Shadow Spy

Chapter 467 A cup of new tea eliminates suspicion

Chapter 467 A cup of new tea eliminates suspicion

Before finishing the intelligence summary, Ayers called and asked him to go to the White House.

Li Junhao knew that it was time for a showdown!

At ten o'clock, when he entered the White House, everyone he met greeted him warmly. Some acquaintances even asked him with a smile where he had been these days, and he responded with a smile! No matter who the president is, he must admit that these people who can work in the White House are elites in various industries.

Although the current background checks are not as strict as those of later generations, it is basically impossible to falsify, so everyone's net worth is innocent. Of course, there are people like Hopkins and McIntyre who are trusted by the president and promoted to high positions in no time, but their true colors will be revealed after a short time.

In the Oval Office, he met Roosevelt, who was in good spirits. The latter sent everyone else out, motioned to him to make tea, and then said: "Oger, this is actually the first time the two of us are alone. Let’s talk?”

"Yes!" Li Junhao sat on the sofa, making new tea skillfully. "Every time I saw you before, I was with other people. This is the first time to talk alone."

Roosevelt nodded, reached out to take the cup of tea he handed over, and said with a smile: "Oger, you know, since you entered the White House, you have brought up the trend of drinking tea in the past two years. Now in every office We’ve all prepared tea!”

"That's great. I will visit them more often in the future to try what good tea they have?" Li Junhao said with a smile.

"Well, I support you." Roosevelt also smiled, "Find out all their good tea and come and share it with me!" The direction of this statement was already obvious.

Li Junhao nodded and said: "No problem, with your support, I dare to get all the tea leaves from Ayers and Lai Xi!" This is enough for smart people to talk to each other.

The two drank tea and chatted for a while. After three rounds of tea, Li Junhao stood up to leave and let Roosevelt rest more. Before leaving, he heard the president ask from behind: "Oger, do you think I will be re-elected this time?" ?"

"Of course!" Li Junhao turned around and smiled, "But you still have to take care of yourself. The job of the president is very heavy!"

Roosevelt looked at him deeply, nodded and said, "Thank you, Ogg!"

On Monday, October 10, Harry Hopkins, special assistant to the president who had just returned from the Soviet Union, was appointed assistant secretary of state in charge of Soviet and Eastern European affairs. He became an official official of the government, but lost the qualification to enter and leave the White House at will. .

At the joint meeting of White House advisers and the Joint Chiefs of Staff held that day, Secretary of State Hull introduced the preparations for the new round of allied summits. In fact, the key issue is still that. The Soviet Union has not cooperated and has been unable to determine the time and location of the meeting. Other allies They have all made it clear that they are willing to follow the arrangements of the United States.

Everyone remembered Li Junhao's speech on this issue last time, so they asked him to talk about it. Roosevelt also expressed that he wanted to hear his opinion.

Li Junhao said directly: "I think the meeting time will be set at the end of January next year, and the entire war situation will be clearer by then; the location should be in the Dominion of Newfoundland!"

"Why is it there?" Hull asked puzzledly.

"Because I went to that place once with the president and Ayers, and I'm quite familiar with it!" Li Junhao said.

"Plop..." Everyone laughed. After a while, Hull asked again: "What if the Soviet Union doesn't come?"

"If you don't come, bring them down!" Li Junhao said, "The other allied leaders will come, but if he doesn't come, he is the one who rejected us. He will bear the consequences himself later!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, but the more they thought about it, the more it made sense. Yes, if all the allies come, if the Soviet Union doesn't come, then it's not the United States' problem!

Even Roosevelt's brows relaxed, thinking: things turned out to be so simple, they had made them complicated before.

At this time, Li Junhao said again: "Mr. Hull, will China come too?"

"Of course." Hull said, "Their Chairman Chiang has already agreed."

"Yes!" Li Junhao nodded, "I suggest inviting people from the underground party to come, which will be more representative."

Everyone was stunned. Ayers, as the representative, said: "Oger, the Nationalist Party of China is the ruling party!"

"It is now, but it does not mean it will be the same in the future." Li Junhao said, "Just like in the United States, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party will fight every four years. Who knows who will be in power in China in four years!"

After a series of previous events, no one took his "prophecy" lightly. Although they still didn't understand it, Roosevelt and everyone still agreed.

Next, we will discuss the war situation. It is still a consensus that the Pacific theater will continue to seize islands, compress the living space of the Japanese army, and force the Japanese mainland. The focus is on some of the problems encountered in the European theater, especially the current problem of insufficient supplies for the expeditionary force. No, but the distance from the French coastal ports to the front line was too long, transportation was difficult, and coupled with the constant harassment of the German army, supplies could not be transported.

At present, there is no good way to do this, even Li Junhao can only suggest: the leadership of the Allied forces must be unified, and it cannot happen again like in the "Operation Market Garden", where Montgomery misappropriated other troops because of his personal ideas. of military supplies.

At this point, Li Junhao unceremoniously criticized Eisenhower's compromise with the British. He believed that as the commander-in-chief of the Allied Expeditionary Force, he was supposed to be even-handed. However, in order to take care of the British sentiments, he agreed many times. The British army's unreasonable demands not only deceived the US military, but also affected the course of the entire European war. This was a very derelict behavior.

Regarding his criticism, Marshall could not say that he was wrong, because Eisenhower did go too far.

Li Junhao now has the confidence to express any of his opinions, and directly stated that the Allies do not need generals like Montgomery, even if he becomes the commander-in-chief of the British army, a marshal who commands blindly is worse than a German army group. It's terrible, we can't let him do bad things to the Allies again!

Everyone who attended the meeting felt that Pan Sen was getting sharper and sharper now. He was not so sharp before. Could it be that something happened that no one knew about?

In addition, some people also noticed Roosevelt's attitude and found that even if Panson spoke so directly, even several times more radical than the current foreign policy, the president did not show an unhappy expression, but seemed to be thinking seriously. This is Very strange!

Only Ayers wondered: It seems that Panson has reached an agreement with the president in private?

(End of this chapter)

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