Shadow Spy

Chapter 311 Take one step back and the world is wider

Chapter 311 Take a step back and the world is wider
On Thursday, May 5, Xu Guangsong, who had already figured it out, took the initiative to come to the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry to meet with the management of the Financial Supervisory Commission as scheduled.

After more than two hours of discussion, the two parties reached a series of agreements on legal currency, mainly including the following points:

[-]. In this operation to exchange and recover legal currency in the concession, the Silian General Office did not participate;
[-]. The Concession Financial Management Committee will exchange the recovered legal currency, and the Silian General Office promises to accept all the original prices, and the shortfall in US dollars will be paid in other ways, including but not limited to precious metals;

[-]. After the legal currency ceases to circulate in the concession, the Silian General Office can still operate legal currency business outside the concession;

6. Starting from June 1st, the business outlets under the jurisdiction of the Silian General Office will accept the circulation of US dollar bonds issued by the Ministry of Industry and Industry...

In this way, it is equivalent to the national government recognizing the decision of the Financial Supervisory Committee and acknowledging in disguise the fact that legal currency has withdrawn from the concession.I believe this is also the result of Xu Guangsong's discussion with the headquarters after returning last night, otherwise he would not dare, or would not have the right, to sign these agreements.

Although these agreements were not announced to the public, on the afternoon of that day, all ten outlets under the Silian General Office were unblocked.When the staff of the Fourth Alliance Headquarters returned to these outlets, they found that there was no change at all. They also lamented that the current police officers are really not the same patrol officers as before!

However, before the opening, the Silian Headquarters produced a poster stating that the bank does not undertake the legal currency exchange business and asked the public to understand. This is to avoid causing new troubles.The Concession Police Station also specially assigned four police officers to each branch to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to cause trouble.

The occurrence of this scene caused many people to speculate. The mainstream speculation is that the United States accepted Chongqing’s requests and requirements.In this regard, neither the Financial Supervisory Commission nor the Fourth Alliance General Office came forward to explain.

After three days of exchange, the current process has become familiar to the public. The order of each bank exchange point is generally very orderly. However, several incidents of "unknown persons" causing trouble occurred during the period, but they were quickly quelled. Dozens of The person was subdued and taken away by police officers and joint defense team members immediately, and there was no substantial impact.
Li Junhao's focus at this time has shifted to the European battlefield. He knows that the key battle is about to begin!In order to keep abreast of the situation in Europe, he specifically contacted the Far East Division of the Naval Intelligence Office in Hawaii and requested to obtain the latest European war reports at any time. With his current status, this request will of course be met.

Every six hours, a special person from the Naval Intelligence Bureau will send the battle report to the Far East. Li Junhao arranged for the headquarters communications office to contact him directly, receive the report, and then send it to his office in a timely manner.

At this time, Chief of Staff Yang Shixiong's other tasks were basically completed, and there was sufficient time to discuss the war situation with him.The Staff Office now has six official staff officers, two of whom are responsible for the coordination of various units in Shanghai and Hainan. The other four have also joined the discussion, and Xie Jinyuan and others often come to participate.

The headquarters specially dedicated a large room as a war situation analysis room, and set up a European sandbox in it. The battlefield situation on it is updated every few hours, so that everyone can see it at a glance.

It can be clearly seen on the sand table that the German army's offensive is rapid and fierce. The British, French and Norwegian troops are retreating steadily, and the whole of Norway is about to fall.

The staff members were very puzzled. Even Yang Shixiong asked in confusion: "Commander, why don't the British and French forces directly attack the German mainland?"

"Because they are still harboring illusions," Li Junhao muttered. "Although they have declared war on Germany, they do not want the scale of the war to expand. They imagine that the German offensive will stay within the 'acceptable' limits." "It's acceptable. The boundaries of love?" Everyone didn't understand.

"Just like the previous German-Polish War, Germany and the Soviet Union carved up Poland, but the borders between the two countries were directly opposite... The fundamental reason why Britain and France did not really intervene was that they expected Germany to turn its attack target to the Soviet Union. "Li Junhao explained, "In this war in Norway, Britain and France hope to limit the battlefield to Norway and no longer involve other countries, which shows that they are still trying their best to avoid the expansion of the war..."

Yang Shixiong thought while saying: "This idea of ​​Britain and France has some truth, but the premise is that the British and French forces can defeat the German army on the Norwegian battlefield, so that they can stop the German offensive... However, looking at the current battlefield situation, they simply cannot do it. arrive!"

"Yes!" Li Junhao sneered, "They overestimated themselves and underestimated their opponents."

After everyone heard this, they were stunned at first, and then they all nodded and agreed with this statement.

After a moment of silence, Yang Shixiong said: "The overall situation of the war in Norway has been decided. It seems that it will be over in a few days. Commander, what do you think the German army will do next?"

Li Junhao pointed to the western border of Germany and said: "Go west and attack the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard this. A young staff officer was a little unsure and asked: "Will the German army continue to attack without resting?"

"Yes, just in a few days!" Li Junhao said, "The German army does not need to rest, their desire for revenge has made them impatient!"

This... everyone was speechless!Is this a reason?
Well, even if it is a reason, military operations cannot be supported by spirit alone. Troop status, logistical support, and troop deployment all take time. Can the German army start a war in the north and west directions at the same time?

Seeing everyone's thoughts, Li Junhao smiled and said: "Don't worry! Germany is better prepared than any other country. They have been looking forward to this war for too long!"
On May 5, news came from the Office of Naval Intelligence that because the previous government adhered to the policy of appeasement and allowed Germany to quickly arm itself, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Denmark and other countries were annexed or occupied by it one after another, and now even more so during the Battle of Norway. Although the British army was advancing at a high pace, the British army continued to perform poorly, leaving the whole of Europe shrouded in the clouds of war. Members of the British House of Commons formally proposed a motion of no confidence in the Chamberlain government!

On the 7th, the British and French forces that landed in central Norway suffered heavy losses due to heavy bombardment by German aircraft and had no choice but to withdraw from Norway. Only some troops in Narvik in northern Norway persisted in fighting with the support of the navy and air force.But the overall situation has become clear - the fall of Norway is inevitable.

On the 8th, British Prime Minister Chamberlain formally submitted his resignation to King George VI and suggested that Admiralty Secretary Winston Churchill form a cabinet.King George VI accepted his resignation, but no immediate decision was made on his successor.

(End of this chapter)

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