Shadow Spy

Chapter 444 Reorganization of future models

Chapter 444 Reorganization of future models

Time has entered 1944. This is the most important year of World War II. Several major battles will determine the future!

On January 1, Li Junhao held his first high-level military meeting since taking office in the first conference room of the Marine Corps Headquarters Building. All department heads and chief officers of each unit attended the meeting.

After the meeting began, the new acting chief of staff, Major General Richard Sutherland, first announced a piece of not-so-good news: Navy Lieutenant Colonel Holland M. Smith, who was originally affiliated with the Navy and led the Third and Fifth Amphibious Forces on the expedition. General, separated from the sea and land sequence, plans to take up the full-time position as commander of the Pacific Fleet Naval Landing Force.

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other, and they were all surprised by the news. Lieutenant General Smith just left the sea and land like this? This was unacceptable to many generals.

Li Junhao glanced at the people in the conference room and said: "You are all older than me, and you should know a saying that is often said in the army, which is called 'the soldiers who make the camp strong and the water flows'. While new recruits are constantly being added, the veterans will also Leave!

"Of course, Lieutenant General Smith's departure this time is not to retire, but because he feels that the Navy has more prospects. I personally don't agree with his choice, but I can respect it!

"Here, I would like to confirm, do you generals have similar ideas? If so, bring it up and I will sign your release - your naval rank is still useful. The navy is also expanding now, and it will be in the past. You have a good future and I won’t stop you!”

Hearing what he said, the conference room suddenly became silent. No one said anything at this time. Everyone was embarrassed. Even if you really have an idea, it's not good to go quietly. It's so embarrassing to bring it up on this occasion! Unexpectedly, Lieutenant General Smith said hello and left without even attending the meeting. Wasn't he just afraid that his face would not look good?

After ten minutes, when no one answered, Li Junhao continued: "In that case, let me announce the latest reorganization order..."

His final decision was that in addition to the Gurkha Division, which was renamed the 10th Marine and Land Division and would be directly under the headquarters, the 7 new recruits who had completed training would be mixed with the 12.5 veterans, plus the 5.8-strong 101st Group Army. brigades, organized into five amphibious combat corps.

The First Army, the commander of which is concurrently served by himself, is under the jurisdiction of:

Directly affiliated units - Special Operations Battalion (formerly part of the 102nd Special Operations Regiment), Reconnaissance Battalion (formerly the Special Operations Battalion directly under the 104th Division), Combat Defense Battalion (formerly the Third Amphibious Force Defense Battalion), Communications Battalion (newly formed), Lu Hangying (newly formed).





In this way, each brigade has 1 people, plus 0.5 troops directly under the army, for a total of 5.5 people in the army.


According to this rule, the second to fifth armies were formed, with a total of 27.5 people. Commander of the Second Army, Major General Julian Smith (former commander of the Second Marine Division).

Commander of the Third Army, Major General Roy S. Geiger (former commander of the Third Amphibious Corps).

Commander of the Fourth Army, Major General Alexander Archer Vandergrift (former commander of the [-]st Marine Division).

Commander of the Fifth Army, Major General Harry Schmidt (former commander of the Fifth Amphibious Corps).

This time the formation of the amphibious force has eliminated the division and regiment levels, compressed the levels, and used advanced communication equipment to make the command process flat and efficient!

This model has a basis for the future, but it is extremely advanced in this era. The generals at sea and land do not understand it very well, but in the face of the commander's strength, no one dares to jump out to refute, even those who are already on the Pacific Islands Veterans who had been fighting for a year did not dare, because they all had tragic victories and knew how difficult the Japanese army was. However, Commander Pan Sen killed 40 Japanese soldiers in a row on the battlefield in Southeast Asia! ——

After arrangements have been made for the formation of the main force on land and sea, the next step is to change the overall equipment.


In addition, he emphasized the communication guarantee. The communication battalions directly under the military headquarters are equipped with the latest battlefield radar vehicles. Voice radio stations are spread to the company level, and walkie-talkies are spread to the squad to form a communication network.

Each army's newly built army aviation battalion is equipped with the latest UH-1 "Huey" multi-functional helicopters, which are used for battlefield reconnaissance, air support, emergency rescue and other tasks. They are new equipment and new tactics that the sea and land have never had contact with.

Many of these equipment are the latest products. The manufacturers have just started mass production and the production capacity has not been improved. Even Li Junhao cannot guarantee the equipment of one million troops for the time being, but it is not a big problem to guarantee the replacement of 27.5 troops. , but orders from other military services will have to wait a while!

If the officers and soldiers of the sea and land felt that the new commander was too young and had some doubts about his ability before, now they were all convinced! In the eyes of the officers and soldiers, Commander Panson has amazing energy and has acquired the latest and most powerful equipment. From now on, the situation of backward sea and land equipment will be gone forever!

Soon, everyone heard that the Army, which was also undergoing a large expansion, sent people to the Sea and Land Command to discuss and ask for the equipment replaced by the Sea and Land Command - the expansion was too fast and there was no supply of weapons and equipment! This is completely the opposite of the previous situation. The Army is here to pick up the junk from the land and sea! Relieve your anger!

In addition, after Li Junhao took office, the salary allowances of the navy and army officers and soldiers were raised to the average level of the navy and the army, which was twice as high as before. This is something that the previous 17 commanders have not achieved!

For the U.S. military, personal income and weapons and equipment are the two most important items. At this time, both of them were solved by the new commander. No matter how young he is, he is loved by the officers and soldiers!

In this way, in just over three months, Li Junhao won the hearts of the Marine Corps!

(End of this chapter)

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