Shadow Spy

Chapter 327 Is a poison pill plan needed?

Chapter 327 Is a poison pill plan needed?
As time enters October, the Shanghai Concession is still relatively calm, but on the European side, Germany has a new ally - Romania.

During World War I, Romania was a member of the Allied Powers, but it did not achieve any fruits of victory after the war. Moreover, the rise of Soviet Russia after World War I and its expansion of power in Eastern Europe made Romanians live in fear. .

At the end of May this year, while Germany was busy contemplating Western Europe, the Soviet Union annexed the three Baltic countries—Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia;
At the end of June, the Soviet Union sent another 63 troops to occupy the Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina regions of Romania by force.Romania lost 15% of its territory and about 400 million people in less than a week.

The ambitions of the Soviet Union frightened the Romanians very much. The partition of Poland was a lesson learned from the past. At this time, Britain and France could not count on it at all, and the Romanians felt that they were in danger of national subjugation.

Under this circumstance, the young faction in the Romanian army launched a coup. After the officer Antonescu seized power and established a dictatorship, he immediately joined the Axis group and became the "4th Axis".

For Germany, this is a big surprise, because Romania is the only oil-producing country in Europe besides the Soviet Union, with an annual output of 500 million tons of high-quality oil, accounting for one-third of Germany's annual demand.The addition of Romania has greatly improved Germany's lack of fuel.
When he saw the intelligence, Li Junhao couldn't help but shook his head - oil, this is Germany's biggest shortcoming and one of the important reasons for its subsequent failure!

For countries that have entered rapid industrialization, there is no doubt about the importance of oil. From this aspect, the decline of European powers since World War II is not without reason; and for modern mechanized troops, fuel is inseparable. source of power.

The United States has an innate advantage in this regard. It has sufficient oil output in its own country, and it continues to seize and control oil producing areas in the Middle East, North Africa, etc., laying the foundation for its rise starting in the middle and late stages of World War II.

Nowadays, China is generally regarded as an oil-poor country by all countries in the world, but it is actually relatively advantageous. At the very least, Japan firmly believes that it cannot get oil resources in China, so it is marching south!

Not long ago, after learning that the Japanese army had invaded French Indochina, Ayers once again asked Li Junhao to write an analysis report to demonstrate whether Japan's future strategic direction would be "northward" or "southward". This was of course not a problem for him. !It took only two days to complete the report, which was the result of his deliberate delay to avoid being too shocking.

But these few times in a row made him feel like, why did he become an expert in military intelligence analysis?Is old man Ayers trying to push himself into the position of White House military adviser?
Although he thinks he is qualified enough, at least in this era of the world, there is no one more suitable for the position of military advisor than him, but he does not want to do it - accompanying a group of old men to talk about military affairs every day is really too much. So boring! ——
Li Junhao did not know at this time that in the White House in Washington, due to the operations of Ayers and others, his name had already been included in the staff list of Roosevelt's campaign office, and his position was "Assistant to the National Security Advisor for Far Eastern Affairs"!Several reports he wrote were the result of his work and received critical acclaim.

If he knew about this, he would definitely scream - where is my double salary?

At this time, the situation of the presidential election in the United States was still unclear. Roosevelt's approval rate was slightly ahead, but Republican candidate Wendell Willkie's approval rate was closely followed, and the gap did not really widen. It seemed that in the end, The outcome is yet to be determined.
During this period, Li Junhao's key task was to review the "Draft Concession Defense Plan", which was led by Chief of Staff Yang Shixiong and jointly worked out by the Staff Office, Police Station, Squadron, Civil Welfare Committee and other departments. The basic point of the plan was to envisage the Japanese army attacking the Concession. When the concession launches an attack, the concession's response measures and armed forces combat plan.The draft plan is very detailed and is divided into seven parts: defense facilities, force deployment, regional air defense, squadron use, logistics supplies, wartime security, and people's livelihood and settlement. Each part is divided into light, medium, and heavy according to the intensity of the Japanese attack. To deal with all kinds of situations is quite detailed.

Because there is too much content, it takes a lot of time for Li Junhao to review, and many places need to be carefully considered before he can understand it.Generally speaking, this draft plan is in place. Although it is a bit cumbersome, considering that the proportion of educated soldiers and civilians in this era is relatively low, it is the most correct approach to make the plan more detailed and have a dedicated person responsible for its implementation.

The most satisfying thing about this plan is that in various response plans, linkage between various departments has been designed. This is a very advanced idea!He believes that once implemented, it will achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, no matter how good the plan is, it still needs to be executed effectively; moreover, due to the terrain restrictions of the concession, there is an upper limit to the intensity of the attack. If the Japanese army's investment exceeds this upper limit, it will still be unable to defend...

Thinking of this, he began to hesitate, should he add a "poison pill plan" to the plan?

At the last moment, the implementation of the poison pill plan will certainly allow the Japanese army to gain no advantage in the end, but it will also destroy the prosperity of Shanghai, the largest city in the Far East!Moreover, will the Japanese army, which became angry afterwards, take cruel revenge on the residents of the concession?Well, this is a high probability.

But if it is not implemented, after occupying the concession, the Japanese army will obtain a large amount of industrial and commercial wealth, which will enhance its war strength. Wouldn't it be aiding the evil?

After thinking for a long time, there was no result, but he decided that the poison pill plan still had to be formulated. As for whether it would be implemented in the end, we would wait until then!So, he called Chief of Staff Yang Shixiong and talked about the matter.

Hearing this, Yang Shixiong nodded with a serious expression, saying that he would personally formulate this final plan, but hoped it would never be implemented.

After seeing off the chief of staff, Li Junhao leaned on his chair, lit a cigarette, and thought in the curl of light smoke: In a little more than half a year, Germany will launch an attack on the Soviet Union, and World War II will enter a new stage. A new stage; and by this time next year, the Japanese Navy should have already implemented the "Climb to New Peaks" plan, triggering the Pacific War, and the concession will usher in a point of survival.

In the original history, Japan did not take excessively violent measures and occupied the concession relatively peacefully, but that should not be the case now!
(End of this chapter)

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