Shadow Spy

Chapter 436 A lobbyist shows up uninvited

Chapter 436 A lobbyist shows up uninvited

After staying at the manor for a few days, Li Junhao took a rest while going through the information sent by his subordinates, especially focusing on the situation on land and sea.

The Marine Corps, founded on November 1775, 11, has a history of nearly 10 years and has participated in basically all wars in American history;
  Brigadier General Jacob Caillin, the seventh commander who took office in 1864, was the first general officer of the sea and land. He approved the service insignia of "Eagle, Earth, and Anchor";

Colonel Charles McCauley, the eighth commander who took office in 1876, chose "Semper Fidelis" (Latin, meaning "eternal loyalty") as the motto for sea and land.

This force has been personally responsible only to the President of the United States since its creation, and is the only military force that the President can mobilize without going through Congress (its day-to-day management is the responsibility of the Department of the Navy).

Because of this, in order to restrict the power of the president, Congress insisted on not including military expenditures for the navy and land in the national budget, so it could only be reduced to the "four ranks" of the various military services - the first navy, the second army, and the third. Three Coast Guards, the Air Force had not yet become independent at this time.

Before 1939, the size of the Marine Corps was only 1.8. After the German-Polish War began, Roosevelt used presidential privileges to forcefully expand the army. The Marine Corps was able to expand to 3.5, which was still the smallest and most pitiful force.

Vice Admiral Thomas Holcomb, currently serving as the 17th Commander of the Navy and Land Forces, made great efforts and took advantage of the United States' participation in the war and vigorous military expansion to rapidly expand the size of the Navy and Land Forces to 25 people. However, the resulting Problems such as system construction, wages, weapons and equipment, troop training, and logistics support are becoming increasingly serious, and it is obvious that the veteran general cannot hold on any longer.

Li Junhao was thinking while reading the information. If he was transferred to the Marine Corps, with his current military rank and military exploits, he would at least be appointed deputy chief of staff. What would he do? What can be done?
  More importantly, if he were to serve at sea or land, what position would it be? Will it be beneficial to his own future development? You must know that he is not only representing himself now, but also a large group of people behind him. He must consider the interests of all people around him as a whole, so whether it is worth it is very important!

However, if he really wants to go to sea and land, he has special advantages - for the previous three victories in the Burma Campaign, the system rewards he received include: advanced naval command skills, air force command advanced skills, sea, land and air three-dimensional battle command proficiency, He is proficient in the command of the island seizing and landing campaign, and is proficient in military supply support at the service level. Thinking about it now, it seems that the system is encouraging him to go to sea and land! ——
  The third day was Saturday. Li Junhao took a rare lazy nap in the morning, rested for a while after lunch, and came to the shooting range in the manor to try out the improved light weapons sent by the military industry company - as a member of NOVA (New Star) Industrial Investment Company A shareholder and theater commander with actual combat experience, he has a strong say in the field of weapons. In two days, he will go to Boeing, Douglas, and Bell to inspect new aircraft!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, two unexpected guests came to the manor together - Chief of Naval Operations Frank Knox and Commander of the Marine Corps Lieutenant General Thomas Holcomb. The light rain led them directly to the shooting range.

Li Junhao was trying out a fully automatic carbine at this time, first with a 15-round straight magazine, then a newly designed 30-round curved magazine, and finally with a 70-round round drum magazine. Both single-shot and continuous fire performance were very good.

Noticing the arrival of the guests, he put down the gun in his hand and turned around to greet: "Secretary Knox, Commander Holcomb, you are here. Do you want to see me for something? Please take a seat." In fact, he had already thought of it, This should still be for the Marine Corps.

The two responded to his greeting with a smile and sat at the marching table under the umbrella. Xiaoyu poured them tea and then stepped aside.

Lieutenant General Holcomb pointed to the two carbines placed on the table in front of him and asked: "General Panson, are those rifles a new design?" "It's not a new design, it's just based on the M1 carbine. I improved it a bit..." Li Junhao said, "I put forward some modifications and asked General Motors to help manufacture it. I call it the M2L carbine."

"Oh?" Holcomb said in surprise, "General Panson can also design weapons?"

"This is not a weapon design, I just made some suggestions based on battlefield experience." Li Junhao said modestly, "However, General Motors is really good. They actually made it, and the performance exceeded my expectations." He said When he arrived at the M2L, he was very proud because this improved model was much stronger than the original M2 in history. When he heard that Holcomb was interested, he introduced it to him.

This M2L carbine is mainly based on the M1 carbine. It adds a speed switch and changes the safety position of the bolt into three gears: A (fully automatic), 0 (locked), 1 (semi-automatic). The theoretical maximum shooting The speed is 850 rounds per minute. For this purpose, a 30-round magazine and a 70-round drum magazine were specially developed.

In addition, because when using M1 ordinary bullets (7.62×33mm medium-power bullets), the muzzle velocity is slow (570m/S), the muzzle kinetic energy is low (1311 Joules), and the effective range is short (200m), he asked General Motors to improve the ammunition to M2 The round-tip bullet has improved the shape of the warhead, increased the charge by 6%, increased the muzzle velocity to 650m/S, and increased the effective range to 370m, greatly improving the shooting power, and it is already very close to the assault rifles of later generations.

Of course, when using M2 round-point bullets, the recoil of the M2L increases a bit compared to the M1, but within an acceptable range, it is still much smaller than the recoil of the M1 Garand rifle.

And, when necessary, the M2L can still use M1 regular ammunition and M1 carbine magazines.

The M2L carbine has a total length of 904mm, a barrel of 457.2mm (18 inches), and a weight of 2.32kg. Even with the special M4 bayonet, the size and weight are much smaller than the M1 Garand rifle, making it easy to carry.
  After personally trying out both the standard stock version and the metal folding frame stock version of the M2L carbine, Holcomb was very satisfied with this gun, especially its standard pistol grip, which he found very easy to operate. .

After putting down the gun, he sighed: "This is definitely a good gun. General Panson, you are really amazing. While commanding the battle, you can also design and improve such a good weapon... It's just that our navy The Army doesn’t even have M1 Garand equipment yet! I wonder when it will be able to use your new gun?”

Here it comes! Li Junhao thought to himself, this is the time to get to the point. So he just smiled and didn't answer. Instead, he invited him back to sit down at the tea table and poured him new tea.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Holcomb looked helplessly at the Secretary of the Navy next to him...

(End of this chapter)

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