Shadow Spy

Chapter 423: Zhang Guo’s Counterattack Victory

Chapter 423 Returning to China after the Counterattack Victory

Compared with the New England Battalion, the Gurkha Brigade's attack is more rough. Their basic weapons are M1 carbines, M1911A1 pistols and scimitars, and use MK-IIA heavy anti-armor grenades. Each platoon has a heavy fire squad equipped with a Equipped with an M1 flamethrower, two M1919A6 general-purpose machine guns, and an M20 75mm recoilless rifle...

When Gurkha mercenaries operate in platoons, they shuttle through the streets of the city just like in the mountains and jungles. Every three people form an offensive triangle, each squad of nine people forms a middle triangle, and each platoon of three infantry squads forms an offensive triangle. In the Big Triangle, with the long-range support of the heavy fire squad, attacking all the way is simply a devastating advance!

The generals in the headquarters outside the city were all stunned when they heard the observer's report from the walkie-talkie! They knew that these two troops were trained under the personal guidance of General Panson, but their power was completely beyond their imagination!
  Now, Li Junhao's image became even more mysterious in the minds of the generals!

For Li Junhao, he did not want to show off how powerful the troops he had trained were, but because this kind of inner-city purge battle was really suitable for these two troops, and it could also significantly reduce the casualties of ordinary troops in street fighting, so he did it. So arranged.

Facing the longing looks of the generals, he explained: The New England Battalion and the Gurkha Brigade are both lightly armed units, suitable for this kind of urban combat, but their effectiveness in field battles is far less than that of the main forces. This is called "skills" There are specialties.” Don’t underestimate yourself.

He pointed out that if the possibility of street fighting is taken into account, each division can appropriately add some special training or train a small-scale professional unit. There is no need for all units to learn to this level.

After listening to this, the generals thought about it and found that this is indeed the truth.
  Among all war modes, street fighting may be one of the most difficult to fight. Even with the absolute upper hand, it still took the New England Battalion and the Gurkha Brigade nearly three days to clear Yangon, and 1.2 The 49-strong Japanese 4000th Division and the [-] troops directly under the Burmese Front were all wiped out!
  During this period, more than a dozen ships of the Japanese Navy tried to approach Yangon Port twice, but were driven away by fighter planes of the 10th Air Force. Two destroyers were also sunk, forcing them to give up the rescue of the Japanese invaders of Burma. .

By the 24th, basically all of Myanmar had been recovered. The three divisions of the Fifth Army and the New 38th Division suffered heavy casualties in the continuous battles and were stationed in major cities in southern and central Myanmar for rest and recuperation.

Li Junhao sent out all ten Chinese infantry brigades of the 101st Group Army and organized them into two battle groups, the 105th and 106th. He asked Major Generals Lores and Montero to lead them into Thailand and Laos respectively to help the [-]th and [-]th battle groups. The Sixth Army and the Sixty-sixth Army are conducting a clearing operation, which can be regarded as actual combat training!
  In this process, according to Li Junhao's arrangement, the main focus of the operations of the two armies and two battle groups is to attack the puppet forces supported by the Japanese army. You are welcome to those traitors and old traitors!

Needless to say, Japan is furious, while the United States and China are happy and excited. The British comfort themselves: There are still two brigades of British troops participating in this battle, which shows that we have also contributed! ——
  On the 25th, Li Junhao received several telegrams from Washington. The first was Ayers' notification: "Ogg, this battle was well fought! The president has issued an order to award you the Congressional Medal of Honor!"

A telegram from General Marshall, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army and Commander-in-Chief of Allied Forces in the Far East: "General Panson, this battle has been fought beautifully. I hope to continue our efforts to clean up Southeast Asia! As soon as military supplies are available, we will give priority to them."

Chairman Chiang Kai-shek, Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese Theater Command, telegraphed: "General Pan Sen, thank you for your efforts to ensure the smooth flow of the Burma Highway. The Chinese military and civilians thank you!" Mr. Yu Jie, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese Theater Command, telegraphed: "General Pan Sen, the Chinese people's My friend, your victory in Myanmar has allowed the Chinese military and civilians to see the dawn of victory!"

A telegram from the Governor-General of British India and the General Headquarters of the British Indian Army: "Dear General Panson, congratulations on the great success of the Burma campaign under your command. Imperial Lord General Wavell looks forward to meeting with you to discuss the administration of Burma. , the return of the 7th Armored Brigade of the British Army and the 63rd Brigade of the British-Australian Army, etc. We look forward to answers."

The British telegram made Li Junhao laugh so angry that he insisted on running away. Now that he had liberated Burma, he immediately stood up to pick peaches. How could such a good thing happen?

The only real meaning among these telegrams was Marshall's, "Purge Southeast Asia." Is this a new mission?
  It can be seen from the current map that Laos, which he has arranged for the Sixty-sixth Army of the Chinese Expeditionary Force to manage, as well as Vietnam to the east and Cambodia to the south, are all former French China territories, and they have all been occupied by Japan. Thailand, adjacent to Myanmar, is a protectorate of Japan. It is directly connected from Thailand to the south to the Malay Peninsula. If you can recover these places, you will basically eliminate one-third of Japan's southward strategy!

Under the current situation, he has regained Myanmar and ensured the smooth flow of the Burma Highway. If the Japanese can still tolerate this, he confirmed that when he passes through the entire Southeast Asia, the Japanese army will definitely go crazy!

He needs to seriously think about this...
  On November 11, Li Junhao received a telegram from Washington: Ayers summoned him to return to China to report on his duties on behalf of President Roosevelt!
  On December 12, his Expedition plane flew from Kunming to Tonggu with two escort wingmen, picked him up and flew back to the United States with his entourage...

On the 3rd, he arrived in Washington and received a warm welcome when he landed at Andrews Air Force Base. The White House, State Department, Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, CIA, FBI and other departments all sent personnel to greet him at the runway.

After chatting with representatives from various departments, he took his attachés into the city in a CIA motorcade. He and Xiaoyu and others went home, while the attachés had to report to the King's Building before they could move freely - this was not Discrimination is a normal security measure of the CIA.

He stayed at home all day the next day, but instead of resting, he read a lot of reports from various departments and read thousands of pages of documents...

I received a notice on the morning of the 5th to attend a joint meeting of White House advisers and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the afternoon!
  (End of this chapter)

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