Shadow Spy

Chapter 424 Will command independently outside

Chapter 424 Will command independently outside

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in Conference Room 1 of the White House, President Roosevelt convened a meeting with White House advisers and generals from the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the war situation in the Far East. Li Junhao, who had returned from Burma, was invited to attend the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Li Junhao was designated to report on the war situation in Myanmar.

In just ten months, as the presidential envoy, he visited Myanmar and took over the post of commander of the India-Myanmar Theater. He successfully turned the tide of the war in Myanmar. He annihilated two Japanese divisions in the first battle and annihilated all Japanese divisions in the second battle. He wiped out six divisions, a mixed brigade and an aviation force of the Japanese invasion of Burma, wiped out 18 Japanese troops twice, and liberated the entire territory of Burma. This record was so amazing that everyone here looked at him with admiration!

After listening to his report, Roosevelt smiled and said: "Oger, you are now a lieutenant general and have made such outstanding military exploits, but you are not yet 30 years old. I can't promote you to a four-star general." Bar?"

Seeing signs that both Ayers and Leahy were about to speak out, Li Junhao said hurriedly: "Mr. President, I have military ranks in all three armies. The current lieutenant general is only in the army. I think you have taken my lowest rank in the navy and army. It would be best to improve it - if I become the first general of the three services in the history of the US military, I think it will be much more majestic than a simple army general! At the very least, I can wear whichever uniform of the three services I want! "

"Hahaha..." Everyone was amused by him, but the unanimous thought was: this is the sensible Ogg looking for a way out for Mr. President!
  "Oh, you have three military ranks, what are they?" President Roosevelt was very interested.

Ayers, who knew Li Junhao best, said: "Franklin, in addition to your promotion of Ogg to the official lieutenant general of the Army a few months ago, he is also a rear admiral of the Navy and a lieutenant colonel of the Marine Corps. He indeed spans three services. .”

"Well, Lieutenant Colonel is a bit low." Roosevelt said, "Well, Ogg, how about I personally award you the rank of Major General of the Marine Corps as a reward for your contribution this time?"

"Very good, I accept it." Li Junhao said immediately. He knew that his situation was out of line. Although the generals of the three services sounded like a joke, they were really unique to the US military and were stronger than simple army generals. too much! What's more, he is indeed too young. A general under thirty years old is indeed too out of the ordinary in a normal country and regular army.

However, the Congressional Medal of Honor promised by Roosevelt was actually awarded to him, and he was the only recipient this year - the other was Admiral Nimitz, Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet.

"In this way, Myanmar has now been recovered. General Panson, tell me your next plan!" said General Marshall, who came back from Australia specifically to attend the meeting.

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief." Speaking of which, Li Junhao is now the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Allied Far East Theater and a subordinate of Marshall, Commander-in-Chief of the Far East. "My original plan was to liberate western Laos, Northern and western Thailand, but the current progress speed is somewhat beyond my expectation, so I want to capture all of Thailand in one go, and then after making certain preparations, capture the entire Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Southeast Asian part of the subcontinent. All liberated..."

After hearing his idea, Roosevelt asked someone to hang a map of South Asia and Southeast Asia on the wall of the conference room. Everyone looked at the map...

Marshall's eyes were shining brightly and he said: "This is a good plan! Look, if General Panson's vision comes true, then we, who control the Southeast Asian part of the South Asian subcontinent, can directly counterattack the Malay Peninsula to the south, and can provide support from the nearest sea to the east. Philippines, revitalize the entire Southeast Asia!”

Several military representatives became interested and even stood up and stepped forward to look at the map carefully... Secretary of State Hull said: "However, this will cause some political problems. The Malay Peninsula belongs to the United Kingdom. Colonies, Thailand is a separate country, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia are all French China. If they are occupied by us, it will have a series of unpredictable effects after the war... Just like now, Pan Sen has recovered After occupying Burma, the British have already proposed to us to take Burma back!”

Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Stark waved his hand and said: "How is this possible? Britain and France can't hold their own territory. Now it's us who fought back. They want to go back for nothing? Huh, let them wait. Bar!"

Arnold, Chief of Staff of the Army and Commander of the Air Force, immediately expressed support for Stark's point of view, while several others fell into thinking.

Li Junhao didn't expect that the British man could act so quickly and have such a shameless attitude, and he could actually open his mouth at this time! But this involved political issues and touched on his blind spots, and for a while he didn't know how to respond.

At this time, Ayers coughed slightly and said: "It doesn't matter what the British think. What we need to consider is what impact this matter will have on us in the United States. Everyone should think about it from this aspect."

White House Chief of Staff Admiral Leahy immediately followed up: "Nelson is right. Neither the United Kingdom nor France are currently capable of leading this war. Only we, the United States, can! So, the current situation is What do we think instead of listening to them!”

These words were so exciting that even President Roosevelt nodded, and then said: "There is no need to consider the British and French sides for now. What I want to know is, is there any possibility of Ogg's plan succeeding?"

"Of course it's possible!" Marshall immediately replied, "Mr. President, General Panson has laid a very good foundation, especially the India-Burma theater troops he spent more than half a year training. They have been fully armored, mechanized, and systematized. It can be seen from the previous battles that annihilated hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops that sweeping the entire Southeast Asia will not be a problem!"

"But I have received a call from Chairman Chiang of the Chinese government!" Secretary Hull said, "He believes that the war in Myanmar has ended successfully, and the Chinese Expeditionary Force needs to withdraw to the China-Myanmar border. The task is to protect the Yunnan-Burma Highway. It is not suitable to participate in other wars!"

What? Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Hull. He spread his hands to everyone, meaning: That's it! There was a sudden silence in the conference room.

After a moment, President Roosevelt said: "Oger, what do you think?"

"There is an old saying in China: When you are abroad, you will not accept your orders!" Li Junhao said, "I am an ambitious guy, and I have fully exercised my independent command power in Myanmar..."

(End of this chapter)

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