Shadow Spy

Chapter 384 A blessing in disguise for Slim

Chapter 384 A blessing in disguise for Slim

On the morning of March 3, Stilwell, who had arrived in Lashio in northern Myanmar and was preparing to establish the India-Myanmar theater headquarters, received the latest domestic order: Major General Pan Sen, the presidential envoy who was inspecting the India-Myanmar battlefield, would serve concurrently with immediate effect. Deputy Chief of Staff of the Allied Far Eastern Theater and Deputy Commander of the Indo-Burmese Theater, and has arbitrary command authority in emergencies.

After reading the order, Lieutenant General Stilwell laughed loudly. It was great that Pan Sen would come to the India-Burma war zone. He knew how strong this friend was!He had already had a premonition that the British would not be able to do well in front of Pan Sen, and there would probably be a fierce conflict, but he bet on Pan Sen to win, although he did not know Pan Sen's hidden identity at this time.

So he immediately arranged for a telegraph operator to contact General Pan Sen, who was inspecting the battlefield in Myanmar, and asked him to come to northern Myanmar as soon as possible to meet and discuss important matters... If necessary, he would find a safe airport and arrange a special plane to pick him up.

Li Junhao, who was on the way, also smiled happily after receiving Stilwell's telegram. This man must have been troubled by the conflict between the Chinese Expeditionary Force and the British Army at this time!
In the call back, he said: He still needs to continue the inspection and hopes that the commander can promptly report the situation of the British army and the Chinese Expeditionary Force, especially the situation of the former!And asked Stilwell to temporarily keep his identity secret from the British Army and the Chinese Expeditionary Force, because he needed to see the real situation during the inspection!

Subsequently, he sent a text message to the Chongqing Embassy and asked it to be forwarded to China, stating that he would perform his duties after the inspection was completed, and requested that the "New England Battalion" be strengthened. After he officially performed his duties, he would be airlifted from the mainland to Myanmar. Organized into a force directly under the Indo-Myanmar Theater Command.
Lieutenant General Thomas Hutton, who was re-appointed as the commander of the British-Burmese Army, was a little striving for self-improvement at this time, and was determined to fight a tough battle with the Japanese army in Tonggu in order to revive the reputation of the British army!For this reason, he specifically informed the newly appointed commander of the India-Burma Theater and the American Lieutenant General Stilwell of this decision, and gained support.

Almost at the same day, the 1st Division of the British-Burmese Army stationed in Tongku lost 500 people in a battle with the Japanese forward troops. Its division commander, Lieutenant General Scott, wanted to order a retreat, but was stopped by Hutton. Lieutenant General William Joseph Slim (who was transferred to Burma from the position of commander of the 1942th Indian Division in March 3 as commander of the 10st British-Burmese Army) urgently sent by the commander stopped him!

Slim clearly told Scott that if he dared to let the 1st Division retreat without an order from the British-Burmese Army Headquarters, he would immediately take over his post, and General Hutton would report it to the country, which would be reviewed by Prime Minister Churchill. He and his family punished.

At this time, Lieutenant General Scott was dumbfounded. He knew the power of Churchill, the "crazy" prime minister. Now that Hutton was also crazy, he did not dare to bet on the fate of himself and his family. He could only forcefully He bravely issued a fatal order to stick to the battle!
Originally, he thought that the frontline troops would collapse because of this. What he didn't expect was that the grassroots officers and soldiers who had been holding back their anger had long been tired of the high-level cowardice and tired of running away without fighting. After receiving the order to stick to the battle, they actually raised their spirits. cheered loudly.

In this way, in the subsequent days of fighting on the outskirts of Tonggu, the troops of the 1st Division of the British and Burmese Army actually withstood the attack of the Japanese 55th Division, but at the same time they also suffered heavy losses due to the crazy Japanese offensive.

On the evening of March 3, Lieutenant General Scott sent a message to General Hutton, requesting to retreat again, but was still refused, and was strictly ordered to hold on for another 12 to 5 days!This made Scott very angry. He believed that Hutton was deliberately targeting him and the 10st Division, and even clamored to complain to London.Lieutenant General Slim, as the "supervisory force", received a secret message from Hutton, which explained why he asked the 1st Division to stick to Tonggu, saying that this was an opportunity for the British army to prove itself. After all, the previous battle in southern Burma The retreat brought disgrace to the British Empire, and the Battle of Tonggu was the time to prove the British army again.

This was actually recognized by Lieutenant General Slim.

At the end of the secret message, Hutton told him that the British-Burmese Army Command had coordinated with the Chinese Expeditionary Force. At present, the Chinese 200th Division had arrived 50 kilometers north of Tonggubei and was ready to move forward for rescue at any time.If under such circumstances, Scott still ordered the 1st Division to retreat, Lieutenant General Slim could immediately take over the command of the 1st Division based on this secret message and ask for reinforcements from the 200th Division.

With this guarantee, Slim also became tougher and sternly rejected Scott's request to retreat.

It is because of this that the 1st Division of the British-Burmese Army, which historically did not dare to fight the Japanese army, actually held on to the outer front of Tonggu for seven days despite suffering heavy casualties!

Until March 3, Lieutenant General Scott, who couldn't bear it anymore, refused to listen to the dissuasion and issued an order for the entire division to retreat. However, he was immediately stopped by Slim and the military police, and in front of all the middle-level officers of the 14st Division He was relieved of his duties as commander of the 1st Division.

Lieutenant General Slim, who took over the command of the 1st Division of the British-Burmese Army, ordered all frontline units to hold their positions and mobilized the reserves in the rear. At the same time, he used the contact code given to him by Hutton to send a message to the 200th Division. Defense request.

A moment later, the 200th Division called back: The Chinese Expeditionary Force will enter Tonggu to assist defense in 4 hours, and pay tribute to the British troops who fought bravely!
When the reply from the Chinese Expeditionary Force was read out at the headquarters of the 1st Division of the British-Burmese Army, all the British officers present were excited and were paid tribute by the Allies. This was an honor that the British Army had not received in many years!
Although the current 1st Division has suffered many casualties, it has killed more Japanese troops and has now received praise from the Allies. Many officers already feel that the Battle of Tonggu can be included in the history of the 1st Division's heroic achievements!

In addition, after 4 hours, the Chinese Expeditionary Force will be able to assist in the defense. So for a while, the British officers were excited and said: resolutely implement General Slim's order, defend Tonggu, and assist in the defense of China later. Join the expeditionary force to defeat the arrogant Japanese army!
Seeing this scene, General Slim was shocked at first, and then secretly rejoiced. He didn't expect that this trip to replenish the pot would yield such a harvest!
Previously, he was only the commander of the 10th Indian Division and had been fighting in the Arab region of the Middle East. When the Japanese army began to attack Burma, he was transferred by General Alexander and given an empty position as commander of the 1st Army of the Burmese Army. Unexpectedly, he performed it because of his faithful execution. The reinstatement of Lieutenant General Hutton, commander of the British and Burmese forces, and taking charge of the 1st Division was a blessing in disguise. It was definitely an unexpected surprise beyond imagination!This treasure of mine is the right one!
(End of this chapter)

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