Shadow Spy

Chapter 499 Gaining a Higher Status

Chapter 499 Gaining a Higher Status

Of course, Li Junhao, who is busy with work, will not watch all the games in Switzerland. After awarding the award to the young player Patton, he rushed to Bonn, the capital of West Germany, to express condolences to the US troops stationed in Europe on behalf of Roosevelt and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In Bonn, he met the current joint commander-in-chief, five-star General Wainwright, and the commander of the 1st Army, General Stilwell. He also met the less familiar commander of the 3rd Army, General George Patton Jr.

Especially my old friend Stilwell, he was very happy to meet him.

Later, he solicited the personal opinions of Stilwell and Patton in a separate conversation, and planned to change the two places to work-the two were already 65 and 63 years old respectively, and they were somewhat inappropriate in the field army.

There is another important reason: the Navy has applied many times to promote Atlantic Fleet Commander-in-Chief Halsey and Pacific Fleet Commander-in-Chief Spruance to five-star admirals. According to the reason of reciprocity, the Army also needs to promote two , Li Junhao intends to recommend these two people. Of course, he didn't mean this at this time.

In a separate conversation, Patton stated that he did not want to leave Europe because he believed that the current Soviet Union was a huge threat to Western European countries, and he was willing to lead the US military to confront it here.

Hearing this, Li Junhao couldn't help but pat his forehead. This Barton was on the same old path again - in his previous life, it was because of this view and persistence that he died inexplicably!

This is not okay. Since I already know this, I can't let this good general die like this!

Li Junhao stayed in Bonn for three days and personally supervised Stilwell and Patton's handover of the work of the two armies - because there had been plans before, the army organization was to be abolished, and this work went smoothly.

On February 2, his special plane took off back to China, taking both generals with him.

On February 2, Roosevelt signed an order promoting Stilwell and Patton to five-star generals in the Army, and promoted Halsey and Spruance to five-star generals in the Navy.

Subsequently, the Joint Chiefs of Staff issued an order appointing Stilwell and Patton as deputy chiefs of staff of the Army.

On the 15th, the White House Joint Chiefs of Staff submitted a proposal to reorganize military management methods to Congress...

On the 18th, the proposal was passed, and Roosevelt signed an order that day to issue the new bill:

1. The Ministry of National Defense shall be established within the government hierarchy to coordinate the daily management of each service department. The minister shall be a civilian official.

2. The White House Joint Chiefs of Staff was upgraded to the National Joint Chiefs of Staff, which is the highest military command and decision-making body under the president of the country. The position of Chairman of the National Joint Chiefs of Staff was established to serve as the convener of the meeting and the chief of general staff of the armed forces, and was directly responsible to the president. .

3. In addition to the Chairman, the other members of the National Joint Chiefs of Staff are the Chief of Staff of the Army, Chief of Naval Operations, Commander of the Air Force, and Commander of the Navy and Land Forces. 4. The Department of the Army, the Department of the Navy, the Department of the Air Force, and the Marine Corps Headquarters are the second-level service departments. Their administrative sequence is under the Ministry of National Defense. They are responsible for the administrative management, force building, strategic training, military service mobilization, and weapons and equipment development of their own services. and procurement and logistics support; during wartime and military operations, it is commanded by the National Joint Chiefs of Staff.

5. The Coast Guard is under the command of the Department of the Navy. The National Guard is under the command of the state governments in peacetime and under the command of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in times of war and military operations.

The establishment of the Department of Defense and the upgrade of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have made the U.S. military system more in line with modern military development, separating administration and command into two systems, each responsible to the president.

On the 20th, with congressional approval, Roosevelt signed a new order:

1. Appoint retired former five-star Navy admiral William Leahy as the first Secretary of Defense.

2. Appoint five-star general Ognyan Lee Panson as the first chairman of the National Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Before Roosevelt retired, Li Junhao promoted the establishment of the Department of Defense and the upgrade of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. On the one hand, it made Congress feel that it had the upper hand in establishing the Department of Defense and whether it was a minister or a civilian. On the other hand, it improved the status of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Elevating it from the president's personal staff to the actual highest military command organization at the national level has further enhanced its authority in the military and consolidated its position in the national political map.

Later, Li Junhao transferred Stilwell to the sea and land, and asked him to serve as deputy commander to look after his house, and freed himself from some administrative affairs - he now understood that the purpose of the promotion was to allow him to live a better life. Being more comfortable does not mean working more! ——

When the United States was adjusting its military command system, something happened again in Eastern Europe!

On February 2, the "February Incident" occurred in Czechoslovakia in Eastern Europe. Then on the 20th, the left-wing power party came to power and fully fell to the Soviet Union.

This incident made Western political circles aware of the threat of the Soviet Union, and the view of "containing the Soviet Union" began to prevail in the West.

Li Junhao is a little helpless about this. The current situation in Eastern Europe is still going the same way as in his previous life, and it directly opened the prelude to the Cold War between the East and the West... No matter how powerful he is, he cannot change the direction of historical development! This made him a little disappointed, but now it was difficult to do anything else.

Well, this is a big topic. My previous thoughts of wanting to relax and be lazy are considered bankrupt, so I’d better work honestly!

In early March, Ayers and Pena announced that they would join the campaign together.

When the news came out, a debate began within the Democratic Party. Those who originally supported Truman or Wallace were a little confused...

Later, Roosevelt publicly stated that he had high expectations for the combination of Ayers and Pena, believing that they are the best people to lead the United States forward!

Then, at a press conference, someone asked the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the five-star General Panson, what he thought of General Ayers’ candidacy. Li Junhao’s answer was: As a professional soldier, he cannot express any opinions on the presidential election. And Mr. Ayers has always been his "boss", so he doesn't dare to judge!

boss? After the word was revealed, media reporters immediately dug up its subsequent meaning: In the past few years, General Panson had served as the chief assistant to the National Security Advisor for a long time, and it was right to call Ayers "Boss"!

Moreover, reporters also found out: General Panson has had a very good personal relationship with Ayers for many years. Even when he returned from serving in the Far East, he lived in Ayers' home for a long time!

The disclosure of these circumstances illustrates one point. Although General Panson cannot comment on the election in his military capacity, he certainly fully supports Ayers!

Considering the military status and popular influence of the five-star General Panson, this will be a huge addition to Ayers' campaign! Some media estimates: the markup ratio is at least more than 10 percentage points!

(End of this chapter)

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