Shadow Spy

Chapter 347 Witnessing the Inauguration of the President

Chapter 347 Witnessing the Inauguration of the President

After washing up and putting on his uniform, Li Junhao appeared in front of Ayers in high spirits. He couldn't help but smile and asked: "Uncle, is this true or false? Are you looking for a uniform to make me happy?"

"You brat! How can you wear a uniform casually?" Ayers glared at him angrily, but still explained: "You are still too young to be the chief assistant to the National Security Advisor, so you need to improve your skills in other ways. Political status……

"In view of the impact of your previous series of analytical reports on White House policies and your fruitful work in the Far East, Mr. Roosevelt specifically promoted the rank of the Navy in accordance with the Army Expansion Act during the Emergency. Please note that this is not a temporary rank during wartime. !”

Li Junhao smiled happily, what are the benefits of being the chief assistant?

"Okay, stop laughing, come with me to see Mr. President!" Although Ayers' tone was irritating, it could be seen that he was also very happy in his heart.

President Roosevelt was in good spirits. When he saw Ayers leading him in, he actually said hello: "Hey, little Ogg, this uniform suits you very well!"

"Thank you, Mr. President!" Li Junhao smiled.

"Sit down, Ogg..." Roosevelt was sitting in a wheelchair in the reception area on the side of the desk this time. He stretched out his hand to signal, "I heard from Nelson that you like to drink Chinese tea. How about trying this tea?" As he spoke, he pointed to the tea set and tea can on the coffee table.

Li Junhao first asked Ayers next to him to sit down before starting to make tea.

The tea was good Wuyi Mountain rock tea with a unique aroma. This was the first time he drank this kind of tea after coming to this world, and he felt nostalgic.

The tea sets in the President's office were very complete and brand new, which made him feel that the tea sets were specially prepared for him.

Well, he has really practiced it, so this is not a problem for him - he can complete these seven steps of boiling water, washing cups, pouring tea, brewing, pouring tea, serving tea, tasting tea and drinking tea. I think it was done very well.

Roosevelt and Ayers each took a cup of rock tea, smelled it first and then tasted it. They both praised it, and both of them had a feeling: after Ogg brewed it, this tea seemed to taste better than what they had drunk before. .

Li Junhao is a little proud. Although his tea-making skills are not at a master level, they are enough to fool Americans. The reason why people who watch him make tea tastes better, he thinks, is mainly because A bonus brought by the inner feeling caused by the sense of ritual. Of course, the correct brewing method also plays a certain role, but it is not as big as tea drinkers imagine.

"Ogg, how is the situation in the Far East now?" After drinking the first cup of tea, Ayres began to ask.

"Oh, the situation is pretty good..." Li Junhao briefly introduced the current situation in Shanghai and the Philippines, and then asked the question in his heart: "Mr. President, Mr. Ayers, is there anything important that you want me to come back to you this time? "

"Of course." Ayers said, "Tomorrow is Franklin's official inauguration ceremony. You are also an important member of the staff now, how could you not participate." Roosevelt nodded beside him. At this time, he already recognized Ayers. As I said before, I think Ogonyan is capable enough to serve as the chief assistant to the national security adviser, or even as a deputy adviser, but it is a pity that he is still a little young.

The presidential inauguration ceremony!Li Junhao really didn't expect this to be the reason, but he was very happy in his heart. This meant that he was very important now!
On March 3, Tuesday, the Inauguration Day of the 4th President of the United States, as usual, the inauguration ceremony was held on the lawn east of the Capitol Building.

Standing on the Great Lawn, you can see the majestic columned porch under the dome of the Capitol Building. The three copper "Columbus Gates" in the porch are thick and have relief sculptures of Christopher Columbus discovering the New World. The rotunda of the Capitol Building, where you can see the epitome of American politics.

There are 8 oil paintings recording the history of the United States hung on the four walls of the rotunda, while the 55-meter-high dome is a large painting painted by the 19th-century Italian painter Bruno Midi and his students. The center of the picture is Washington, the founding president of the United States. The two sides are the Goddess of Victory and the Goddess of Liberty. The other 13 goddesses in the picture represent the 13 states of the United States.Each of the outstanding presidential stone sculptures erected in the hall represents an era.

There is also a special statue hall on the south side of the rotunda, which contains the statues of celebrities from the 50 states of the United States. Together, they are a symbol of American cohesion.

At 32 o'clock in the morning, the 39nd President Franklin Roosevelt took the oath on the Bible under the auspices of the federal justice and was sworn in as the [-]th President of the United States; the former Secretary of Agriculture Henry Agard Wallace was sworn in as Vice President.

In the queue behind Roosevelt watching the ceremony, on the left is the government team headed by Secretary of State Cordell Hull, and on the right is the White House staff team headed by National Security Advisor Nelson Ayers.

The newly promoted Commodore Ognyan Lee Penson in a straight uniform stood not far behind Ayers. In front of him were the chief of staff, military representatives and military advisers, White House chief of staff, and legal adviser. , economic consultant and other five people, it can be said that they are extremely high-ranking!

His appearance, which was clearly under 30 years old, immediately attracted the attention of the audience and the group of media reporters. From the beginning to the end of the ceremony, he was photographed no less than a hundred times.

In this era, reporters from mainstream media in the United States use mechanical oscillating electronic flashlights, which are really dazzling. Li Junhao feels that if he were not wearing smart glasses, his eyes would be blinded!

Therefore, he admires the politicians of this era very much. They are so powerful. They can face the reporters' cameras without wearing sunglasses and can still smile calmly and calmly. They are so powerful!

Compared with the preparation time, the inauguration ceremony was very short. After being sworn in, President Roosevelt announced the nominees for the new government on the spot - as usual, these candidates have been communicated in advance, and the two houses of Congress will They were approved immediately at the afternoon session and their oaths were supervised by the Speaker of the House.

Compared with the positions of government departments and directors, the White House staff is only responsible to the president personally. Some of them are military representatives and military advisers. Their duty is to provide staff advice and work assistance to the president in his capacity as the commander-in-chief of the country’s armed forces. and is responsible for executing the president's military policies.

The position currently occupied by Li Junhao is normally responsible to the National Security Advisor and serves as a substitute. When necessary, he is directly responsible to the president.

(End of this chapter)

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