Shadow Spy

Chapter 57 First impression of arriving in Chongqing

Chapter 57 First impression of arriving in Chongqing

Li Junhao once sighed when he saw Willis's weapon samples, but the inventory of weapons donated by Cooper surprised him greatly!From this moment on, he no longer dared to look down on the businessmen of this era.

In addition to firearms, there is also a large amount of ammunition in the basement of the villa. A rough estimate is that there are at least tens of thousands of bullets of various calibers and hundreds of grenades and hand grenades!Together, these weapons and ammunition are enough to equip a standard infantry battalion - except for artillery, of course.

Li Junhao thought that if possible, his current inventory of materials and weapons and equipment would be too wasteful if they were only kept in the portable space. Should he find an opportunity to support the underground party that is currently in a bad situation? As for the Kuomintang army, Come on, a group of guys who are always keen on fighting among themselves!
As he thought about it, he fell asleep amidst the monotonous noise of the propeller engine...
At 3:[-] p.m., three DC-[-] passenger planes landed smoothly at the Guangyangba Military Airport in Chongqing. US Ambassador to China Nelson Johnson, Military Attaché Colonel Joseph Warren Stilwell and other US personnel came to greet them. The Kuomintang government Acting President of the Executive Yuan, Minister of Finance, and President of the Central Bank Kong Xiangxi, Minister of Economic Affairs Weng Wenhao, Minister of Transportation Zhang Jiaao, Minister of Education Chen Lifu, Chairman of the Bank of China Song Ziwen... A group of government giants brought hundreds of politicians, Business people are also waiting at the airport.

When the delegation got off the plane, dozens of reporters from newspapers and radio stations were standing by holding various cameras to capture the shots...

From the moment they got off the plane, Li Junhao, Linda and others had been at the back of the delegation and the Shanghai and Shanghai business people. On the one hand, they did not want to be in the limelight, and on the other hand, they really looked down on the government officials at this time, especially Kong, Song, and Chen Zhiliu, at this time of national peril, made a small contribution far less than the wealth they grabbed from this miserable country. Together with the Jiang family, they were called the "Four Great Families" by later generations, not just because of their influence in the Republic of China. Powerful, but because they have all been nailed to the pillar of shame in history!

I don't know if he knew Li Junhao's thoughts, but the head of the delegation, Lister Rockefeller, did not introduce his daughter to him.However, it is obvious that their identities have long been known to the government responsible for reception. When they left the airport, the car arranged for them was a Lincoln bulletproof car second only to Lister, and the car was even handed over directly to his assistant. Brown and bodyguard Corporal Yuri; as for Linda's two black bodyguards, they got into a bus-like attaché car with other assistants and bodyguards.

The convoy drove west from the airport toward the CQ city. After a few kilometers, it boarded a ferry. After crossing the river, it drove into the mountainous area on the south bank of the Yangtze River. There were soldiers on guard along the way. This shows that the government is very concerned about the safety of the delegation. of.

During this trip, Li Junhao and Linda became the same. They both curiously opened the curtains and looked at the scene outside carefully.

There are also some cars on the street, and occasionally you can see one or two buses. Of course, there are more human rickshaws, and there are also mountain sedans with local characteristics. They are actually sliding poles. However, in order to adapt to Chongqing’s mountainous terrain, mountain sedans The front pole is short and the rear pole is long, which saves effort and ensures safety when walking on steep stone steps. Although it is nearly twice as expensive as a rickshaw, it is welcomed by those with loose money...

At this time, in Chongqing, since the National Government moved here on November 1937, 11, the urban population has suddenly increased from 20 to more than 47. Various municipal services, including water and electricity, cannot be provided at all, and housing is in short supply. Housing prices have soared, and the original residential areas are overcrowded. Many people without houses have to build simple shacks in wastelands to live in, and many people have become beggars... Under this situation, the urban residents Of course, the environment is not much better. Except for a few main roads, the other streets and alleys are filled with sewage and garbage. The smell of the urban area is simply indescribable!

Due to the influx of a large number of people, Chongqing's economy has also shown an unusual prosperity. Factories, shops, restaurants, etc. have increased more than ten times in one year; there are now many Western restaurants and cafes that were relatively rare in the past. There are even more than ten newly opened banks... Of course, there is also a sharp increase in foreign trade, making the ancient city of Chongqing the economic center of the southwest half!
In addition, since October 1938, 10, the Japanese Army Air Force has changed its previous irregular exploratory bombings into planned large-scale bombings, and targeted civilian areas and ordinary people in CQ urban areas!
After the Japanese army captured Wuhan, on December 12, the Japanese base camp ordered the Central China Front to launch an "air invasion to attack the enemy's strategic center and simultaneously conduct an air annihilation war" into Chongqing. This was a formal declaration of strategic bombing of Chongqing, with the purpose of It was hoped to shock the Chinese military and civilians who persisted in the war of resistance and undermine the will of the Kuomintang government to resist the war.

Starting from January 1939, the Japanese Naval Air Force also joined in. The density and scale of air raids were rapidly escalating, causing more and more damage to Chongqing!

In response to the Japanese bombing, the Nationalist Government had to build numerous air-raid shelters and strengthen its capabilities in terms of air defense warning and intelligence acquisition in order to reduce losses; government agencies basically moved out of urban areas and away from densely populated areas. , the purpose is to increase the warning time and reduce losses when being attacked by air strikes.

Although many air-raid shelters have been dug, on the one hand, the number and area are not enough to protect all citizens. On the other hand, ordinary public air-raid shelter facilities are very simple and the safety situation is not good; and the acquisition and transmission of intelligence cannot be fully completed. Until it is timely and effective, it is impossible to provide timely warning every time so that citizens have sufficient time to save themselves...

For these reasons, the Japanese air raids still caused great harm to the urban area of ​​CQ. When vehicles passed by, broken walls and ruins could be seen from time to time on both sides of the street, and some ragged people were looking for usable things in the ruins. Most of them are old people and children, and they all have skinny and discolored faces, which makes people feel sad!

Looking at these scenes, Linda's eyes gradually turned red, and she couldn't help but ask: "King, why are the Japanese so bad that they bomb urban areas and don't even spare civilians?"

Li Junhao was silent for a moment and then said: "This is war!"

Hearing this, everyone in the car, including Brown and Yuri who were driving and escorting in the front row, fell silent.Yes, this is the true face of war. During a war, who can stay out of it?
(End of this chapter)

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