Shadow Spy

Chapter 435 Is this an opportunity?

Chapter 435 Is this an opportunity?

In the evening, Ayers and Mrs. Brown came back together and had another intimate meeting.

Now, Li Junhao was calm enough. After finishing dinner calmly, he went into the study with Ayres and drank the tea specially made for him by Mrs. Brown without taking the initiative to speak.

Ayres smiled and said: "Little Ogg, you have practiced well, you can hold back what is in your heart!"

"Uncle, I have passed my 29th birthday, and I am about to go to school for my third year. Of course, I will learn to be calmer!" Li Junhao said with a smile, "You don't want me to never grow up, right?"

"Yes, you are almost 30 years old!" Ayres said with some emotion, "You are very good, but not many people have achieved so many achievements at your age! Boy, I am proud of you!"

When Li Junhao said this, he didn't know what to say and could only smile and drink tea.

"Oger, at today's Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting, did Leahy say: The president hopes you can go to sea and land?" Ayers sighed and turned to the topic.

"Yes, first Commander Holcomb complained, and then Admiral Leahy asked me to transfer to sea and land. I don't even know how to answer!" Li Junhao said.

Ayres pondered for a moment and then said: "Ogg, tell me, do you have any ideas about land and sea?"

"Thoughts?" Li Junhao was stunned for a moment, then said: "The Marine Corps is inherently deficient. In name, it is an independent branch directly responsible to the president. However, it is not independent, and it is under the jurisdiction of the navy. It is also hated by the army. If you can survive until It’s not easy now!”

"Fuck!" Ayers was amused by him, "How dare you tell the truth!"

"This is a fact!" Li Junhao said nonchalantly.

"Then you really don't want to go to sea and land?" Ayres still asked.

"Unless the navy and land forces truly become independent arms with their own budget and command system, it will be useless for anyone to go!" Li Junhao said.

"But Franklin already had this intention..." Ayers didn't say any more.

Li Junhao frowned and said, "Then let me talk to the president!"

"It won't work during this time. He went to Quebec!" Ayres said, "He's having trouble with that Churchill again..."

"Oh? What's going on?" Li Junhao was a little confused.

Ayers explained the reason to him. It turned out that on July 7, General Eisenhower, commander of the Allied North African and Mediterranean Theater, commanded the US and British coalition forces to land on Sicily in southern Italy...       On the 10th, The King of Italy summoned Mussolini, announced that he would be relieved of all posts, detained, and escorted to the deserted island of Maddalena; the King appointed Chief of Staff of the Italian Army Badoglio to come to power to organize the government, and sent people to work with him. Britain and the United States contacted each other and prepared to negotiate a surrender.

The Allied summit proposed by British Prime Minister Churchill was to discuss the strategic operational direction after Italy's surrender.

According to the information disclosed in advance by the British side, Churchill meant that the US-British coalition would advance to the Balkans in Southern Europe after advancing to Italy, and continued to oppose the opening of a second battlefield in Western Europe.

The United States, however, had long promised to the Soviet Union that it would send troops to land on the European continent as soon as possible and open a second battlefield behind Germany to reduce the pressure on the Soviet Union.

As a result, the previous opinions of the two sides conflicted. Churchill proposed convening an Allied summit, but Roosevelt could only agree and drag his disabled body to the north again...

Hearing this, Li Junhao curled his lips. He would not comment on the personal relationship between Roosevelt and Churchill. He was just tired of this kind of wrangling between allies. There really cannot be too many strong leaders, otherwise it would be too difficult to make a decision. Laborious!

However, at this time he had a new question: "Nelson, the president is out for a meeting, but all four of your advisers are at home? Especially Hull, as Secretary of State, should he accompany him?"

Ayres said with some displeasure: "Oger, you should know about Hopkins, right?"

"Harry Hopkins, the president's personal advisor and special assistant?" Li Junhao said.

"That's him!" Ayers said. "You were in the Far East some time ago. You may not know that this man is now a 'big shot' in the White House. Franklin obeys his words. Many people have begun to call him the 'Shadow' in private. President’s gone!”

Li Junhao nodded. He thought of this man, who was also a legend in the United States during World War II. With Roosevelt's favor, he did a lot of work as the President's Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and the Chief Advisor to the White House. Although he did a good job, he Not popular in high-level political circles - it's such an overreach!

It seems that in the nearly 20 months since I left Washington, the political environment in the White House has changed a lot!

Thinking of this, he felt that one thing he had overlooked before was that the CIA paid too much attention to military intelligence, and secondly to intelligence related to himself. He paid less attention to the top political leaders, or failed to pay attention to it and failed to report to him in a timely manner. This was considered a problem. Flaws need to be corrected.

However, the current situation makes him feel that if he still wants to advance in the political and military fields of the United States, it is really necessary to return to the country and stay for a while. Otherwise, if he comes back after the war is over, he may not even be able to There’s no space left!

"Okay, let's not mention this guy!" Ayers was silent for a while and then said, "The problems you just mentioned about the Marine Corps are exactly what we want to solve, so the president hopes to have someone with strong capabilities and a deep background. Going to work at sea and land... At present, we all think that you are the most suitable, and this is also a good opportunity for you! Of course, we will also respect your opinions."

Li Junhao sat up straight. He knew what the "we" the old man meant represented. Is this a multiple-choice question for himself? After thinking for a while, he said: "Uncle, I need to think about it for two days, and I will put forward my own requirements. I will make a decision only after I get a satisfactory answer. You need to wait for me!"

"Understood!" Ayres said, "This matter is related to your future, so of course you need to think about it. Ogg, think about it clearly, don't be in a hurry, I'll give you a week, and go to the manor to have a good rest tomorrow. Think carefully before getting back to me."

The next day, Li Junhao left Washington with Xiao Yu and others and went to his family estate in Baltimore. He really needed to think about it... and wait for the information provided by his subordinates.

On the same day, Donovan, Wen Qiang, Wang Renqiang and other close men rushed to the manor, and his desk was filled with various documents and intelligence summaries!

For these loyal men, he didn't hesitate to have a drink together, it was a lot of fun!

(End of this chapter)

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