Shadow Spy

Chapter 346 Time flies by like a white horse

Chapter 346 Time flies by like a white horse

On January 1, Ayers informed Li Junhao that the United States had reached an agreement with the Kuomintang government to meet the first two demands he made. As for the third demand, Gu Zhutong would be demoted, and Shangguan Yunxiang and his seven subordinates would be demoted. The famous division commander will be fired from the military, and the other party hopes that the matter will end there.

Of course Li Junhao is not satisfied with the result. Is the matter over like this?Did those New Fourth Army officers and soldiers die in vain?But the current relationship between the two countries cannot take things further, which makes him uncomfortable.

The next morning, the Kuomintang government issued an announcement, formally apologizing to the underground party for the "misunderstanding" that occurred in southern Anhui, announcing the release of captured New Fourth Army personnel, and revoking Gu Zhutong, commander of the Third War Zone, from his post, lowering his military rank to major general, and transferring him to the Military Commission. Consultation; Shangguan Yunxiang, the commander of the 32nd Group Army who caused the trouble, and seven division commanders were dismissed from the military...

This result is not the most ideal for Li Junhao, but for the outside world and the underground party, it is a rare "surprise" - the Kuomintang government actually bowed its head and admitted defeat!
Li Junhao subsequently released the freighters and goods from Chongqing, and unblocked the accounts of the Fourth Alliance Headquarters and the National Government. However, the people who had been expelled from the rental industry were naturally unable to be allowed back. This was also considered as a reason for the National Government not to completely A reward for meeting his requirements!
In the following period, Li Junhao was a little busy at work. He flew between Shanghai and the Philippines, and had to write reports to Ayres every now and then. His life was very fulfilling.

The situation in the entire world is becoming increasingly tense, but even so, the ridiculous scene on the European battlefield still makes countries around the world unable to help but complain - the Italians completely turned into clowns during the invasion of Greece, not only Its troops that invaded Greece were repelled and even counterattacked by the other side out of the country. Even Algeria under its control was occupied by the other side's counterattack.

Everyone thought that Italy could not hold on and would come to Germany for rescue, but strangely, it has not so far. This is a very interesting thing.

Li Junhao was also thinking about this matter. There was no such thing in his memory in his previous life - it was not that there was a reason for this matter, but that he did not care about it at all at that time.This made him a little unsure of what would happen next, but he remembered that in late June 1941, Germany was about to launch an attack on the Soviet Union.

In his report to Ayers, Li Junhao had clearly put forward an imprecise timetable, specifying the time in June and requiring domestic intelligence forces to pay attention to collecting intelligence on Europe. Germany should invade during this time period. The Soviet Union and the United States must be prepared to deal with changes in the war situation.

Regarding his report, there are still debates among various parties in the country, but no one has publicly raised objections because they are afraid of being slapped in the face by the facts!Ayers had already told him about this situation, reminding him not to overstate his words, so as not to affect his reputation as a "prophet".

Li Junhao certainly understands this truth, but he has proven through practice that he is convinced that the direction of the world will not deviate from the normal track, especially major events related to historical imprints will still occur, at most there will be a slight deviation in the date, and He was very sure that his actions in the Far East did not interfere with the European process!
So far, he has gained a lot of popularity in the White House due to his previous reports. Although due to confidentiality, there are not many people who are qualified to see his reports, but everyone is the highest-level person. , so this kind of popularity is equivalent to a certain degree of power in disguise.Just like after Li Junhao strongly expressed his bad opinion of MacArthur, the White House decided to send people to the Far East to investigate his illegal and disciplinary behavior, and finally removed him from office and expelled him from the military. Even the Secretary of the Army could only prevent him from going to a military court.
In late January, just before the Spring Festival, the North China War, which lasted for more than five months, came to an end. All Japanese troops that launched attacks on the base areas withdrew, and the Eighth Route Army won the final victory.

In this North China Campaign, which was later known as the "Hundred Regiments War", the Eighth Route Army severely damaged the Japanese army's main communication lines in North China, recovered some areas occupied by the Japanese army, and dealt a powerful blow to the Japanese invaders. Inspired the confidence of the people across the country to win the war of resistance!
This result once again proved that Li Junhao's prediction in his previous report was correct. This was too important for a "prophet", and he thus consolidated his position.
This year's Spring Festival came relatively early. January 1 was the first day of the new year. The war at home and abroad did not affect the festive atmosphere in the concession.

For most people in the concession, this means that another year has passed safely. People cherish this rare festival, and there is no lack of material supplies at present, so everyone has a good time during this Spring Festival.

Li Junhao also enjoyed this rare leisure time and took the opportunity to clarify his thoughts. This year's situation will become really serious.

However, he had long begun to dislike this state of waiting, and wanted to take the initiative.Only then did he realize that his previous actions had strengthened the military power of the concession to the extreme, but it also trapped him here. The 400 million residents in the concession made it impossible for him to let go of his responsibilities.
Time passed quickly. On March 3st, Li Junhao received another call from the country, so he could only hand over his responsibilities to Military Attache Hobbs, and boarded the B-1 Shawei that came to pick him up. Take a 24-kilometer air journey.

Two days later, when he came to Washington again, Secret Service people and cars came to pick him up and went directly to the White House, as if the matter was urgent.

The Secret Service is nominally affiliated with the Department of Justice and is one of the core departments of the FBI. However, in fact, it operates completely independently and allocates funds independently. After stripping off other functions, it is responsible for protecting the president, his immediate family, the vice president and presidential candidates, and The special police force responsible for the security of the White House enjoys the first priority among US law enforcement agencies and is not subject to interference from any department when performing its tasks.

Now people from the Secret Service came to pick him up, which meant that Mr. President was looking for him. Li Junhao couldn't tell what was going on for the moment, so he could only be patient.

The two cars drove directly to the White House, and Mrs. Brown came and sent him to Ailes' office. It was very nice, much better than the previous temporary office. There were separate lounges and bathrooms inside and outside; and it was dusty. Li Junhao's first task was to take a shower and change clothes, and what was already prepared for him was a brand new one-star brigadier general uniform!
 Chapter 345 is being reviewed, please post the next chapter first!
(End of this chapter)

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