Shadow Spy

Chapter 498 Winter Olympics Guests

Chapter 498 Winter Olympics Guests

In January 1948, Secretary of State Marshall was extremely busy, constantly negotiating with Congress to push for the approval of his own European bailout plan...

On January 1, the Joint Finance Committee of Congress approved the plan; in the afternoon of that day, Roosevelt signed it. At this point, this plan, commonly known as the "Marshall Plan" due to Secretary of State Marshall's full promotion, was implemented, three months earlier than in the original history.

The countries involved in the Marshall Plan included parts of Western Europe, Northern Europe and Canada. The United States provides economic assistance to European countries by providing loans, grants, and trade preferences. Loans are the most important form of assistance, and the assisted countries need to repay it according to certain conditions.

The first phase of the four-year plan involves a total amount of more than 130 billion U.S. dollars, and the main direction is key projects such as rebuilding infrastructure, restoring industrial production, and improving people's living standards in the rescued countries...

The implementation of this plan greatly increased the reputation of US President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Marshall among European countries, and completely consolidated the United States' leading position in the West.

Compared with the policies implemented by the United States in Europe, the Soviet Union adopted high-pressure rule in the East German occupation zone and the Eastern European countries it controlled during the same period, and actively promoted the red revolution in various countries...

Japan in the Far East has basically stabilized after the initial turmoil. The work of the provisional government is still very effective. Because the defeated country can no longer have a regular army, it has saved military expenditures. In terms of defense, the occupying force and social Public security is under the responsibility of the newly-established police department, and other cabinet members are working hard to promote domestic economic reconstruction and have achieved many achievements - at least, most people can eat!

In China, the war situation between the two parties has begun to reverse. Now the underground party army has begun to chase the Kuomintang army. The former is getting stronger and stronger, while the latter is getting weaker and weaker...

On the economic front, the Kuomintang's finances have actually collapsed, and the currency has depreciated faster than the rate of issuance. The Kuomintang has made requests for loans and assistance from the United States, hoping to join the "Marshall Plan", but was directly rejected - Before the war is over and there is no unified legal government, the United States will not provide assistance to the Kuomintang under any circumstances!

The response from the United States made Chairman Chiang very angry, and he made a decision to ask his wife to go to the United States again to see if he could persuade President Roosevelt to change his decision... If not, he would take advantage of the new presidential election in the United States this year. Find ways to support Republican candidates to make an early investment in gaining the support of a new president next year.

In Washington, Li Junhao saw the intelligence sent by the CIA and knew that Mrs. Chiang was coming to the United States again. He chuckled and guessed what she wanted to do this time!

He issued an order asking the CIA to monitor his trip to the United States... Oh, and the actions of his embassy. If Chairman Chiang really used money to fund Republican candidate Dewey as he did in history, then just by using foreign Funding the campaign can directly sink Dewey and save Ayers' campaign effort! ——

On the 29th, as the special envoy of the US President, Li Junhao flew to Switzerland for a visit, and attended the opening ceremony of the Fifth Winter Olympics as the chief guest and delivered a speech.

The Winter Olympics held in St. Moritz, Switzerland, was the first Olympic Games to be resumed after the war after a 12-year interruption. It was held in St. Moritz, Switzerland. Although there were only 28 participating countries, there were only Four, but it has great symbolic significance for the restoration of peace in the world. As the current leading country in the Western world, it is necessary for the United States to send important officials to participate. However, Roosevelt was unable to make the trip due to physical reasons. Secretary of State Marshall was busy implementing the rescue plan. Vice President Truman, National Security Advisor Ayers and others were busy preparing for the election. Others Human level is not enough...

Li Junhao's status as the number one person in the military was suitable, and the Winter Olympics included two military-related events, the pentathlon and military patrol, so he was sent out! In fact, this was also a benefit given to him by Roosevelt, to go out and do something other than work, to relax, and by the way, let the European people see how outstanding young people in the United States are, and increase his personal reputation on the world stage!

The Olympic Committee held this time from January 1 to February 30. 2 athletes from 8 countries participated in ice and snow events in four major events and 28 minor events. Because the war had just ended, athletes from all countries Many of them were former soldiers...

However, the two countries that started the war, Germany and Japan, were refused participation in the games.

At the opening ceremony on the evening of the 30th, Li Junhao, as the chief guest, delivered a speech on behalf of US President Roosevelt. In his speech, he said: The previous World War II brought profound creation to people all over the world. The successful holding of this Winter Olympics has allowed people around the world to reunite to a certain extent and fight for world peace. Cheers... This Olympic Games can be called the "Renaissance Games" in this sense!

His speech aroused warm applause from all participating operators and audiences. The heroic image of the young American five-star general appeared in front of people throughout the Western world through television broadcasts and received high praise from all parties!

The next day, Li Junhao met with the American delegation participating in the Winter Olympics and encouraged them to show their strength and style in the competition and strive for honor for the country...

During this period, Richard Button, an 18-year-old male figure skater, raised a question: He had just successfully performed the top figure skating action "ice axel jump" during practice, but he was not sure to ensure the stability of the action. , so I am worried about whether to use this action in tomorrow's game...

Li Junhao didn't know much about the history of the Winter Olympics, let alone Barton's situation, but with his current status, of course he would not show any flinching, and immediately said: How many times do you have to fight in life! On the stage of the Winter Olympics, as an excellent athlete, you must break through yourself, defeat yourself, and go all out! Winning or losing is important, but the fighting spirit is even more important...

In the subsequent figure skating free skate competition, the 18-year-old American teenager Patton perfectly completed the "double half jump". Eight of the nine judges gave the highest score. Patton won the first Olympic gold medal in his life! Moreover, his outstanding performance also broke the monopoly of the Nordic ice and snow powers on this project and was recorded in history.

When the award was given after the game, Li Junhao personally hung the Olympic gold medal on him and encouraged him to continue working hard - the photos of the two made headlines in all Western media!

(End of this chapter)

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