The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 162 How did you know I was here?

Gu Shiwei turned around decisively and walked towards Han Shiyan, "Has Li Dongyang made arrangements?"

Han Shiyan nodded. He restrained himself from asking about Gu Shiwei's injuries. He only said, "The carriage is down there. I will help you collect evidence from the scene."

As he spoke, he remembered Gu Shiwei's question. While picking up the bloody silk thread that fell on the ground, he explained, "It's easy to offend people when you are a censor. After I confessed my future plans to my parents, they asked my uncle for help." Come and have a look."

"If Chang Guan had stayed in the palace, he might have been promoted to one of the six imperial belts."

Hearing the word "imperial belt", Gu Shiwei looked at Chang Guan with a somewhat friendly look.

There are 400,000 imperial troops around the official family, and only six of them become imperial guards, that is, personal guards. Each of these six people are top-notch masters. Not only are they loyal to the official family, but they are also born with majestic appearance.

Gu Shiwei's father was the head of the six imperial belts at that time.

Military attachés were attrited a lot, and when a group died, another group would be replaced. Young men like Chang Guan, who were probably found from various parts of the Yong Dynasty when they were young, were extremely talented in martial arts. They had been secretly training them since they were young. He will join the imperial army later, and will be supplemented as a royal belt in the future.

However, Gu Shiwei felt that even if Chang Guan joined the Forbidden Army, he would most likely not be able to become a royal belt.

If there was a guard with big teeth and a silly smile standing next to an official, all the civil and military officials in the court would secretly be frightened and think that Dayong was about to die!

"My mother was worried about my safety. After I moved out to live alone, she arranged a team of secret guards to protect me. Once the whistle was blown, they would come quickly. But I like peace and quiet and didn't let them get too close. Li Dongyang He was handed over to their protection and sent to the princess's residence."

"Those people who came to attack us were well-trained. They were all wearing night clothes and covering their faces. There were no people with flying bird masks. When they saw something was wrong, they quickly evacuated without fighting."

Han Shiyan was not vague and explained everything over there clearly.

As he spoke, he gathered up the bloody threads scattered on the ground, then picked up the big bow that was thrown on the ground by the bird-masked man, held it in his hand and walked to Gu Shiwei's side, joining her Go down the mountain.

Gu Shinwei was not surprised. Han Shiyan's small building was in Bianjing City. The longer they delayed, the easier it was for them to be discovered by patrolling soldiers and make the matter worse. Anyone who was not a fool would make a quick decision and leave immediately.

She walked a few steps, and when she saw Chang Guan, she suddenly stopped. "How did you know that I was at the mass grave and still chased after me?"

Isn't this strange?

She used Qinggong to track the masked man to the mass grave, and when Han Shiyan and the others ended their battle, she should have disappeared. Bianjing City is so big, there are several gates in all directions.

Was it Han Shiyan or Chang Guan, with his hands and eyes as far as the sky, who could predict that they would come to the mass grave and chase them in time?


Gu Shinwei looked at Han Shiyan with burning eyes, and Han Shiyan instantly became angry.

His face darkened, and he sneered, "Well, I'm with the thief. I'm not going to kill myself for fun. Once I get out of trouble, I will immediately chase you with the medicine box. I think if you are not killed, I will use the golden sore The powder buried you alive."

"Then I buried Li Dongyang in the yard with golden sore medicine, and planted a pear tree on top of his head. When the pears will bear in the future, I will make baskets of pear candy and place them on Gu's grave. Go up and let you eat day and night, and you will eat it every day for three lifetimes."

What do you mean by a dog biting Lu Dongbin? I don’t know the good heart, but I’m talking about Gu Shiwei, a habitual criminal who crossed rivers and demolished bridges!

Gu Shiwei's eyes widened in horror. She pointed at Han Shiyan with trembling fingers, "You are too vicious!" Han Shiyan snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves and walked forward quickly. After walking a few steps, he saw Gu Shinwei. Before he could catch up, he frowned again and walked back angrily. He glanced at Gu Shiwei's wound, and when he saw that there was no further bleeding, he flicked his sleeves and walked toward the foot of the mountain.

Chang Guan on the side looked at him like this, his eyes lit up a bit.

Placed on this mass grave, it looked like two will-o'-the-wisps that had just emerged from the cemetery, which was not scary at all.

Gu Shiwei recovered from the pain of Li Gaotang, and landed beside Han Shiyan with a light step, "You haven't answered my question yet? If it were you, wouldn't you ask me?"

Han Shiyan was stunned, if it were him!

He froze thinking about it and became more and more annoyed!

Now he was not angry with Gu Shiwei, but with himself! If it were him, he wouldn't have a single doubt about the life in front of him!

"Jing Li came to look for you. It was just over at that time, so I asked Chang Guan to come with him. When he was at the foot of the mountain just now, he smelled a strong smell of blood from both places. This blood smell overshadowed the The smell on your body makes it impossible for him to determine your specific location."

"So we divided our forces into two groups and came out to look for you! Can Mrs. Gu take back your suspicion of Han now?"

Gu Shiwei looked at Han Shiyan's furious look and cleared his throat, "You can ask me next time, I promise you won't be annoyed!"

Han Shiyan chuckled, "You're not angry, you just drew your sword!"

"How do you know! This is incredible! You, Han Yushi, have discovered all the advantages in my body! But I am the right ally. After all, I have also discovered your shortcomings! Such a tacit understanding!"

Gu Shiwei said and blinked at Han Shiyan.

Han Shiyan was originally angry, but when he saw her like this and her somewhat white lips, most of his anger disappeared in an instant.

"When you walk, look at your feet. Don't fall and the wound will open again!"

Hearing this, Gu Shiwei looked over with some surprise, "I'm fine, just a little injured! It's just a pity that the masked man escaped! He is very familiar with the terrain of this mass grave, and even the deep cliff The pits have been explored in advance.”

"Although he jumped off the cliff, I think he probably didn't die. There was a way for him to escape."

"I didn't jump down, I still have to save my life, the future is long!"

Although there is a saying that people with good skills are bold, but there is a second masked man, but Gu Shiwei will not have a second one.

Although Gu Shiwei didn't elaborate, Han Shiyan felt his heart beating in his throat just thinking about that scene, and he felt a little dizzy.

"You did the right thing! The days are long and there is no need to risk your life for such a thug."

Han Shiyan said as he opened the curtain of the carriage and got in. As soon as Gu Shiwei got closer, he was almost vomited by the familiar smell of medicine there.

She looked toward the middle of the carriage and saw a large jar placed in the middle, which was a suitable size for holding ashes and pickles. There is a sign posted on the outside of the jar with the words "Golden Sore Medicine" written on it!

Good guy! Han Shiyan didn't talk nonsense at first, he really wanted to bury her with the golden sore medicine! Is the golden sore medicine in your house used to paste the walls? Make such a big jar!

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