Shadow Spy

Chapter 385 Degon is coming to war

Chapter 385 Degon is coming to war

Also on March 3, Li Junhao's convoy drove to Degong. This small town garrisoned by the 14th Division of the British and Indian Army was already enveloped in a tense atmosphere. Not far to the east, Tonggu was stationed by the Japanese 17th Division. Under the fierce attack of the regiment, although no Japanese troops have yet attacked Degong, the smoke of the war is already vaguely visible.

When their vehicle consisting of seven large armored vehicles drove into Degong, it immediately attracted the attention of the garrison and residents. But what made Li Junhao shake his head was that there was no British army to inquire about his obviously armed team. Such vigilance Too bad!

The motorcade stopped at the entrance of a Chinese restaurant that was still open. The group got off the car and walked in. They found that the area was quite large, enough for them all to rest and eat.

The Chinese shop owner was startled when he saw seven large armored vehicles parked at the door, and then a group of people got off the car and walked in. However, more than half of them were Chinese, which reassured him a lot.

Xiaohu stepped forward and told the shopkeeper that they were just taking a break to eat and asked for authentic Chinese food, which was the same for all tables, including foreigners.The shopkeeper with a southern accent was very happy to hear the familiar Chinese language. He agreed repeatedly and gave it a try without daring to ask what these people did.

There must be quite a few chefs in the hotel, and the food is served very quickly. The two large buckets of rice prepared were obviously not enough. The owner also asked people to buy more from other places...

In the past few days, everyone had only eaten military supplies. No matter how good the taste was, they had enough. Now they were very happy to eat familiar Chinese food. Even half of the Americans and British were the same. They had all been in the country for a long time. Living in Shanghai, I am very accustomed to Chinese food, and everyone can even use chopsticks!

This situation made the shopkeepers and waiters secretly amazed. From time to time they peeked at these people in military uniforms. They couldn't figure out their identities and origins, and they didn't dare to ask.Everyone was used to this along the way, so they didn't take it seriously and just went about eating, pouring tea, and chatting on their own.

The food on the table is indeed all Chinese food, but it includes Beijing cuisine and Shandong cuisine from the north, as well as Hunan cuisine and Cantonese cuisine from the south. The taste is rare and very good, especially at this time, everyone feels very lucky to be able to eat it. , and immediately started to feast.

Li Junhao was a little strange. He felt that eating several authentic Chinese dishes in a place like this made him interested in the origins of the shop owner and chef.

When he was almost done eating, he called the shopkeeper over and asked him to sit down and chat.The shop owner was so surprised when he heard his authentic Chinese speaking that he even forgot that he was chatting with a foreigner!
The owner is a native of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the south. He has been in Myanmar for many years. Later, he specially took in some overseas Chinese from China. They come from all places. Four or five of them are good at their crafts and become chefs. Those who are not good at their craftsmanship become waiters.Because the food tastes good, their Chinese restaurant is quite famous in this city.

Li Junhao inquired about the current situation in the city and learned that the British troops stationed here had shown signs of withdrawing. The local Burmese people did not pay too much attention, but the overseas Chinese were unstable, and many of them had fled north with their families. , the shop owner is now hesitant to leave.

Hearing this, Li Junhao advised him: If you can leave, you should leave!The Chinese people should all know the virtues of the Japanese, so don’t have any illusions about them!
The shop owner agreed with him, but he was a little reluctant to part with the foundation he had built here and said he would think about it carefully.Seeing that he had his own ideas, Li Junhao didn't force him to do anything. After all, it was his own business.At the checkout, Xiaoyu used US dollars. The shopkeeper was very happy because the current value of the Kyat currency has shrunk by half and is still depreciating. However, when the locals came to eat, they had to accept it. When they saw these Of course the soldiers were happy when they paid their bills in US dollars.

Hearing that the Myanmar currency was depreciating so quickly, Li Junhao knew that the country's economy had collapsed!

Although it was still noon, after eating, Li Junhao felt a little lazy and didn't want to continue on his way. After asking the owner, he said that the best place to stay here is the Lihua Hotel not far away, which is a British hotel. It's open, but I'm not sure there are enough rooms.

Afterwards, a group of people drove to the Lihua Hotel and asked if there were enough rooms. They directly booked the three or four floors with more than 30 rooms. They also paid a deposit in US dollars and went through the check-in procedures.
That night, more than a dozen British military police came to the Lihua Hotel. The military police officer leading the team was a British lieutenant. He went upstairs to inquire about the identities of the new arrivals, but was stopped by the escort guarding the two floors.

This British lieutenant is still very discerning. He had already checked the seven large armored vehicles parked in the yard and confirmed that they were all the latest US military equipment. Now he looked at the soldiers in front of him, all wearing US military uniforms and holding American-made weapons. Although half of the weapons looked like Chinese, he still believed that these people were American troops.So, he immediately asked to see the leader of the team.

Because the other party was the British army, Li Junhao, who learned about the situation, asked Captain Nick, the leader of the escort team, to see the other party and told him that he was an American battlefield observer, leaving aside his other identities.

After hearing what Nick said, the British army immediately identified themselves as troops of the 17th Division of the British Indian Army, and then sent people back to report, but he and his men stood guard at the hotel door!

He had special knowledge of the 17th Division of the British-Indian Army. In previous military deployments, its two main Indian brigades, the 44th and 45th, had been transferred to the Malay Peninsula. Now the 17th Division in Myanmar is mainly composed of It is composed of the 46th Indian Brigade, followed by the 16th Indian Brigade, the 48th Indian Brigade, the 2nd Myanmar Brigade, etc. Except for the officers above the company, the grassroots officers and soldiers of the entire division are all Indians. The combat effectiveness is not very strong. In the previous battles, Basically nothing accomplished.

Half an hour later, Li Junhao met Major General Youn, the new commander of the 17th Division of the British-Indian Army, in his suite.

Major General You En, who was in his early 40s, came from a noble family and had impeccable etiquette. After checking Li Junhao's ID, he asked him if he had anything to do here.In fact, at this time, Youn basically judged the purpose of the American observers and the group, which was to inspect the actual situation on the battlefield in Myanmar and measure the combat effectiveness of the British army, the Chinese Expeditionary Force, and even the Japanese army!This made him alert.

Seeing the cautious look on the other side, Li Junhao asked simply: "Major General You En, do you think the British army can still win on the battlefield in Myanmar?"

(End of this chapter)

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