Shadow Spy

Chapter 465 Advanced verification is costly

Chapter 465 Advanced verification is costly

The generals of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were more harsh than the others, and Ayers was firmly on the side of General Panson. Secretary of State Hull and Legal Advisor Pena also had a good relationship with Panson, but they still had more concerns in their hearts. Those on Roosevelt's side broke into cold sweats when they saw this situation - if this matter is not handled well, the White House staff team will be split, and even the Joint Chiefs of Staff may all resign. This is during a war!

The two people did not dare to neglect, and after hurriedly appeasing everyone, they hurried to see Roosevelt. Unexpectedly, they were stopped by guards, saying that the president was discussing important matters with the special assistant!

At this time, Hull and Pena were also confused. What do you mean, the Secretary of State and the legal adviser came hand in hand, and it was not as important as a special assistant?

Pena is usually a very calm person, but at this time he was directly angry. He pointed at the two guards at the door and said: "I announce as the White House Legal Counsel that you two have been fired. Report to your supervisor immediately! If you don't If you leave, I promise to take you to court!"

The two guards were frightened, and one bold one dared to say: "Advisor Pena, we are following the orders of the special assistant..."

"Special assistant?" Hull was also annoyed. "In the White House official rankings, except for the principal assistant to the national security adviser, no assistant can be ranked in the top ten. I, the foreign affairs adviser, and Pena, the lawyer But they are all ranked in the top five. Didn’t you learn these when you joined the company?"

He is afraid of the word "seriousness" in everything. No matter how powerful Hopkins usually is, once someone starts to take it seriously, he cannot speak out!

The two Secret Service guards were immediately dumbfounded and hurriedly stepped aside, no longer daring to block the door to the Oval Office. At this time, the quarrel had attracted the attention of many people...

Ayers and Leahy were walking over. They had heard the whole story clearly from a distance. The former pointed at a Secret Service official next to him and said, "You are the supervisor on duty today, go and get those two guards." Now, they are no longer suitable to stay here!"

"Yes, Mr. Ayers." The Secret Service supervisor said hurriedly, summoning two new guards and leading them forward...

Seeing Ayers and Leahy coming over, Hull and Pena didn't say anything. They both nodded, then pushed open the door and walked into the Oval Office!

The small disturbance that occurred in the White House was controlled and spread, and people outside did not know about it.

The next day (September 9), Harry Hopkins, special assistant to the president, was ordered to visit the Soviet Union again to discuss the schedule of a new round of allied summit meetings. This had been a common occurrence for the past year, and no one doubted it. .

Only a few people noticed that Senator Truman, the vice presidential candidate who had been able to come in and out of the Oval Office at any time for some time, was actually refused today - the president had urgent official business and had no time to see him!     otherwise, everything seems normal in the White House.

Of course, Li Junhao knew everything about what happened in the White House, and knew that his goal had been temporarily achieved - yes, just temporarily!

His judgment was that Roosevelt should have listened to the words of the four major advisers, but he still had doubts in his heart, so he did not make major changes immediately; sending Hopkins to do the foreign affairs that he was good at was actually the scheduled itinerary; Not seeing Truman for a while means nothing. The vice president was originally a marginal figure (except for the sudden death of the president), let alone a candidate.

He knew what Roosevelt was waiting for - waiting for the results of "Operation Market Garden" to see if his "prophet" still worked? Then I will consider whether to trust myself again... Haha! This is a "politician"!

Now, Li Junhao's desk was filled with the latest information sent by the CIA. After a simple scan, he knew that this "Market Garden" would be even worse than the one in his original history! ——

On the Allied Expeditionary Force side, after Montgomery, who was promoted to Field Marshal of the British Army, handed over his post as Commander of the Allied Army, he directly established a "British Expeditionary Force Headquarters" and immediately began to organize and implement "Operation Market Garden"!

For the new marshal, the most angry thing is naturally that the US military withdrew two airborne divisions and provided a "false" intelligence for this, saying that the German army had "ambushed" armored troops and a large number of air defense forces in the Netherlands. Obviously, It was to send airborne troops to the Pacific theater to fight the Japanese army and gain benefits in the Far East!

Of course he won't be fooled. He will definitely complete this battle plan and slap the Americans in the face!

To accomplish these operations, Montgomery reorganized the airborne forces needed...

The Allied First Airborne Army, which was originally scheduled to participate in the operation, was composed of the US 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions, the British 1st Airborne Division, and the Polish 1st Airborne Brigade, with a total strength of 3.5. At this time, the US troops withdrew, and Montgomery The British 6th Airborne Division, which had suffered heavy losses in the Normandy airborne landing and was being renovated, was transferred over. This was not enough. They did not hesitate to waste air power to transport the recently formed semi-finished 44th Airborne Division from British India!

There was originally the Polish 1st Airborne Brigade, but when Montgomery thought about it, he decided to use all British troops this time! Therefore, the Polish airborne troops are not needed!

In fact, the Poles also knew the intelligence provided by the US military. Although they were unable to verify it, it was still dangerous and it would be better not to participate!

In addition, Montgomery also strengthened the British 30th Army, the ground forces participating in the war. In addition to the original 7th Armored Division, 50th and 51st Infantry Divisions, the British-Australian 9th Division and the New Zealand 2nd Division were added. Increased the total military strength to 10!

He also instructed the staff to re-examine the combat plan several times to ensure that there would be no problems...

Although the British military claimed to carry out "Operation Market Garden" on its own, Eisenhower, the commander-in-chief of the Allied Expeditionary Force, did not want to completely fall out with the British military. However, high-level officials in the United States, with various mentality, also approved the operation of the Air Force in Europe. The British army came to help, so Marshal Montgomery gathered enough air transport capabilities and cover aircraft groups to successfully execute the combat plan.


Half an hour after the first batch of airdrops, Montgomery ordered the ground troops code-named "Garden" to launch an attack...

(End of this chapter)

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