Shadow Spy

Chapter 94 Joint Meeting of Various Agencies

Chapter 94 Joint Meeting of Various Agencies

"What happened next?" He Dongming asked.

"Later?" Li Junhao said with a smile, "Later, the old Japanese soldier Akagi who was beaten speechless by me was awaiting trial, the six Japanese policemen who were maimed for drawing a gun in front of me were dismissed and arrested, and the one who was seriously injured was The killers will be handed over to our American Deputy Commissioner of Police for trial... Don't worry, they won't be able to leave the rental area alive!"

He Dongming was a little suspicious of life at this time. The American guy in front of him, who looked handsome and kind and could speak fluent Chinese, was actually so cruel and evil!But thinking about it again, if the target is the Japanese devils, it seems... If you have the ability to do it, you will do it yourself!

After three times of tea, Li Junhao was all done with the wine. He stood up with a smile and said goodbye. Today's lunch has been long enough and it's time to go back.

He Dongming saw him out of the restaurant and took him back to the Consulate General in his own car. On the way, he told him that the villa on Yuyuan Road was almost decorated. The finishing touches were completed this afternoon and he could move in tomorrow. Vehicles would be arranged to help with the move tomorrow.

Li Junhao smiled and refused, saying that he and a few people around him only had to bring clothes. It turned out that the things in the house would not be moved, so there was no need to go to war. Then he asked about the price. Of course, the money for decoration and additions would be paid, but he could I don't want to get the reputation of taking advantage of others.

He Dongming understood his character at this time, so he quoted a price of 8 French currency. Li Junhao directly handed over 4000 US dollars to settle the account.
It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon when I returned to the office.Seeing him coming in from the outside, Miliya and Brown stood up in surprise. They had always thought that the boss was sleeping in the office!

Li Junhao felt warm when he saw the lunch the two brought him. He took it with a smile and said he was taking it back for dinner!But he didn't mention the money. Although he knew this was an authentic American way of doing things, he didn't want to do it.If the two men understand, he will give them enough rewards. This is Chinese thinking.
Sitting behind the desk, Li Junhao first recalled the content of the conversation with He Dongming just now, and made sure that he had not made a mistake or said something that he should not have said.

He Dongming is an interesting person. Although he has not met his father yet, Li Junhao has already made a judgment about the father and son - they should be people from the government. As for which lineage they belong to, he prefers Song, Kong, and Chen. Of course, a small number of these three companies may be related to other forces, but it is unlikely that they are related to the military.One of the reasons for this judgment is that the He family is too rich, but the current military commander, Boss Dai, is still poor!

If his judgment is correct, it would be interesting. Why did the He family approach him?In other words, what do you have that they can use?
As for what he revealed today, the confidentiality level is actually not very high, and everything that needs to be known will be known soon.From this point of view, although the He family is rich, they are not good at intelligence. This is also an important reason why he judged that they are not related to the military. With the style of the military, there must be undercovers or informants in the police department. At that time The situation at the scene should have been reported to Chongqing long ago!
Putting the He family's affairs aside in advance, he began to check the system panel. After the assassination incident this morning, the system had rewards, but he had never paid attention to them.

"The host killed three agents of the Japanese Mei Agency and seriously injured one prisoner. The host will be rewarded with 800 gold coins." "The host beat and insulted the Japanese nobleman (baron level) Akagi Yikayuki in public, and the host will be rewarded with 1000 gold coins."

"The host disabled 6 Japanese patrolmen and was rewarded with 300 gold coins."

Huh?The old devil Akagi is quite valuable!Just slapping him twice would give you 1000 gold coins. How much would you get if you kill him directly?He took it to heart.
At the same time, in the conference room of the Japanese Navy’s China Repatriation Fleet Headquarters in Hongkou, there were the Consul General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in Shanghai Miura Yoshiaki, the Deputy Consul General and Iwai Agency Chief Eiichi Iwai, and the Director of the Central China Liaison Department of Koya Academy Haruta Shizue of the Navy. General, Chief of the Special Agency of the General Staff Headquarters, Colonel Kage Sasakiaki, Rear Admiral Hehikojiro, the Naval Attaché in Shanghai, Chief of Staff of the Naval Third Fleet (Shanghai), Rear Admiral Toshihisa Nakamura, Commander of the Naval Special Marine Corps in Shanghai Major General Kanmatsuji Renmao, Kodama Agency Chief Kodama and Shifu Colonel, Major General Maeda Masami, Chief of the Army Provincial Secret Service in Shanghai, Central China Dispatch Army Headquarters Section 13 (Intelligence Section) and Section [-] (Government Affairs Section) ) Section Chief Takeo Imai, No. [-] Military Headquarters Special Operations Chief Yoshitaro Kawamoto, Commander of the Military Police in Shanghai Major General Miura Saburo, and more than a dozen heads of secret service agencies in Shanghai are having an emergency meeting. The theme of the meeting is this morning's assassination. The bad impact of the incident!
The conveners of the meeting were Consul General Miura Yoshiaki and Koya Yuan Central China Liaison Minister Shizue Haruta. They are currently the highest-ranking political and military officials in Shanghai. They believe that this incident is extremely bad and has seriously affected Japan. Interests in Shanghai must be seriously reviewed and remedied, otherwise they will lose control of the order in the concession.

After the meeting began, Iwai Eiichi reported what happened and proposed a strict investigation: Which agency sent people to implement the assassination plan?This matter must be clarified first.

After listening, everyone present had different expressions. The generals and colonels of the navy and army were all silent. They smoked when they should and drank tea when they should. No one expressed concern or took responsibility. To them, The concession issue is a matter for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so what does it have to do with you?
However, Kage Sasaki couldn't sit still, hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully: "Miura-dono, Iwai-kun, this assassination was carried out by our Mei agency special agent team. I'm sorry for causing you trouble!" , stood up and bowed ninety degrees to the two of them.

"It's you..." Hide Iwai was so angry that he wanted to curse, but was stopped by Miura Yoshiaki.

Although Miura Yoshiaki stopped Iwai, he was also angry himself and said in a bad tone: "Kage Sa-kun, I know that your Mei Agency is a special agency of the General Staff Headquarters and has many special powers. However, this time, in the concession, a The assassination of an American diplomat was not notified to our consulate in advance. Isn’t it too much?”

"Ha Yi! This matter is indeed something we didn't consider well. I'm deeply sorry for the trouble it caused to the consulate! If the follow-up processing requires the Mei Agency to come forward, we will definitely cooperate!" Yingzuo Zhenzhao continued to bow.

These words put Miura Yoshiaki into a dilemma. We have already done the co-authoring thing, and now we are apologizing. What are the consequences that we cannot control and leave it to our own devices?
(End of this chapter)

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