Shadow Spy

Chapter 310 Use the big yellow croaker to buy ideas

Chapter 310 Use the big yellow croaker to buy ideas

Sure enough, as soon as he went to work that afternoon, Li Junhao, who was working in the military camp, received a call from Acting Consul General Sheehan, saying that there was a telegram from the embassy requesting that the affairs of the Fourth Alliance Headquarters be properly resolved and try not to affect the United States and China. Government relations... Sheehan asked for his opinion on this matter.

Li Junhao smiled and replied: "Mr. Sheehan, this matter is easy to handle, so I called the embassy back and said: The Consulate General has informed the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and received a commitment that this incident will be resolved fairly and justly!"

"Ha!" Sheen was startled and then smiled, "Okay, that's my answer. However, if Ambassador Johnson blames him, I will say it was your idea..."

"No problem!" Li Junhao said nonchalantly. When he heard the other party joking with him and knew that he meant to show closeness, he said again: "Xian, you can actually say it was my idea now. Let's see what Ambassador Johnson will do. What should I say? Maybe there will be a surprise."

"Really?" Sheen said in surprise.

"Really." Li Junhao said, not hiding anything from him, "I proposed this currency reform. We can't let Hanpuri and the Consulate General bear this responsibility! Besides, I also want to see Jason What is the ambassador’s attitude?”

Hearing this, Sheen felt a little emotional, but he knew that it made sense. Even though he was the consul general now, he really couldn't keep up with Pan Sen's reputation in the embassy, ​​so he agreed.

What happened next was also very interesting. The embassy that received the reply from the Consulate General in Shanghai seemed to have approved the reply and there was no further information.This allowed Sheen to confirm his previous thoughts and position himself more correctly in his mind.
After receiving the telegram notification from the Chongqing headquarters, the Silian General Office in Shanghai originally thought that the matter would be resolved quickly. However, after waiting for a whole day, the subordinate branches did not unblock them. Instead, they received a notice from the Public Security Department of the police station. Administrative penalty notice: The dozens of security guards who assaulted citizens and caused minor injuries were detained for 15 days and compensated for the injured’s medical expenses and lost work wages, totaling US$1500. They were paid within a 24-hour deadline, and the penalty would be increased if the time limit was exceeded.

At this time, everyone in the office was dumbfounded. This meant: Chongqing’s efforts were completely useless!
what to do?Everyone looked at Xu Guangsong, the office director sitting at the head, to see what he had to say.

Director Xu had a headache at this time and never thought that things would turn out like this!

In fact, in addition to following the normal procedures for rescue from the headquarters, he also sent a separate message to his colleagues in Chongqing to ask them to help check the headquarters' measures.

Not long ago, a colleague called him back and said that President Kong and Chairman Song had personally inquired about the matter and contacted the US Ambassador Mr. Johnson, but he did not know what happened next.

But now it seems that regardless of whether the U.S. Ambassador spoke out or not, at least the Shanghai Consulate General did not care about it at all. It not only punished the Silian General Office, but also blocked their outlets.

This situation made him regret it very much. When he received the notice from the Financial Supervisory Commission before, because the circulation of legal tender was prohibited in the concession, they were angry and neither responded nor formally refused, and just threw it aside as if it had nothing to do with them. , but I didn’t expect that when the concession began to officially collect legal currency today, something like this would happen to their outlets, and the concession would take advantage of it.

It seems that there is no hope for the headquarters now. What should he do?
On the evening of May 5, He Dongming suddenly brought someone to visit Li Junhao at home and brought gifts.

After introducing the two of them, He Dongming ran to the guards to play cards with them. He was obviously avoiding suspicion, and at the same time he was still a little uneasy. Isn't it bad to bring strangers here without permission?Li Junhao looked at Xu Guangsong, who was sitting opposite and felt a little uneasy. He didn't blame He Dongming in his heart. Under the circumstances, this was actually the best arrangement.

After Xu Guangsong calmed down, he said, "Mr. Pan Sen, it's our first time meeting each other. This is a small gift, not a sign of respect." After saying that, he placed a box of red wine and a large box of cigars on the coffee table next to him.

"Mr. Xu, you're too polite. Please sit down." Li Junhao shook hands with him and motioned for him to sit down. After Xiaoyu next to him brought a new pot of tea, he called everyone else out of the reception area as he walked away.

Xu Guangsong knew that the opportunity was rare, so he sincerely briefly described the whole story, and then asked Li Junhao for help, hoping to resume the business of the outlet. As for the detained security personnel and the $1500 fine, he did not mention it at all. Than, the latter two are trivial matters.

After Li Junhao pondered for a while, he said: "Mr. Xu, this matter has already happened, and I can see your attitude now. What I want to explain is that on the issue of legal currency, the concession and the Fourth General Office will each have their own opinions. Stick to your position. What you want is to keep the outlets open for business and to insist on focusing on fiat currency business. The decision of the Concession Financial Management Committee is to prohibit the continued circulation of fiat currency in the concession. This is a big deal. The contradiction..."

Xu Guangsong nodded when he heard this. This is the fundamental difference between the two sides, and it seems to be difficult to reconcile now.

Li Junhao continued: "Brother Dongming brought you here today. I will seriously suggest a possible solution. As for whether it is feasible or not, Mr. Xu will make his own judgment."

"Please tell me, Mr. Pan Sen!" Xu Guangsong said hurriedly.

"I think your Fourth Alliance General Office can go talk to the Financial Supervisory Commission..." Li Junhao said, "No matter what happens in the future, at least for this month, you can do business with the Financial Supervisory Commission!" At this point, he said nothing more. Go on, he believes that the other party can understand the rest.

Xu Guangsong didn't understand it at first, but he quickly realized it and his face showed joy...

Soon, Xu Guangsong said goodbye and left. His purpose of coming today was finally achieved.

He Dongming waited for a while, then stood up to leave. He also tested it to make sure that Li Junhao didn't blame him, and then left happily.

After all the guests left, Xiao Yu told Li Junhao: There were a total of forty large yellow croakers placed in the red wine box and cigar box. Good guy, this gift is not light!

Speaking of which, 312.5 grams of large yellow croaker is calculated at the current international market gold price of 35 US dollars per ounce (1 ounce is about 28.35 grams), which is about 386 US dollars. Forty large yellow croakers are only 15440 US dollars, but things are not calculated like this. !If you sell this gold to a bank, you will indeed get these US dollars, but these US dollars will never be able to buy back the gold.

Li Junhao was a little funny. I wonder if the gold was taken out of the vault of the Fourth Alliance Headquarters?
(End of this chapter)

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