Shadow Spy

Chapter 58 Bazhou Hotel at this time

Chapter 58 Bazhou Hotel at this time

Nearly an hour later, the convoy crossed the river again and drove onto the Yuzhong Peninsula in the center of the river. Soon it arrived at a bungalow area shaded by green trees. From a distance, soldiers from the US Marine Corps were seen on duty in front. If there is a vehicle with an American flag in the convoy, salute immediately and let it pass.

The motorcade parked in front of a two-and-a-half-story slope-roofed building facing east and west, which was the U.S. Embassy in China at this time (No. 1 Jianjian Road, Yuzhong).

The embassy is a brick-and-wood structure imitating the Baroque style, with a width of 32.5 meters, a depth of 12.73 meters, and a height of 10.73 meters. It has 28 rooms. It is the new residence of the US Embassy that moved after the Nationalist Government moved to Chongqing.

At this time, outside the building gate, a group of embassy officials were waiting in line. When they saw the domestic business delegation arriving, they immediately stepped forward to greet them warmly, and naturally they hugged and exchanged greetings.For these diplomats stationed abroad, they are extremely happy to see domestic visitors; and the delegation did not come empty-handed. They brought many condolences along with them, and the embassy staff and the Marines who served as escorts carried them happily!
After sending the delegation off, the government officials politely left and agreed to hold a reception for the delegation at noon the next day, at the Huguang Guild Hall, seven kilometers east of the Yuzhong Peninsula.

In addition, the Bazhou Hotel, three kilometers west of here, is the accommodation place prepared by the government for the delegation and can be checked in at any time.When the government officials left, they left behind 50 cars as transportation for the delegation; there were also [-] plainclothes security personnel responsible for protecting the safety of the delegation in Chongqing.

After a brief meeting with the people from the embassy headed by Jason, the group led by Lister got in the car again and drove to the Bazhou Hotel three kilometers to the west to check in. Everyone was tired from the journey and needed to take a rest first; in the evening, the embassy would check in at the hotel. A welcome banquet was held, which was only attended by members of the delegation. As for those merchants from Shanghai and Shanghai who came with them, they were not eligible to participate.

The Bazhou Hotel is a Western-style hotel opened in 1935. It is a three-story masonry and cement building with 80 guest rooms. It was a relatively luxurious hotel at the time. Its investing shareholders included warlords from Sichuan Province, giant businessmen from Bashu and businessmen from the United Kingdom and the United States. The delegation stayed here. It's very suitable here.For the safety of the U.S. trade delegation, the entire hotel was booked by the U.S. Embassy. The National Government originally wanted to bear the cost, but the embassy refused.

After arriving at the hotel, the delegation members all went to rest, while the Shanghai-Hai merchants who came with them left the hotel one after another and went to find their familiar relatives and friends. Under the current circumstances, it would not be long to come to Chongqing from Shanghai and Hai-Hai. Easy, each of them has very important things to do, so of course they can't afford to rest.

Because of the delegation's stay, the entire Bazhou Hotel was tightly sealed. Each floor of the building was guarded by the delegation's bodyguards and marines sent by the embassy. The 50 plainclothes personnel left by the government were in charge of the hotel. A military police company from the national government is responsible for guarding the entrances, exits, and parking lots. Even the local police station has set up checkpoints at several intersections within a two-kilometer radius to check people entering and exiting!Such security measures can be said to be airtight, in order to eliminate all people or behaviors that may endanger the business delegation.

For the current National Government, the visit of the US trade delegation is a very important and timely matter, and it has given a boost to the pro-European and American factions within the Kuomintang!While the delegation was staying and resting, countless people were contacting, meeting, and having secret conversations in various offices and official residences of the National Government...
In the Bazhou Hotel, after Li Junhao sent Linda to the room, he entered the room on the other side of the corridor. Brown, Yuri and two black bodyguards lived in the rooms on both sides respectively and continued to act as guards.

After taking a nice hot bath, Li Junhao put on his loose pajamas, sat in front of the window of the room, took out a box of red-shell Marlboro cigarettes that he brought before departing from Shanghai, and looked at them with interest. , the handwriting on it indicated that this was a box of mixed products for trial sale, and then he opened the package... He was a smoker in his previous life, but he had so many things to do before that he didn't even think of it. Not long ago, he saw the condolence materials brought by the trader. The presence of Hongwan aroused his desire to smoke.

He took out a cigarette, picked up a box of matches from the small table in front of the window, struck it and lit the cigarette - in fact, using matches was a long time ago for him. After thinking about it, it seemed that he had Except for using fireproof matches when taking the team out for expansion training and camping a few times, I have never used them at other times!
Because there was no filter, tobacco sticks to his lips when he smoked in his mouth, so he had to "poof" from time to time. The smell of the cigarette was also very strong, which made him cough uncontrollably. However, this also made him cough. Here's an idea - cigarettes and filters are also a good business! ——
At six o'clock in the evening, members of the delegation came to the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel. Many staff from the embassy had already come and arranged the restaurant in the form of a buffet.

At 06:30, Ambassador Johnson and Mr. List walked into the restaurant together and announced the start of the welcome reception.Jensen and Rist delivered brief speeches respectively. The former expressed a warm welcome to the compatriots from China and wished them all the best in their inspection and business activities; the latter thanked the embassy for its thoughtful hospitality and expressed his gratitude to the diplomats for persisting in working in the war zone. I express my admiration and appreciation, and have brought some condolences to everyone. I hope everyone will protect their own safety while working hard...

Next, a group of diplomats and big businessmen deepened their understanding of each other. Many people had common topics, and the scene was very lively for a while.

This time, Li Junhao and Linda were introduced to Jason and the diplomats of the embassy by Lister. Because of his solemn attitude, the people in the embassy and the delegation members were very surprised, because during the introduction, Lister actually said It was because Li Junhao, a young low-level diplomat, was the most important person, but he only mentioned his daughter lightly!
"Are you little Ogg? Yes, you are young and energetic. You are a good boy!" Ambassador Johnson said with an unexpected smile, "It has been almost a month since you came to China. How do you feel?"

"Hello, Mr. Ambassador!" Li Junhao nodded politely and saluted, "I feel mixed feelings! On the one hand, I started my career in Shanghai in the Far East, and my work is going smoothly so far; on the other hand, now The situation in China makes me very worried! Although I have not been to a real battlefield, I can see the cruelty of war just from the current situation in Shanghai and Chongqing..."

(End of this chapter)

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