Shadow Spy

Chapter 443 The real mission of sea and land

Chapter 443 The real mission of sea and land

Because of Li Junhao's poaching measures, Secretary of War Stimson went to the White House to sue him!
  To this end, he submitted an explanatory report to the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In the report, he analyzed and summarized the tasks and functions of the US Marine Corps, and clarified the necessity of doing so.

“As the third largest branch of the U.S. armed forces, the tasks and capabilities required by the Navy and Army are divided into three categories:

“First, maintain amphibious warfare capabilities that are ready for deployment at any time and be able to successfully land;

“Second, respond to emergencies at any time and have the ability to immediately dispatch appropriate forces to intervene in special situations at home and abroad after receiving orders from the president;
  “Third, in accordance with the provisions of the law, dispatch guard units to protect overseas institutions and military bases, and complete additional tasks requested by the president.

"Under such mission requirements, the Marine Corps must have the valuable quality of eternal loyalty, disciplined standards as strict as steel, use the sophisticated weapons and equipment at hand, be able to seize and land on islands and coasts, and be able to carry out high-speed and efficient transportation and delivery. , has complete military logistics support, and now the sea and land commands are working hard to improve these aspects..."

President Roosevelt, who saw this report, agreed very much and circulated it directly to the generals at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, leaving the Army and Navy speechless - they also wanted to brag, but on their side There are so many faults that I dare not say these harsh words!

After the meeting, Ayers pulled him into his office, and then he smiled and said: "Ogg, you are obviously trying to poach someone else, but yet you speak so righteously, as if what they complained about was wrong. !”

"Haha..." Li Junhao laughed, "Uncle, I can't help it! Look, I am short of talents, but there are so many people in the army and navy who have no chance to rise. I will do it this way, not everyone." It’s a win-win situation for both parties!”
  On December 12, the Cairo Declaration was issued simultaneously in Chongqing, China, Washington, DC, and London, UK.

Previously, from November 11 to 23, delegations led by Roosevelt of the United States, Prime Minister Churchill of the United Kingdom, and Chairman Chiang Kai-shek of China held an Allied Summit in Cairo, Egypt, code-named the "Sextant" Conference, also known as the First Cairo Conference.

In fact, before the meeting, the White House notified Li Junhao that he could accompany the president to the meeting, but he refused, claiming that he was training the troops and had no time to attend. The real reason was that he was impatient to participate in such a controversial meeting. It’s an international conference that’s going to be ridiculous, not to mention the outcome is already known!
  Of course, he is not denying the importance of the Cairo Conference, especially for China. The Cairo Declaration requires Japan to surrender unconditionally, return all occupied land, and shape the new situation in post-war East Asia; clearly China has become one of the top four in the world!
  Li Junhao was happy that China was recognized by the new world order, but he still devoted his main energy to the work of the Marine Corps.
  In mid-December, the 12st Group Army, the 101rd and [-]rd Amphibious Corps, which had returned from Burma and Australia, all arrived in the United States. Li Junhao arranged for them to move to the newly expanded First Sea and Land Base in Virginia Beach. For this reason, he especially asked Kuo Ku The Erkha Division went to Lynchburg Army Base to make room for them.

Li Junhao first visited the 101st Group Army. This army has now restored its original purity. All officers and soldiers are of Chinese descent. After the baptism of the two Burma campaigns, the current 5.8 officers and soldiers have become excellent soldiers, but 2000 people were killed in the previous battle. Nearly 5000 people were retired or disabled, which made him heartbroken.

However, when they saw him appearing, the 5.8 officers and soldiers became excited. Four months later, they saw the young commander who commanded them to kill the Japanese again. They couldn't help shouting in unison: "Hello, Chief Pansen!... ” ˆ ˆ The huge sound shocked the Third and Fifth Amphibious Corps stationed on the other side of the base! Many officers and soldiers thought that they had long heard that their new commander commanded three major battles in Southeast Asia and wiped out [-] Japs. Now looking at the performance of those Chinese troops, it should be true!
  Later, Li Junhao went to meet with the officers and soldiers of the Third and Fifth Amphibious Corps, and then had lunch with a group of generals and asked about the situation of their troops...

Speaking of this, the generals are full of complaints. They have great opinions on the chief officers of the Navy's Pacific Fleet who command their operations, especially in terms of equipment and supplies. In their words: If the weapons on land and sea were better, , there will not be as many casualties as 2.5 people! And they have reported all this to the Navy many times, but there has been no reply, let alone a solution.

Those naval officers and soldiers would rather throw a large number of M1 carbines in the equipment bay and sleep instead of taking them out for use by their sea and land soldiers!
  While the navy soldiers were eating seafood feasts on the warships, the sailors and marines were fighting on the islands, but they could not even guarantee clean drinking water, and the standard combat rations were not supplied in time...

Listening to the complaints of the generals, Li Junhao nodded and said solemnly: "I didn't know about the past, and I didn't have the ability to take care of it, but now that I'm here, I'm one family with everyone!

"So, after I learned about the situation, I immediately persuaded the Joint Chiefs of Staff and transferred all of you back. On the one hand, I rested and on the other hand, I changed my clothes.

"I dare not say anything about warships, but the weapons and equipment needed for landing and ground operations must be replaced - as long as I am the commander of the sea and land, I will never let soldiers go to the battlefield with weapons from World War I!"

Later, Li Junhao gave these troops a half-month holiday without leaving the camp, and the logistics department ensured the supply, allowing everyone to have a stable and happy Christmas and New Year's Day.
  On the other side of the White House, President Roosevelt, who had returned, also brought back other achievements - the secretly signed "General Agreement of Tehran between the Soviet Union, the United States and Britain", the publicly issued "Declaration on Iran" and the "Declaration of Tehran". This is After he and Churchill concluded the Cairo meeting, they rushed directly to Tehran and continued to meet with Stalin for three days.

Li Junhao paid a little attention to these. He only took a brief look at the most confidential military part and did not pay attention to it. The focus was on the three major powers' decision to establish a world-wide international organization. He knew that this organization would be the future. United Nations.

After reading it, he curled his lips. In the final analysis, these three major countries put their own interests above all other countries. The establishment of the United Nations will ensure this, which is good for the world and even more good for the three countries!

(End of this chapter)

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