Shadow Spy

Chapter 95 The chaotic process of the meeting

Chapter 95 The chaotic process of the meeting

"Fuck!" Vice Admiral Shizue Haruta, who was sitting on the upper side, laughed unkindly. Immediately, all the military personnel couldn't help but laugh - even at each other's jokes about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There is no harmony, but both the navy and the army are happy to see it.

Miura Yoshiaki cursed "Baga" in his heart, and almost lost control of his expression and lost his temper on the spot!
Eiichi Iwai on the side was almost furious. If Kage Sasaki hadn't come wearing a military uniform, he swore: He would definitely go back to the office and hack him to death with his beloved sword!
After Yingzuo Zhenzhao apologized, he sat back and stared at the table, thinking about his own affairs. The previous negotiation process with Wang Puppet had entered a critical stage. An opportunity to truly split the Kuomintang government was right in front of him. As long as If the operation is successful, the empire can support a national political power that can resist the National Government in Chongqing, raise the banner of orthodoxy, divide, win over, and gather those Kuomintang forces that are dissatisfied with Chairman Chiang, and quickly complete the full occupation of China, etc. The achievements can be said to be unparalleled and outstanding!
Compared with such a great cause, what can be said about an unsuccessful assassination operation in the Shanghai Concession!

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Yingzuo Zhenzhao. Wu Sibao was almost beaten to death by Li Junhao before. Li Shiqun, the actual ruler of No. 76, could not suppress the surging dissatisfaction among his men and could only find the Mei Agency. At that time, Yingzuo He was busy negotiating with Wang Ni and had no time to pay attention to him, so he complained to Lieutenant Commander Qingqi Qingyin.

Lieutenant Colonel Qingqi was also utilitarian and wanted to better control Li Shiqun and the No. 76 agent headquarters when the new puppet government was established, so he agreed to his request and sent out special agents to avenge Wu Sibao and other bullied traitor agents. The agents of the team thought they could complete the mission easily, but unexpectedly they stumbled into a big trap!
When Yingzuo Zhenzhao found out about this, it was a done deal, and Qingqi was his most capable assistant, so he had no choice but to take over the matter.However, in his heart, it was not really a big deal.
In the conference room, after laughing, Lieutenant General Shizue Haruta felt that he had gone too far. After all, the Koya Institute he served in was an agency established by the cabinet to coordinate the various forces in the occupied area. The president was the prime minister, and one of the vice presidents included the Army. The minister and the navy minister are responsible for coordinating the military, administrative departments, and enterprises in China. Now, the careless Mei government has caused trouble, which has adversely affected the consulate's plan to control the concession. He is also responsible for coordinating and solving the problem. !So, he straightened his face and said, "Miura-kun, something has happened, and the situation is quite urgent. Do you have any remedial measures?"

I rely on you MMP!Miura Yoshiaki and Iwai Eiichi both cursed in their hearts, what remedial measures do we have?It’s as if we were the cause of the problem!But Haruta is a senior navy vice admiral, and they really don’t have the courage to scold him in person!After looking at each other, Eiichi Iwai said: "At 24 o'clock this morning, Political Counselor Sheehan of the US Consulate General has issued an ultimatum to us, requiring us to withdraw from the Ministry of Industry and Police Department within [-] hours. Otherwise they will take necessary measures..."

What?All the officers present were a little angry. The Americans dared to threaten the empire like this. Who gave them the courage?
Regarding the modern military system, the Japanese Army first learned from France, and then added the Bushido spirit of its own country, while the Navy completely learned from the British system, and neither side paid attention to the United States!Moreover, in modern history, the Japanese archipelago was opened by US warships. This is a great shame written in the history books!Although this led to the start of the Meiji Restoration and turned Japan into a powerful country in Asia, the shame cannot be erased.

At this time, faced with the threat from the U.S. Consulate, the navy and army generals were angry. The first to speak was Colonel Yoshitaro Kawamoto, the secret service chief of the No. 13 Army, "In this case, why don't we take the opportunity to make this matter bigger and send out Troops are stationed in the concession to solve all problems once and for all!”

After hearing this, all the army generals echoed - yes, if the concession is directly occupied and under military control, all problems will be solved, so what else is there to discuss?
At this time, the Navy was silent. Although they looked down on the current military power of the United States and were very interested in occupying the public concessions and expanding the Japanese concessions, since this idea was proposed by the Army, they could never agree to it. !Just kidding, the Japanese Navy is now invincible in Asia, and its biggest enemy is the Japanese Army. No act of collusion with the enemy is allowed in any aspect!
Therefore, Rear Admiral Toshihisa Nakamura, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Navy's Third Fleet (stationed in Shanghai), immediately said: "Yotaro Kawamoto, this is a very serious joint meeting of agencies stationed in Shanghai. If your IQ is not enough for you to make rational suggestions, , just don’t speak, lest it affect the reputation of our imperial army!”

Next to him, Major General He Yanjiro, who was stationed in the Qinwu Government Office of the Navy in Shanghai, chuckled and said in a low voice: "I know this guy was considered a top student in mainland China at the time. I heard he was quite smart. I didn't expect him to be here." After staying in the army for a long time, I really turned into a stupid red deer..."

"Hahaha..." The naval generals present suddenly burst into laughter!
"Baga..." The army generals all slapped the table angrily and stood up, and started shouting curses... Of course the navy generals couldn't just listen, they immediately slapped the table, stood up and sprayed back, although there were few people. A bit strange, but this is the headquarters of the navy, and it can defeat the army!
Miura Yoshiaki and Iwai Eiichi were both dumbfounded and at a loss what to do!You know, the generals of the navy and army dared to fight in front of the emperor, and now of course they dared even more in front of him. How could they control it?
The only person in the army who did not get into trouble was Kage Sasaki. He had been thinking about things and had no idea what was going on. Seeing that the generals of the army and navy were making trouble again, he also had a headache!You must know that his main task now is to help Wang Ni form a puppet government. The Mei organ specially established by the General Staff Headquarters for this purpose is jointly composed of various units. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of War, the Military Command Department, etc. all sent people to participate. In name, He is also the guiding body of various secret service agencies stationed in Shanghai, but he is a small assistant and has nothing to do with the conflicts between the army and the navy!

But Yingzuo's performance made the army generals very dissatisfied - is this guy a traitor?He actually didn't help when he was fighting with the navy!
The navy generals didn't think much of him either - this guy must be a coward. Now that the army has so many people, he doesn't dare to stand up and curse, he must be a coward!

(End of this chapter)

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