Shadow Spy

Chapter 326 The Silver Star Medal is very important

Chapter 326 The Silver Star Medal is very important

At noon on September 9, 15 bombers of the German Air Force, supported by 200 fighter jets, crossed the English Channel, preparing to carry out a fatal final blow to Britain. However, they were ambushed and intercepted by more than 600 British fighter jets and were forced to retreat.This was the last major battle of the Battle of Britain.

On the 17th, Hitler announced the postponement of the "Sea Lion Project" - in fact, the project had gone bankrupt!
Throughout the Battle of Britain, the German Air Force dispatched more than 4.6 aircraft, dropped more than 7 tons of bombs on Britain, and lost about 1500 aircraft; the British Air Force lost 915 aircraft, killing and injuring about 8.6 residents. People, more than 100 million buildings were damaged, and many cities were destroyed. It can be described as a tragic victory!
The 18th was the ninth anniversary of the "September [-]th Incident". Various rallies were also held in the concession. Slogans such as national resistance, non-recognition of the "Puppet Manchukuo", and return of Northeast China resounded everywhere...

With the experience of the last "July [-]th Incident" rally, both the police station and the various groups organizing the rally have gained experience. All activities were conducted in an orderly and safe manner, and the publicity effect was excellent.
On the 19th, Li Junhao received a commendation telegram from the U.S. State Department, commending him for his accurate judgment of military and war situations. He was specially awarded the Silver Star Medal, and he can add the Medal of Honor from now on.Of course, according to regulations, formal medals will be awarded at the end of the year.

The Silver Star Medal is the fourth-level medal after the U.S. Medal of Honor, the Congressional Medal of Honor, and the Military Cross. It is second only to the Cross among military awards. However, it is a cross-service medal and is awarded to those who share the same interests with the United States. A Union soldier who displayed heroic acts in combat with the enemy.

Looking at the telegram, Li Junhao was a little surprised. This Silver Star Medal is the second medal after the "1939 Sincere Service Medal" he received in government affairs, and it is also his first military medal. The reason why he received it It turned out to be an analysis report on the British Air War!
Well, this can be considered a military merit medal, which is enough to enrich his resume!The system also rewarded him with a 5% increase in all military skills.
On the evening of the 20th, Li Xiaoyu showed him a telegram sent by Sister Yihao. The content of the telegram was to thank him for his previous help. Yan'an had received US$20 transferred from Xi'an, and the new batch of US aid Among them, one-fifth of the weapons and equipment has been determined to be given to the Eighth Route Army...

Although there were no words such as repayment or favors in the telegram, Li Junhao understood that the underground party members would not play tricks, and they would definitely remember them once they said thank you. This was enough.

He thought happily that with a little more money and a large amount of American weapons and equipment, the underground party and the Eighth Route Army would be able to fight better and kill more little devils, and everything would be worth it!
The next ten days of September went by quite peacefully.

For the Joint Command, the best thing is that the Army Aviation Detachment has taken initial shape, and the number of pilots who can fly independently into the sky has reached 22!
The fighter planes flying in and out of Jiaozhou Park every day excited the residents of the concession. Even the people living near the park knew that this was an important weapon to defend Shanghai. Although it was a bit noisy, it was more important than ensuring that the concession would not be occupied by the Japanese army. , It’s really nothing!
This situation makes the Japanese army outside the concession feel like a thorn in the back, but they can't think of any way to stop it, unless...unless they declare war on the United States now and concentrate their sea, land and air forces to attack the concession!But not now!Domestic economic, political, commercial and other aspects are all restricted, and the military is not ready to start the war!Then the only option is to endure it.

In this situation, it can be said that Li Junhao's original idea has been initially achieved. What happens next depends on whether the Japanese army can maintain their rationality?

Li Junhao actually imagined that if the Japanese army was really crazy and attacked the concession with all its strength regardless of losses and consequences, he would definitely not be able to withstand it in the end, but in the process, he was still able to kill tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers. , and most of the industrial enterprises in the concession will not be left to the Japanese!

In that way, even if the Japanese occupy the concession, they will only get a waste city that cannot create profits!If that time comes, at least it can reduce some pressure on China's war of resistance, right?

Of course, what he knows, or judges, or hopes is that Japan still has options. Shanghai is very important, but it is not the most important to Japan's current grand strategy!
Under the current world situation, in Europe, Germany is ruling the roost; in Asia, Japan believes that it must be the boss. The biggest choice it currently faces is whether to "go north" or "go south"!
In fact, the situation is already very clear. Last year's Battle of Nomenkan has frightened the arrogant Japanese Kwantung Army. The only option left for the Japanese military is to "go south", and it has already taken action on September 9 - the Japanese army is here One day, he entered French Indochina and captured it.

On September 9, Germany and Italy accepted Japan's admission to the Axis Powers and signed the "Three Powers Pact", officially forming the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo axis.

Li Junhao is actually betting now that in the face of the vast benefits in Southeast Asia, the Japanese army will not insist on attacking the concession regardless of gains and losses. With the same troops and resources, the benefits gained from attacking Southeast Asia are not small!Of course, it remains to be seen whether this is true or not.

However, one thing can prove that the strategic direction of the Japanese army is indeed changing: the fundamental purpose of the Japanese army's previous initiative to clear out the anti-Japanese base areas in North China was to take advantage of Germany's rampage in Europe, the United States' war preparations have not yet been completed, and the United Kingdom is unable to go east. This opportunity is used to prepare for the implementation of the "Southward Advance" strategy in order to seize the colonies of Britain, the United States, France, the Netherlands and other countries in Southeast Asia and the Southwest Pacific;
Prior to this, the Japanese army wanted to turn the occupied areas in China into stable rear bases, including Northeast, North China, Central China, and South China. However, the North China region, which is currently the least "stable", has become the main area for Japanese military operations.

After nearly a year of hard work, Li Junhao has turned the Shanghai Concession into a hedgehog-like existence. If the Japanese army wants to attack, they really need to measure the performance ratio!
I have been accumulating and managing it bit by bit in order to create an image of "it's good for everyone if I keep it, but if I'm beaten, I'll be dead". I bet there are still some sane people among the Japanese!

Seeing that this goal is being achieved step by step, Li Junhao is very proud, but the final result still needs to be verified. He has enough patience now!

(End of this chapter)

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