguration ceremony of Wang Ni, the two material affairs chiefs who thought they were still figures did not expect that they were not even ranked among the top [-] people in the audience. They could only stand among the traitors. At the outermost level, the core staff are not even treated to take photos as souvenirs!

Dingmo Village is basically deserted now. He doesn't usually go to No. 76, so of course he goes home directly. But Li Shiqun, who was in a bad mood and didn't want his wife to worry, went to No. 76 and planned to sleep in the office for a night.

At a little after three o'clock in the morning, a series of heavy shells fell from the sky and hit the courtyard of No. 76 Jisi Feier Road. Two buildings and three rows of bungalows were directly hit. Suddenly there were explosions...

The warehouse of the motor vehicle team was hit by an artillery shell. Hundreds of barrels of gasoline inside deflagrated and exploded. As the oil splashed, the entire courtyard burst into flames!
Then something more terrifying happened. The semi-underground ammunition depot located in a bungalow was hit by two consecutive artillery shells, and the entire roof collapsed. Then the third artillery shell fell, causing the ammunition to explode, directly destroying the surrounding area. The area turned into a real death zone!
120 rounds of 70mm mortar shells, none of them missed, all accurately hit No. 76. The successive explosions destroyed all the buildings in it. The four to five hundred spies who slept in it at night were all affected by the explosion. More than half died instantly, and most of the rest were seriously injured...

Li Shiqun was sleeping in the lounge in the office on the second floor of the main building. He was so tired from taking trains to and from Nanjing from yesterday to now that he did not sleep in the bathtub in the bathroom as usual that night, just in time for the shells to fall overhead. , although he was not directly hit, the entire building was collapsed by the shell, and his office was directly collapsed under the rubble!
In the early hours of this morning, the concession was still relatively calm, but the cross-border road construction area Jisi Feier Road, which was less than two kilometers away, was full of thunder and fire. The entire courtyard of No. 76 was basically covered by artillery shells. Fueled by the explosion of vehicles, fuel, and ammunition, there was almost no intact place, and the fire burned for a long time...

As the only road in the Japanese Concession that can extend its control to the south bank of the Suzhou River through various means, Jisi Feier Road has always been valued by the Japanese, but this time the artillery attack was too sudden, even in the quiet night of the early morning. Hearing the obvious sound of artillery, No. 76 was covered by long-range artillery fire!

At four o'clock in the morning, personnel from the Japanese military police, the Marine Special Marine Corps, the Shanghai Puppet Police Department and other Japanese and puppet agencies had arrived at the scene, but everyone was shocked by the tragic scene in front of them - the place had completely turned into a It's in ruins, and it's basically impossible for anyone to survive!

During the day, the Wang Puppet Government had just been established, and at night No. 76 was bombarded by saturation. If there was no connection between the two, no one would believe it.

At around five o'clock, Deputy Consul General Iwai and Lieutenant Colonel Haruki from the Mei Agency also arrived, but the scene at the scene made everyone confused...

At six o'clock, after on-site investigation, it was determined that No. 76 was destroyed by a concentrated attack of more than a hundred medium- and large-caliber mortar shells. However, the demarcation of the attack range caused a difficulty for the surveyors - at this time, No matter which country's 60mm or above mortars are used, they can hit more than 2000 meters. It is normal for larger calibers to hit 5000 or [-] meters!
If a 76-kilometer circular area is drawn with No. 5 as the center, 40% will be in the public concession and 60% will be in the Japanese concession or the Chinese boundary. Without other evidence, there is no way to determine which side is the most likely! ——
While the Japanese and puppet investigators were busy, Li Junhao still slept peacefully. It was Sunday and he didn't have to go to work.He didn't need to worry. Early in the morning, Xiaohu arranged for the guard team to change shifts and send the gunners of the 327th Regiment back to the military camp. It was impossible for anyone from the outside to investigate.At breakfast, the guards brought the latest newspapers. Each newspaper read: "Demon Lair No. 76 was razed to the ground," "Hundreds of traitorous spies were killed in an instant," "The devil Li Shiqun's body was not found," and "Thunder fell from the sky. "Tenchu ​​No. 76"...and other large titles made everyone smile.

Everyone in the mansion knew that Li Junhao had done this. Although they would not talk about it to outsiders, there was no need to avoid taboos among them.When talking about artillery bombardment, many people regretted that they had not learned how to fire artillery before. When such a good thing came, the commander had to borrow artillery from the 327th Regiment to carry out the operation, which really made everyone unhappy.

To this end, Xiaohu announced to everyone in the guard that combat skills training will be strengthened in the future, such as the driving of armored vehicles and the use of various heavy weapons, etc., will be included in the training subjects to avoid failing to seize opportunities in the future!
After Li Junhao got up, he saw the system prompt: "The host killed the great traitor Li Shiqun and more than 360 of his traitors and traitors, seriously injuring 135 of them, and rewarded naval ship modification and design skills. The system mall added a third-generation warship modification module and Parts products.

"Remarks: The third-generation warship refers to a steel ship powered by an internal combustion engine, using nautical charts as a route basis, equipped with first-generation shipborne radar, and using naval guns, torpedoes, and first-generation fighters as its main attack methods."

This reward is great, you get whatever you need, the system is still very powerful!

He immediately opened the system mall and took a look... Haha!Hundreds of finished ship modules and thousands of accessories appeared at one time. Although they were expensive, the key was that with these things, he could design, modify, and assemble the ship he wanted. Only then is the most important.

Combining his newly acquired ship design skills and some knowledge from his previous life, he can determine that the sources of these ship modules and accessories in the mall cover mainstream warships from various countries from the 20s to the 30s, and they can be combined to design It is a cutting-edge warship far ahead of this era, but it does not have a computer control system, satellite navigation system, nuclear power system, missile system, etc. I think these should be the fourth generation.

Of course, these modules and accessories are advanced enough. Navigation radar, reconnaissance radar, and gun-launched radar that are far more accurate than this era make him invincible!
He reminded himself that when designing and assembling battleships, he should take his time and not go too far, otherwise he would get into trouble - well, it doesn't have to be too advanced, just be able to defeat the Japanese fleet!

(End of this chapter)

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