Shadow Spy

Chapter 464 Try organizing a group attack

Chapter 464 Try organizing a group attack

British Field Marshal Montgomery, who had just been promoted for less than a day, was very angry and felt that he had been stabbed in the back by the Americans. However, Li Junhao in Washington knew that he was saving the lives of American airborne troops! Originally, he wanted to save the lives of the British airborne troops and the Polish airborne troops, but the British refused!

The Joint Chiefs of Staff breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Force, had carried out the order and sent the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions of the US Army onto the transport ship returning home.

However, on September 9, Roosevelt suddenly convened a joint meeting of the White House advisers and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He was very unhappy from the beginning: "General Marshall, why do you need to transfer the two airborne divisions back before entering the war? So... Isn’t it a breach of trust by a British ally?”

The generals of the Joint Chiefs of Staff looked at each other and knew that this was a complaint from the British side!

Marshall replied: "Mr. President, if the 'joining the war' you are talking about refers to the 'Operation Market Garden,' then we must bring back the 82nd and 101st Divisions to prevent these American soldiers from dying..."

Um? What's the meaning? Roosevelt was confused. What was he talking about?

Ten minutes later, after listening to Marshall's explanation of the matter, Roosevelt was a little doubtful. He looked at Li Junhao sitting at the bottom of the long table, his eyes changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking...

After a while, Roosevelt waved his hand and said: "Okay, that's it now. Let's see how it develops! If..." He didn't say any more, and everyone vaguely felt what he meant. It's wrong, but I don't know what the problem is.

After the president left, Leahy couldn't help but ask: "Everyone, what did Franklin mean by 'if' at the end?"

Everyone else shook their heads, expressing confusion. Only Li Junhao guessed it. After a slight hesitation, he said: "Mr. Roosevelt means that if the British complete the 'Operation Market Garden' alone this time, it means that our country's intelligence The director provided false information and needs to be held accountable!”

The advisers and generals all had a good relationship with him, and they immediately realized something was wrong when they heard this. Could it be that something happened between Panson and the president that they didn't know about?

Li Junhao deliberately mentioned this matter in front of these people, just to give them a vaccination, so he made it clearer: "Have you not heard that since Mr. Roosevelt decided to run for re-election, he has chosen a new partner? People kept saying bad things about me in front of him, saying that my family had a Republican tradition, that I was in a high position at a young age, especially when I became the commander of the navy and land, and that I was a threat to the security of the White House and should be resolved as soon as possible..."

"Nonsense!" Ailes was the first to get angry!

Everyone knew that he was not scolding Panson, but that Truman, and they all nodded.

Leahy was very unhappy, "There is such a thing! Nelson, you are not running for office, how come you don't know about this?" Ayers hesitated for a moment, then frowned and said: "If you say that, I I also feel something is wrong! In this campaign office, although I still work as director, the actual work has been left to Hopkins by Franklin. Instead, he asked me to pay more attention to the affairs in the White House... "

Harry Hopkins? Everyone also frowned. This person was gaining more and more trust from the president. He had already taken many jobs from Secretary of State Hull, and now he was even fully responsible for the presidential campaign! However, as a president, if you obey the words of a special assistant and start to stay away from or even doubt important members of the staff team, then something will not be far away!

Everyone also thought that it was young Pan Sen who was being instigated and targeted now. If he was forced to resign, would it be the turn of old people like them?

At this time, legal advisor Pena was moved and asked: "Oger, what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do?" Li Junhao spread his hands and said, "I can barely live my life now. If one day, the president says he no longer trusts me, then just resign! Didn't Truman say that my family has a Republican tradition? After retiring and really joining the Republican Party, I am still confident of becoming a federal senator in the six New England states. Then I will specifically look for trouble in Congress with the White House and see if Truman and Hopkins will cry. "After that, he laughed, waved his hands, and walked out!

Everyone in the meeting changed their expressions and realized the seriousness of the problem! They will not doubt what Pan Sen just said. If this young general who understands intelligence work, can lead troops to fight, and has a strong ability to predict politics and military affairs, really throws away his sleeves and joins the Republican Party, with his ability With the influence of the Stuart family in New England, being elected to the Senate is definitely a piece of cake...

Consider that the Stuart family already has two senators and one congressman, all serving on important committees. If Panson is added to the family and they want to cause trouble for the White House, it will definitely not be a small problem!

Pena, who felt that he had discovered important information, immediately said: "Everyone, this is an important time for Franklin to run for re-election for the fourth time. We must not let Ogg leave!"

"Of course!" Ayers immediately agreed. Although he has an excellent relationship with the Stuart family, he is loyal to the Democratic Party. He believes that he has guided Ogg step by step to where he is now. Of course We cannot let him leave this camp and switch to the Republican Party!

The faces of several generals in the military were extremely ugly. They were all promoted to generals based on their seniority, and then were able to enter the Joint Chiefs of Staff because they were in management positions. However, General Pan Sen was made up of huge In terms of cumulative credit, except for seniority, they surpass them in every other aspect, not to mention that they single-handedly developed the Marine Corps into the third branch of the military and wrote a lot in military history. If such a major military general They all resigned due to suspicion, so who among them can guarantee that they will not be next?

Army Chief of Staff Marshall said coldly: "Our Army will never allow such a thing to happen!"

Arnold, deputy chief of staff of the Army and commander of the Air Force, nodded and said: "Our Air Force will not agree either!" Everyone knows that the Air Force has long decided to become independent and become the Air Force, but it is not appropriate to make major changes during the war, so at this time he I am fully qualified to say this.

Chief of Naval Operations Arnold also said: "Admiral Panson is an outstanding general from our navy. He has outstanding military exploits and has never made a mistake. If he is treated unfairly, the Navy will not sit idly by and watch!"

White House Chief of Staff Leahy said directly: "I will advance and retreat with Ogg!"

(End of this chapter)

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