Shadow Spy

Chapter 468 An old friend comes from afar

Chapter 468 An old friend comes from afar

On October 10, in order to prevent the U.S. military from continuing to destroy Japan's homeland defense circle, the commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet, Admiral Toyoda, ordered the implementation of the "Jie-18" plan. The Japanese Navy devoted almost all its resources to the 1st, 2nd and mobile fleets. All mobilized to launch an active attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet near the Philippine Islands...

The largest naval battle in the world to date - the Battle of Leyte Gulf - broke out between the U.S. and Japanese fleets in Leyte Gulf, south of Samar Island.



After this battle, the Japanese navy basically lost its ocean combat capabilities and sea control! ——

After the victory of the Battle of Leyte Gulf reached the United States, it was immediately reported by major media, especially the ABC radio and television network owned by Li Junhao. It not only introduced the battle in detail, but also invited more than a dozen military experts to conduct a series of previous naval and military operations by the US military. After conducting an in-depth analysis of the victory of the Battle of Mainland China and the impact of this war on the war, the common conclusion reached is: because of the correct decision-making of the government and the heroic fighting of the US military, victory is already in sight, and the United States will be the key to this world war. The biggest winner!

Although there was not a single word about the presidential campaign in the television reports and analysis programs, it clearly had a significant impact on the election...

On November 11, the results of the presidential election came out, and Roosevelt was elected president of the United States for the fourth time with 17% of the vote (63 percentage points more than in the original history)!

For all the allies, Roosevelt continuing to serve as President of the United States was the best outcome. Heads of state from dozens of countries immediately sent congratulatory messages.

In the United States, senior military and political leaders immediately calmed down and refocused their attention on the war; economically, as wartime military enterprises and related industrial industries fully expanded production and started operations, GDP has been at a high level for several consecutive years. Rising, Roosevelt's re-election this time is a great benefit to industrial enterprises, and the gross national product continues to rise.

For ordinary people in society, the number of troops is as high as 1200 million, which means that there are tens of millions of families behind them. The wartime salary income of officers and soldiers has more than doubled than usual, which has increased family assets and the consumer economy has slightly improved. Significant rise in deformities…

Seeing all this, Li Junhao secretly rejoiced - fortunately both himself and Roosevelt made the right choice!

On the 18th, while Li Junhao was working in the King's Building, he suddenly received a call from his old friend Joseph Stilwell, whom he had not seen for a long time. When he learned that he had returned to Washington, he immediately asked to meet him.

That night, Stilwell, who had lost a lot of weight, was taken to Villa No. 1 by Li Junhao's guards. When the two met, they were very excited.

Li Junhao was actually a little embarrassed. Back then, this man gave way to him, left the India-Burma Theater, went to North Africa, and restarted the war as a lieutenant general from an armored brigade commander; it was not until the end of last year that he was promoted to the US Army in the North Africa Theater. Deputy Commander, in early August today, after the departure of Jacob Laux Devers, commander of the U.S. Army in North Africa, he was able to take a step forward, but he is still only at the rank of lieutenant general.     In this process, I did not help much, and I really felt a little guilty!

Stilwell didn't care about this at all. After meeting, he first praised Li Junhao for his amazing achievements in the past two years, saying that he was very proud as a friend.

When Xiao Yu and others saw Stilwell, they were also very kind and came up to meet him one after another, which made him very happy. They kept clamoring for Xiao Yu to cook an authentic Chinese meal. He was really greedy!

An hour later, a delicious and delicious meal was put on the table, and beer was served as usual. This is what everyone likes to drink now, and it is not easy to get drunk - they are all high-ranking commanders, and they delay things when they are drunk.

While eating and chatting, Stilwell said that he came to Washington this time to report to the Department of War. It seemed that there should be a new job transfer, but he didn't know where he would be transferred, so he asked Li Junhao if he knew about it.

Li Junhao's heart moved and he smiled: "I know, Chief of Staff Marshall admires you very much and asked you to be his deputy..."

"Tch!" Stilwell didn't believe it! Among the generals and lieutenant generals in the army, there are many more qualified than me. How could it be that it was my turn to be the deputy chief of staff of the army!

Li Junhao didn't say anything more about it and continued to drink and chat.

After a long separation, Stilwell still drank too much, but Li Junhao could see that this old friend's two-year desert career had taken a huge toll on his body, and his body was already a little overloaded! So with the last bit of wine, I drank two red bottles of the system and fed him to drink. It was not for the purpose of controlling him - the opponent was already a blue teammate, but just to heal his body!

When he woke up early the next morning, Stilwell couldn't help but exclaimed. He didn't know why there was so much dirt on his body. It took him almost an hour to wash it off! But then he felt a difference in his body. Not only were all the previous discomforts gone, but he was also light and healthy, as if he had regained his youthful qualities!

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out why, but he vaguely felt that this matter should be related to Pan Sen!

During work hours, while Stilwell was being driven to the Army Department by the car he asked Xiaohu to arrange, Li Junhao was in the White House talking to Marshall who was coming to hold the Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting for a while...

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Stilwell, who was waiting for his appointment in the hotel, received a call and rushed to the War Department and was taken directly to Marshall's office...

Half an hour later, when he left, he was still a little dazed - he was actually going to be the deputy chief of staff of the Army and the deputy to General Marshall!

Subsequently, the Department of the Army reported, and after review and approval by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the President signed an order appointing Lieutenant General Stilwell as Army Deputy Chief of Staff!

At this moment, he remembered what Li Junhao said the night before yesterday, and he immediately knew that Pan Sen had used his strength!

However, he will no longer be pretentious now. This is what a good brother wants. He himself believes that it can be used, so why not do it? With such a good location, you would be a fool not to cherish it!

As for saying "thank you", he knew that there was no need for this between the two of them, so why not have another drink!

(End of this chapter)

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