The most ferocious sword of the Imperial City Division

Chapter 186 The Ma Family and the Weak

So can she rule out Jiang Yi and Ma Fengchun?


She can win over Jing Li. Jiang Yi and Ma Fengchun have been working hard in the Imperial City Division for several years, so how can they not even have a trusted subordinate to collect pigeons for them? After all, the masked man also brought six men in black to create a sword formation!

Jiang Yi and Ma Fengchun could have completely received the news and immediately sent someone to lure her to the mass grave with cold arrows at Han Shi's banquet, and then pretended to jump off the cliff and return to the Imperial City in a dusty manner.

After all, Jiang Yi just happened to throw out an alibi and an explanation for his new injuries. Was this a clever show of goodwill on his part, or a deliberate cover-up? Who can say for sure in such a face-to-face meeting?

Gu Shiwei went downstairs thoughtfully. As soon as the hilt of her sword stretched out a tip, the canteen on the first floor, which had been noisy just a moment ago, suddenly heard a needle drop.

Seeing this, Jing Li hurriedly wiped his mouth, trotted over and stood next to Gu Shiwei.

Gu Shiwei was speechless until he reached the secluded place before he said to Jing Li, "What are the origins of Jiang Yi and Ma Fengchun? Ma Fengchun's surname is Ma, is he related to Ma Hongying's Ma family?"

Jing Li hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Yes and no!"

Jing Li said, leaning close to Gu Shiwei's ear, his eyes sparkling, "How about your extraordinary swordsmanship! We are obviously people living in Bianjing, but I even want to marry a rat in the ditch. I went over to take a look, but my lord was completely focused on it and didn’t even hear about this shocking secret!”

The corner of Gu Shinwei's mouth twitched, you already said it was a secret, how could she know it!

She thought for a while and couldn't help but ask, "Are you writing tabloids secretly?"

The Great Yong Dynasty not only had official newspapers, but also many tabloids circulated privately. They not only covered some important court affairs, but also compiled rumors in the streets. Jing Li seemed to have learned how to be a clone, lying under all the beds in Bianjing City every day and eavesdropping. If he went to sell tabloids, he would definitely be as good as the richest man, Mrs. Wang.

Jing Li didn't answer for a while, he shook his head, and then looked at Gu Shiwei firmly, "Your Excellency, if you want me to write a tabloid, I'll go right away..."

Gu Shiwei waved his hand wordlessly, "That's not necessary. We serve in the Imperial City Department and cannot act in a high-profile manner."

Jing Li nodded excitedly, "General Ma returned to Bianjing to report on his duties and brought Ma Fengchun back. He said that he was an orphan picked up on the battlefield and wanted to inherit the Ma family's legacy as his own. He even changed his name and called him Ma Fengchun."

"General Ma's wife has given birth to daughters one after another, and there is no son to inherit the family. This matter of adoption may not be negotiable in other people's homes. But Mrs. Ma is different from ordinary people. She immediately whistled..."

"Good guy! In an instant, all the dogs from all over the country rushed out and barked at General Ma. Mrs. Ma held a riding whip and scolded General Ma. She put down her bold words and said that if General Ma could defeat her, she would immediately kill Ma Fengchun Ji. It is in my own name, and none of the seven daughters will compete for the property."

"If General Ma loses, then he must admit who said women are inferior to men! From now on, he will not mention anything about adopting concubines."

Jing Li spoke vividly and interestingly, and Gu Shinwei felt a little excited when he thought about that scene.

"The world only hears birds paying homage to the phoenix, but that day it was like ten thousand dogs singing together! I once heard from my grandfather that at that time all the dogs in Bianjing City were rushing to wave flags and cheer for Mrs. Ma. General Ma had fought with people, but how could he fight with dogs? Have you ever fought in a war?”

"The couple beat each other until the sun and the moon fell, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the dog's voice was hoarse! Madam Ma's last whip, almost caused General Ma to die off his descendants! In the end, Ma Fengchun was not able to enter the Ma family..."

"At that time, people who went to watch the excitement in front of Ma's house were blocked for a mile. Mrs. Ma was in front of them, and no one dared to say anything after Ma Hongying went to the battlefield." "Many people secretly said, It is said that Ma Fengchun's temperament is quite similar to that of General Ma in all aspects. It may be that he accidentally gave birth to a son outside in his early years. Later, when he saw that Mrs. Ma had never given birth to a son, he wanted to bring him back to recognize his ancestor."

"Ma Fengchun disappeared later. It wasn't until Mr. Zhang became the envoy of the Imperial City that he was dug out from nowhere."

When Jing Li said this, he raised his head proudly, "Because it has been so long, many people don't recognize him. But I recognized him. I was sitting on my grandpa's shoulder at that time, and I saw it really clearly! That General Ma brought Ma Fengchun from Bianjing!"

Gu Shiwei's heart moved slightly.

She had not forgotten that if she had not discovered Li Dongyang in the secret room and then fought against the masked man in the mass grave, she would have originally wanted to visit General Ma's Mansion at night to confirm whether there was anyone suspected of using Emei thorns in the manor.

The reason why she suspected Mian Jin was related to the Ma family at first was because of the method of taming animals.

Now according to Jing Li, Madam Ma's ability to tame animals is much better than she imagined.

Then Ma Fengchun, who is related to the Ma family, is one of the people she focuses on. Although Ma Fengchun looked a bit upright and stupid just now, people can pretend.

Gu Shiwei thought, and marked the name Ma Fengchun heavily on the list in his mind.

Her eyes moved, and she remembered what Ma Fengchun had asked her if she wanted to move to the Imperial City Division, and then recalled the alibi, and said to Jing Li, "Do you know who was in the Imperial City Division last night? "

Jing Li was startled, his expression became solemn, and he stamped his feet with some regret, "It's because I relied too much on this nose. I always thought that I would bump into them one by one and smell the blood, and get into the horns of the bull."

"Wei Changming and Guan Jing are on duty in the palace recently and cannot leave the palace. Li Zhongyun is a member of the Queen Mother clan. He has a big house at home and does not live in the Imperial City on weekdays. Recently, it was his turn to take a rest for several days. Not coming."

"The subordinates of Zhu Ibis don't know that he is an invisible person; although Zhai Di has a house in Bianjing City, he usually does not return home when he is not pregnant; Tao Yu has no family and has never been married, and has always lived in the Imperial City. . Sir, you can rule out Tao Yu, Tao Yu doesn’t know martial arts.”

Gu Shiwei was thinking about it, and when he heard Tao Yu's name again, he asked, "How did Tao Yu get into the Imperial City Division?"

Jing Li shook his head, "I only know that he was a Jinshi before, but then he got a very hideous scar on his face for some reason, so he quit being a civil servant and came to the Imperial City Department. Although he doesn't know martial arts, he is very powerful. "

"We can't come back with important letters and cipher text, and then a group of warriors can't understand it! Now it's up to Tao Yu."

"There are also those account books and so on. Civil servants are good at killing civil servants. We have to kill them with real swords and guns. Tao Yu is the one who kills people without blood! He doesn't know what he has gone through, and he is full of pity. …and he is extremely vindictive.”

"Although he is the weakest in the entire Imperial City Department, no one dares to offend that lunatic!"

He felt a little numb when he thought of Tao Yu, because when he told Gu Shiwei to command, he deliberately left him at the last position. (End of chapter)

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